The 762-square-meter land is scientifically designed and divided into 12 large beds made of old wooden boards, which not only helps the homeowner to grow a variety of clean vegetables and fruits comfortably, but also ensures the beauty of the garden. Jamie Day Fleck (lives in Tor

html The land of 4762 square meters has been scientifically designed and divided into 12 large beds made of old wooden boards, which not only helps the homeowner to grow a variety of clean vegetables and fruits comfortably, but also ensures the beauty of the garden.

Jamie Day Fleck (lives in Toronto, Canada) is a photographer and filmmaker. When she was pregnant with her second daughter, the need for clean vegetables increased, so Jamie decided to improve the land to grow vegetables and traditional produce.

"When I had children, I paid more attention and attention to the issue of clean food. My children's digestive system was not guaranteed, so I learned to grow vegetables and actively purchase clean fruits and vegetables every day. Thanks to the whole family for having Healthy, nutritious meals, and ensuring healthy quality and safety.

Her garden is located in the backyard, covering an area of ​​more than 760 square meters, and is scientifically and beautifully planned. She used old wooden bed frames and then made a vegetable bed to ensure that. There is enough space for plants to grow. Thanks to the support of her husband, who works in the construction field, Jamie has a "dream" green garden with 12 large vegetable beds in a reasonable layout. Helping the owner grow a variety of plants comfortably while maintaining the beauty of the space. In each season, the mother of two prioritizes planting seasonal vegetables to reduce pests and harvest quickly.

The owner of the garden planted a variety of plants. Grow clean vegetables like lettuce, kale, broccoli, radishes, carrots, beans, squash, zucchini, tomatoes, eggplants, sweet potatoes, cucumbers... and some spices like basil , vanilla , pepper garlic... The garden is also decorated with many colorful flowers, which make the scenery more vivid and beautiful.

Jamie Day Fleck designed a system to separate two trash cans. Use dried leaves to fertilize vegetable beds, allowing them to rot and break down into a good source of plant nutrients.

Her research into farming and gardening, which she has worked on, has been the inspiration for more of her best works. documentary about her own gardening experiences and those of other urban growers in the city.

In addition to harvesting clean vegetables and fruits for home use, the filmmaker also works with friends and neighbors around the world. Share the fruits of his labor. She also opens the door to welcome groups of guests and children to visit the garden and experience harvesting produce.