Text/Yangcheng Evening News all-media reporter Xu Weilun Picture/provided by interviewee (except for signature) In recent years, the trend of younger consumers in the customization industry has become more and more obvious, and mainstream customization brands will "create homes t

text/Yangcheng Evening News all-media reporter Xu Weilun Picture/provided by the interviewee (except for signature)

In recent years, the trend of younger consumers in the customization industry has become more and more obvious, and mainstream customization brands will "create more favorites among young consumer groups" As the goal, in order to meet the needs of this group for integrated home decoration, the customized home furnishing industry has iterated from whole-house customization to whole-home customization and launched whole-home packages one after another.

More and more young people like customized home products. Photo/Xu Weilun

What is "whole home customization"? According to the on-site display at the 11th Guangzhou Customized Home Furnishing Exhibition, whole-house customization refers to the upgrade from the original single product customization, such as wardrobes and cabinets, to the customization of all cabinets in the whole house, such as balcony cabinets, TV cabinets, and wine cabinets. etc. Whole-home customization is based on whole-house customization that integrates home appliances, finished furniture, soft furnishings, etc., to create an overall home solution for consumers with integrated design and one-stop shopping. Usually, consumers can flexibly choose customized products and services according to their needs.

Faced with the trend of younger consumers, Lauka, a customized home furnishing brand with 18 years of development experience, launched a new series of "Z-generation" customized products at the above-mentioned exhibition. Jiang Chen, general manager of Lauka’s customized home furnishing business unit, said that the entire customization business is still in its initial stage of development, and “delivery” is a step that the entire industry needs to work hard to break through.

Jiang Chen, general manager of Laoka’s customized home furnishing division,

According to reports, the new products of Laoka’s “Z Trend Generation” customized series are based on four themes of “color, shape, use, and meaning” to create a “fashionable whole home”, each focusing on aesthetics ( Flower color), posture (diamond shape, glass wine cabinet, etc.), function (personalized storage space), and integration (unification of product color and style) are designed to fit the lifestyle of the younger generation of consumers.

Lauka's new product "Z Trend" customized series product display

Customized cabinet product design

At the same time, Lauka also cross-border joint brand BOTTLED JOY launched a customized version of Lauka's tons of barrels, introduced " three and a half " coffee, etc. The youthful elements convey trendy and fashionable life concepts to “Generation Z”.

(For more news information, please pay attention to Yangcheng Pai pai.ycwb.com)

Source | Yangcheng Evening News·Yangcheng Pai

Editor | Wang Min

Proofreading | Zhao Dandan