Dendrobium is a plant that grows on tree bark. In fact, it is also a parasitic plant, so many people like its characteristics. You can easily feed it with bark or tree stumps. Isn’t it particularly interesting? However, many people fail to raise dendrobium orchid well. Today Xiao

Dendrobium is a plant that grows on tree bark. In fact, it is also a parasitic plant , so many people like its characteristics. You can easily feed it with bark or tree stumps. Isn’t it special? Interesting? However, many people fail to raise dendrobium orchid well. Today Xiaorui summarized 4 key points of dendrobium orchid for everyone. Come and take a look!

Common dendrobium flowers are cultivated on the market. Basically, three materials are used. The first is bark, the second is on wooden boards or wooden piles, and the last is planted with sphagnum , no matter what materials are used for planting, for our inexperienced novices, try not to change the pot frequently after getting it. directly uses the original pot to maintain , because the most common thing for novice friends to maintain is root rot. If we If it is maintained in the original pot, you can clearly see the state of its root system.

1. Watering

Dendrobium can store a lot of water on its own, but it prefers moisture. Every time you water it, if you see its root system is slightly white, water it thoroughly all at once. Never water half of the water. Many gardeners are afraid of root rot, so they dare not water more. In fact, this approach is wrong.

If you only water half of the water, it means that the root system below cannot absorb the water. Although the root system will not rot, there will be empty roots, which is also not conducive to the healthy growth of dendrobium. . Failure to water in time can easily lead to pseudobulb becomes shriveled, and lack of water will also cause the leaves to turn yellow, dry up, and fall off. As long as the watering is controlled, cultivating dendrobium orchids is very simple.

The best time to water in winter is between 10 am and 4 pm . This time period is relatively warm. If the maximum temperature is lower than 10 degrees, you can choose to add warm water. The water temperature is up to about 15 degrees, which is too cold or too hot. Too much water will stimulate its root system. If the temperature is too low, do not spray water on the leaves of the dendrobium orchid. This can easily cause frostbite to the leaves.

Once the temperature of is lower than 8 degrees , it is necessary to stop watering and fertilizing , because at this time the dendrobium orchid has entered the dormant period and stopped growing. If you continue to water and fertilize it at this time, it will also absorb No, it will only cause a burden on the root system, which is particularly prone to root rot. Once root rot occurs, it is difficult for the dendrobium orchid to grow new roots at low temperatures. Failure to grow new roots means that the pot of dendrobium orchid is scrapped. , even staying alive is a problem, let alone blooming.

2, temperature

If you want the dendrobium orchid to bloom normally, its maintenance temperature must be above 10 degrees . If it is below 10 degrees, it will freeze and start to wither slowly over time.

3, light

Dendrobium orchid's light requirements, except it needs shade in summer, you can give it more light in other seasons. It is best to place it not more than one meter away from the window, even through glass. Give it more sun. Sun exposure in the south is to improve its resistance and enable it to survive the winter better. Sun exposure in the north is to allow it to bloom better. The flowers bloom in bright colors and are relatively large.

4. Fertilization

Dendrobium is also a plant that prefers fertilizer . Although the bark can also supplement it with nutrients, if the fertility is insufficient, it will not grow very well, let alone bloom.

Therefore, fertilization should be stopped immediately as long as the temperature is below 10 degrees Celsius. If the temperature is above 10 degrees, use a nutrient solution that everyone likes as flower fertilizer every half a month to fertilize dendrobium. Be sure to pay attention to the concentration of the fertilizer. You can Use a concentration of 1:2000 or thinner, because they are all fleshy roots . If the fertilizer is too concentrated, it will easily damage their root systems.

If you want dendrobium orchids to grow healthily, ventilation conditions are also essential . Even if it is maintained indoors, it is too cold in winter to open the windows. We can use a small fan to blow it for 2 to 3 hours a day to strengthen the indoor air. Flowing allows the soil to dry out faster, while also reducing the occurrence of pests and diseases.


first wants it to grow fat and strong, is most afraid of direct sunlight , try to raise it with scattered light, this can better allow the leaves to deposit more chlorophyll, grow fatter and stronger, and the humidity of breeding It must be large to help its leaves grow green and prevent them from turning yellow and falling.

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