Kalanchoe is a flower that many florists like. It has rich varieties and colors. The plant is not very big, so it is very good to maintain it on the balcony. Many florists like to keep a few pots at home, which looks full of vitality. Very beautiful.

Beginners to grow longevity flowers , after the summer solstice, they should "rest", water less and ventilate more, they can easily survive the summer without black rot

Kalanchoe is a flower that many flower lovers like, with rich varieties and colors, and the plants are not very It is large, so it is very good to maintain it on the balcony. Many flower lovers like to keep a few pots at home. They look vibrant and very beautiful. It also has a beautiful meaning of good luck and longevity, and is deeply loved by flower lovers.

Kalanchoe flowers like a warm and humid environment and are particularly afraid of heat, so they will enter the dormant period in hot summer. At this time, we are very particular about maintenance, especially after the summer solstice. If not properly maintained, Kalanchoe flowers will easily become black and rotten. , let us take a look at how to do it specifically.

1. Strictly control water

The leaves of longevity flowers are thick and can store a lot of water on their own. They have little demand for nutrients, so you must not water them frequently. Overwatering can easily cause water accumulation and root rot. , especially in summer, you must not water at hot noon to avoid creating a high temperature and high humidity environment. Kalanchoe flowers will soon turn black and rot.

We need to wait until the soil is completely dry before watering, and we need to water it in the evening. After watering, the plant absorbs it faster. The temperature at this time is lower. After the excess water evaporates, it can better avoid accumulation. Water rotten roots.

2. Keep ventilation

To maintain longevity flowers, you must have more ventilation. Do not place them indoors with insufficient light for a long time to avoid the occurrence of diseases and insect pests. Maintaining ventilation can evaporate excess water. In addition, it can also be very good. Avoid black root rot on your plants.

At this time, the longevity flower enters the dormant period and basically stops growing. It is recommended that you do not continue to fertilize the longevity flower to avoid fertilizer damage. In particular, you cannot use phosphorus and potassium fertilizer to prevent the longevity flower from continuing to bloom and the resistance of the plant. The strength becomes weak and it is difficult to spend the summer.

3. Do not expose to the sun

Kalanchoe flowers like an environment with sufficient astigmatism. It is recommended to get more sun during the growth period, which can better carry out photosynthesis and synthesize more nutrients. The color of the leaves will be better-looking and there will be more flowers. . However, the temperature is high in summer. Do not leave it in the sun under strong light to prevent the leaves from being sunburned. Pay attention to shade, as long as there is a little astigmatism.

When the leaves of the longevity flower do not grow long and are relatively light in color, it is basically in the dormant period. It must be ventilated and avoid exposure to the sun.

The maintenance of longevity flowers itself is very simple. Old branches have poor flowering ability, so you can cut a few flowers by yourself. We only need to cut off healthy branches, and after the wounds have recovered, we can cut them into the soil and keep them. In ventilated and moist soil, new shoots will usually begin to grow in about ten days. If the seedlings are kept pruned during the period, they will soon grow into new plants.

Today I will share with you some tips on how to care for longevity flowers. I have learned how to grow vigorously, have high ornamental value, and spend the summer safely. How do the longevity flowers you care for grow? Welcome to share with everyone in the comment box below.