Flooring is a very important part of home decoration, and most families choose ceramic tiles as decorative materials. Moreover, these ceramic tiles cost almost one-third of the entire hard decoration, so you must be careful when choosing. So, how should you choose ceramic tiles?

Flooring is a very important part of home decoration, and most families choose ceramic tiles as decorative materials. Moreover, these ceramic tiles cost almost one-third of the entire hard decoration, so you must be careful when choosing.

So, how should you choose ceramic tiles? Today, the master chef revealed the "three major techniques". After reading this, you will become an expert.

Which wooden floor or ceramic tile is better?

Before explaining the tips for purchasing ceramic tiles, I have to make a digression. When laying the floor, ceramic tiles are not actually an option. You can also choose wooden flooring, but what materials are used between the two? Which one is better? Personally, I think ceramic tiles are better than floors.

[Advantages of wooden flooring]

Wooden flooring can always give a loose and natural feeling, and most of the wooden materials are natural and green, which is relatively environmentally friendly. Moreover, it can absorb and evaporate moisture in the air and indirectly regulate the temperature. , for families that need to install floor heating, it has better thermal insulation, and if there is a subsequent failure, it is easier to repair than a tile floor;

What impresses me most about wooden floors is that they are flexible and non-slip. There are children at home, and they always like to hit them. No, ceramic tiles have high hardness and smooth surface, so it is easy to get injured. However, wooden floor has high friction and low hardness, which is safer for families with children.

[Advantages of Tile Flooring]

Although wooden flooring has the above advantages, it also has limitations. First of all, in terms of price, tile flooring is relatively cheap, and because the texture of tile flooring is hard and wear-resistant, it is used It lasts longer and is more cost-effective for ordinary families;

Secondly, tile floors are easier to take care of. Although wooden floors are beautiful, if the room is relatively humid, wooden floors are prone to mold , while tile floors Then you won’t covet these problems, and the tile floor is smoother and easier to take care of later. Therefore, it is recommended that everyone choose tile floor;

So, to answer the question, how should you choose tile floor? You can consider these three aspects .

The first tip: buy according to the brand

For newcomers, when choosing ceramic tiles at the beginning, if you are afraid of trouble, you can choose some brand ceramic tiles. There are still many domestic brand ceramic tiles, such as Nobel, Guanzhu, Marco Polo , Xinzhongyuan, Jianyi , Mona Lisa , etc., the quality of these big brands is not too bad;

Moreover, if you observe carefully, you will find that the popular brand ceramic tiles currently on the market are basically They are from Foshan, Guangdong. Therefore, if you feel that the prices of these brands of ceramic tiles are a bit expensive, you can also look at and choose some small brands from Foshan, Guangdong. They are basically made by the same manufacturer, and the quality will not differ much.

The second tip: Look at the appearance and knock on the sound

Although the quality of big brands is not too bad, we still have to determine the quality of this batch of tiles based on the state of the tiles. First, look at the appearance of these tiles. Check to see if there are any cracks;

Next, check whether the size is up to standard. Use a tape measure to measure the four sides and diagonals of the ceramic tile. If the data is consistent, the appearance is basically passed;

Of course, this is the most preliminary judgment. Method, if you have an instrument, you can cut out a part and see the texture of the cut surface, whether the middle part is full, whether it is hollow, etc.;

you can even tap the tile to feel its sound, generally has good quality tiles , the sound is very crisp after knocking , but if the quality is poor, the sound will be very dull, and even feel a little echo, which proves that the quality is average.

The third tip: the water absorption rate

Generally good ceramic tiles have high water absorption rates, and the fit with the floor will naturally be higher. So how to judge the water absorption rate of ceramic tiles in this way? The method is very simple:

Let’s put the water content Sprinkle directly on the tiles, be careful not to over-concentrate, spray water evenly back and forth against the air, let the water droplets fall on the back of the tiles, and then check the water absorption speed of these tiles. If absorbs water quickly, it will disappear all of a sudden. This proves that the ceramic tile has a good body, high flatness, and is not easily deformed. In the future, the fit with the floor will be higher, and there will be no problems such as hollowing.

Ceramic tile classification

Of course, ceramic tiles can be further subdivided. Generally, they can be divided into polished tiles , glazed tiles , vitrified tiles . Personally, I think these should be determined according to your own home environment and area. Of course, They also each have their own pros and cons.

Glazed tiles have rich and colorful patterns, but poor anti-fouling performance; polished tiles have basically no color difference, but they are very easy to get dirty; vitrified tiles have bright and soft colors, but their appearance is very rough, and they are difficult to clean once contaminated;

Conclusion: How to choose ceramic tiles ? You can determine it through these three steps. I believe that after reading it, you will have a general understanding of them, and you will not be afraid of being fooled when you make subsequent purchases.

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