These life tips will make your life easier and happier. Learn it quickly. 1. How to clean the liner of the electric water heater. The liner of the electric water heater should be cleaned every 6 months.

These life tips will make your life easier and happier, learn them quickly

1. How to clean the inner tank of the electric water heater

The inner tank of the electric water heater should be cleaned every 6 months. When cleaning, you should first cut off the power supply, close the water inlet valve, and then open the outlet valve . The drain switch on the safety valve should be rotated 90 degrees counterclockwise to allow it to automatically drain the water and sediment in the water heater. , and finally clean it with tap water. After cleaning, turn off the drain switch. It should be noted that the power can not be turned on normally until the water is full.

Users who have left the water heater power off for a long time should check whether the water heater is normal at any time. If any abnormality occurs, send it to a maintenance station for repair in a timely manner. When the water heater is in normal use, the thermostat and the heater should be replaced every 3 years at a designated maintenance point.

Never replace the parts on the water heater by yourself to avoid safety hazards.

2. For gas water heater maintenance, the rubber hose of the gas water heater should be wiped and checked at any time to see if there is any aging phenomenon. If found, replace it immediately. The water inlet filter should also be cleaned regularly. If the filter is clogged with dirt, the water heater will produce less water and fail to ignite.

3. How to clean a porcelain bathtub

You can use a sponge or towel dipped in detergent or washing powder solution to wipe the porcelain bathtub. After wiping off the grease, rinse it again with water.

If it is difficult to remove the oil stain, you can dilute 50 times of caustic soda with hot water and wipe it with a cloth dipped in the solution. Wear rubber gloves when using it, and then fill a glass with "safe bleach" and pour it. Go in and soak for a while, then rinse with water.

The fine seams of the ceramic tiles can be scrubbed with a brush, and then rinsed with clean water.

4. How to clean a wooden bathtub

To clean a wooden bathtub, generally use a bristle brush to gently scrub it. If it is very dirty, you can use a bristle brush dipped in a special acidic bathroom cleaner to scrub vigorously, and finally rinse it with clean water. That’s it.

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