Every gardener has a cut flower dream, especially to decorate their warm home with bouquets of flowers, or to invite a few friends to arrange flowers together, enjoy the tranquility of the years, and share happiness with each other. However, most gardeners will not stop after the

Every gardener has a cut flower dream, especially to decorate their warm home with bouquets of flowers, or to invite friends to arrange flowers together, enjoy the tranquility of the years, and share happiness with each other.

However, most gardeners will not stop after they have worked so hard to grow flowers. They feel that they are in better condition outdoors and make the garden more beautiful. Sometimes they even regret cutting them off.

Have you ever thought about creating a cut flower garden specifically for cut flowers? Wouldn't this make you less entangled and less reluctant to take action? This article will explain how to create a productive cut flower garden.

Cut flower garden site selection

The first thing for a cut flower garden is to choose a place with good sunlight. It is best to ensure that the sunshine time is more than 5 hours, because cut flowers want growth speed, and they cannot grow too long and appear lodging.

When it comes to lodging, you must take the wind into consideration. The location should be chosen in a place without strong winds, because the stems of the cut flowers themselves will be longer and are easy to be blown over and dried out.

Therefore, the site selection should choose a place with sufficient sunlight, no strong wind, fertile soil, high terrain and no accumulation of water. Of course, artificial intervention can be used to change them, such as soil improvement, increasing drainage, setting up wind screens, etc.

Building a cut flower garden

A qualified cut flower garden must of course focus on yield and efficiency, so while considering the planting distribution, you must also consider whether it is convenient for picking.

generally adopts the strip planting method, and the width is preferably 60cm-80cm, so that it is most convenient to reach out and pick from both sides. Planting is also easier, as you don’t have to step inside to plant.

Before planting, you should consider the alternation time of plant planting. After one season of cut flowers, you should plant the next season's cut flowers immediately, so that you can continuously provide cut flowers.

How big does a cut flower garden need to be?

A cut flower garden can be any size. Whether it is a garden as big as a farm or an area as big as a foam box, it can become a cut flower garden. With proper care, it can add color to life. All you have to do is practice, and if you practice, you will have flowers.

What is a good cut flower?

There are many kinds of cut flowers. Annuals, perennials, bulbs, and shrubs can all be choices for cut flowers. But if you want to make a bouquet, you must choose crops with long flower stems.

If you have a small space and want to harvest different cut flowers throughout the year, then choose annual plants, or plants that can be pilled and preserved after blooming in one season, so as to maximize land use.

If the place is large, you can choose perennial plants. Plant once and harvest for many years, once and for all. So choose the plants you want to plant according to your needs.

After choosing a variety, a high-quality fresh-cut flower must have a strong stem, intact flowers, bright colors, etc. Therefore, you must pay attention to fertilizing and watering, and fertilize and water frequently.

Cut flower garden planting tips

. Plan the plants that can be planted in all seasons, so that there is no gap period for cut flowers and a continuous flow of cut flowers can be achieved.

. If you want more varieties, plant annual plants. If you want to get rid of it once and for all, plant perennial plants .

. Learn to mix seeds and plant a variety of plants that can complement each other in different seasons, so that you can plant multiple species at one time. For example, plant foxglove and delphinium together. They are both It is a linear flower and can bloom well even when planted together.

Plant a garden specially for cut flowers and realize the gardener's dream of freedom with cut flowers.