Don't water mountain roses in summer. The roots will rot as soon as you water them. Keep them dry and water them again in autumn!

Mountain roses Don't water them in summer, as they will cause root rot as soon as you water them. Keep them dry and water them again in autumn!

Mountain rose is just a general term. It is also divided into different varieties. Mountain roses only look similar on the surface. They are different in size, such as egg rose, wine glass rose, Pandora rose, roseta, and love letter. Roses, these are all varieties of mountain roses. If you carefully observe their appearance and the shape of their leaves, there are some obvious differences. Only those who really like to grow mountain roses can accurately distinguish them.

There are many types of succulents . Those succulents that appear to be similar on the surface, as long as they are distinguished from the details, the difference is still very big. Otherwise, mountain roses will not be so popular with everyone. Mountain roses It is also the only succulent variety that will enter a complete dormant period in summer. Most succulent varieties are semi-dormant in summer, and mountain roses will enter a full dormant period.

Everyone knows that succulents should be watered less when they enter the dormant period. Mountain roses do not need to be watered even a drop of water throughout the summer. Leave them alone when placed indoors. In summer, it is best not to bask in the sun for mountain roses. It will aggravate the evaporation of water in mountain roses. In addition, the leaves of mountain roses are relatively weak, and the water evaporates quickly, and the outer leaves are consumed quickly.

In order to reduce water consumption and avoid the problem of root rot and black rot in summer, after entering summer, when the daytime temperature reaches above 30 degrees, mountain roses can be brought indoors to spend the summer. Indoors, there is only scattered sunlight and no sunlight. , reducing the evaporation of water, it will not die without watering, and it can also survive the hot summer safely.

The mountain roses raised by many friends cannot survive the summer and die halfway through. They even fail to take root even after being planted in flower pots. The problem is that the flower soil is moist due to excessive watering. Too much water is harmful to the plants. There are no benefits, especially for succulent varieties like mountain roses that enter a full dormant period in summer. They can be maintained in dry soil without watering.

There are many succulent varieties that do not need to be watered in summer, and mountain roses are just one of them. For example, succulents of the Apricotaceae family also do not need watering in summer. Do not water them at all, and at the same time, increase the light. Strong light and less water can prevent leggy growth, because the succulents of the Apricot family store a lot of water in their bodies, have no excess color, and emit water very slowly. The drier the flower soil, the better it will be in summer.

To raise succulents, you must first understand their growth habits, because some succulents are affected by high temperatures and will enter a dormant state and be completely eliminated. They do not need any water and can be raised dry. When the high temperature subsides in autumn, When the temperature drops to 25 degrees, water again at this time. The roots will soon resume growth after absorbing the water.