June 30, 2022 "A hundred beautiful branches are as red as fire, and the only one in the bush is proud and leading the coquettish." This is a good sentence of the poet "leaning on the railing and listening to the cicadas at dusk" to praise the elm-leaf plum. Plum blossoms with bea

June 30, 2022

"A hundred beautiful branches are as red as fire, and the only one in the bush is proud and leading the coquettish." This is the poet's "leaning on the railing and listening to the cicadas at dusk" to praise elm leaf plum .

Elmium elata, with its beautiful and colorful flowers, is one of the best.

The flowers and leaves are small and delicate, as beautiful as elm leaves, and full of green; the flowers are clustered, beautiful and pink, resembling plum blossoms, hence the name.

Today, we went to appreciate the plum blossoms.

Self-painted beautiful portrait

Easy name and good name

Elm plum , Xiaotaohong, Elm leaf luan branch

Beautiful image

It is a shrub sparse small tree , 2-3 meters high. The branches are gray, the leaves are broadly oval to obovate, and the flowers are single to double, purple-red. drupe red, nearly spherical. The flowering period is from April to May, and the fruiting period is from May to July.

Growth environment

likes a light environment, is slightly tolerant to shade and cold. The soil requirements are not strict.

Grows on slopes or ditches beside trees, shrubs or forest edges.

It is planted in most parks across China. Russia has it too.

Ornamental value : The branches and leaves are vigorous, the greenery is lush, the flowers are blooming, and they are beautiful and pink, and are deeply loved by flower lovers.

Medicinal value : The seeds treat slippery intestines and diuretic. The branches cure jaundice.

Historical value : Ulmus elata has been cultivated in China for hundreds of years and is planted in most parks across the country.

The language of flowers

A cluster of flowers : In the blooming season, the flowers are competing for beauty, the trees are full of flowers, and the colors are gorgeous.

is stunning and beautiful, and full of spring.

Beautiful spring : April is full of beauty, spring is in full bloom, plum blossoms are in full bloom, and flowers are blooming, lighting up the spring. The sky and earth are radiant and shining, making people happy physically and mentally.

prosperous : Spring returns to the earth, the green leaves of elm leaves and plum blossoms are blooming, full of vitality, and the flowers are blooming like a sea, competing to bloom, and everyone is thriving.

There are poems in flowers

One-cut plum · Elm leaf plum

Author: Wang Chenchang

The leaves are green and the flowers are red and fresh.

is already a concept. Also known as Mei Guan.

are more than enough.

stay tuned. Take a look at it.