Chinese official name of tulip: Tulip Trade name: Tulip Latin scientific name: Tulipa gesneriana Family and genus: Liliaceae Tulipa genus Carnation Chinese official name: Carnation Commercial name: Carnation Latin scientific name: Dianthus caryophyllus Family and genus: Caryophyl


Chinese official name: Tulip

Trade name: Tulip

Latin scientific name: Tulipa gesneriana

Family: Liliaceae Tulip genus


Chinese official name: fragrant Dianthus

Trade name: Carnation

Latin scientific name: Dianthus caryophyllus

Family Genus: Caryophyllaceae Dianthus


Chinese official name: Gerbera

Trade name: Gerbera jamesonii

Latin scientific name: Gerbera jamesonii

Family: Asteraceae Gerbera

Australian Wintersweet

Chinese formal Name: Chamelaucium uncinatum

Trade name: Australian wax plum

Latin scientific name: Chamelaucium uncinatum

Family and genus: Myrtaceae Chamela

This vase lasts a long time! It is often dyed into various strange colors, but I still like the original flavor ~

Rice flower

Chinese official name: Australian rice flower

Trade name: Rice flower

Latin scientific name: Ozothamnus diosmifolius

Family: Asteraceae Rice flower genus

Orange pineapple

Chinese official name: red flower

Trade name: Orange Pineapple

Latin scientific name: Carthamus tinctorius

Family: Asteraceae Carthamus

The floral names are Orange Pineapple, Pineapple Chrysanthemum , let alone, it really looks like a pineapple. The official Chinese name of this plant is Honghua, which is very easy to remember. The flower belongs to the flower head , and the orange part is composed of one or two...many tubular flowers. If it can be made into dried flowers , the color and appearance will be very special.

Blue Star Flower

Chinese official name: Sky Blue Apex Vine

Trade name: Blue Star Flower

Latin scientific name: Oxypetalum coeruleum

Family: Apocynaceae Apoceleum


Chinese official name: Tiger Eye Dieffenbachia

Trade name: Star of Bethany, Velvet

Latin scientific name: Ornithogalum caudatum

Family: Asparagaceae Spring genus


Chinese official name: Eucalyptus globulus

Product name: Eucalyptus Fruit

Latin scientific name: Eucalyptus globulus

Family: Myrtaceae Eucalyptus

The name is fruit, but it is actually a flower bud. If you put it in the water, wait for some time, the top cap will open and the flowers will bloom.

Fire Dragon Ball

Chinese official name: Berry Hypericum

Trade name: Fire Dragon Ball

Latin scientific name: Hypericum androsaemum

Family: Hypericaceae

I am a flower with oblique shadow, a plant lover, welcome to follow me I~