Reply: How to read the quotation for complete water and electricity renovation in the half-package repair budget? The more common formats for water and electricity quotations are as shown in Figures 1 and 2. It is normal to feel confused about these unfamiliar material details, p

replied: How to read the quotation for complete water and electricity renovation in the semi-package repair budget? The more common formats for water and electricity quotations are as shown in Figures 1 and 2. It is normal to feel confused about these unfamiliar material details, prices and quantities. Let’s discuss the above two water and electricity quotations:

Figure 1 A water and electricity quotation

Figure 2 B water and electricity quotation

1, project total

In the entire quotation table, find out all the water and electricity work, and the total price is the total price of water and electricity.

As shown in Figure A, there are two small items in the basic engineering renovation that are also hydropower projects: 9 bathtub installation and 11 drilling, which are included in the water and electricity to calculate the total price.

2, Materials

Among the two hydropower project quotations above, what is more shocking is that the materials are listed in various categories. You feel that they are detailed and professional, but you have no way of looking at them. The method is that you need to find the following information:

① The brand and model of the main materials; the main materials refer to: water pipes, electric pipes, drainage pipes, wires, and network cables.

Take budget A as an example. In the remarks column, you can see that Huang Guan is a Weixing player. So, what is the rank of Huang Guan in Weixing? What warranty does the manufacturer give after sale?

Wire pipes and drainage pipes are all Peida brand and Nanyang brand wires and network cables. There is no description of the types of network cables. In the budget of

B, I only know that it is Weixing, but I don’t know what kind it is. The information on other main materials is incomplete.

The meaning of the above expression is: regardless of whether it is a well-known brand or a small brand, it must be explained clearly so that it can be inquired and compared. These are the focus of material information.

② Do you have all the strengths, weaknesses, and water levels you want to achieve?

For example, the 50 points in A's quotation are reflected in the number of 50 boxes in item 12. Will additional items be added if there are more than 50 points? As for how many meters, what quantity and cost of pipe fittings, etc., these quotations are all nonsense.

At this point, the materials are clear. But there is another important point that is not reflected in these two quotes.

③ The process is clear

The water and electricity process only knows that if the water pipes and electric pipes go to the top, then you are waiting to be cheated. The

process also includes: how to set up the circuit of a strong circuit and what specifications of wires should be configured accordingly. How is the weak current layout arranged? In these two budgets, these craftsmanship are not mentioned, and the quotation is meaningless.

finally attaches two copies (Figure 3) of the quotations we have been executing and the corresponding material and process instructions.

Figure 3 Water and electricity quotation recorded by Zhangjiagang's half-package decoration

1. Settlement method: Settlement based on the decoration area within the suite (different from settlement by building area). The unit price is slightly different depending on the plan;

2. Pipeline planning: inlet and drainage Road, the layout of strong and weak currents is indicated;

Figure 4 Zhangjiagang semi-package repair material process description

3, material details (picture 4 above)

① Gongyuan brand Youjia series water pipes, this series of water pipes are tested and guaranteed by the manufacturer after sales

② Electric wires Pipes, drainage pipes and cassettes are all AD brand

③ well-known brand Far East national standard wires, Akihabara 6 network cables,

water and electricity full renovation, quoted according to the interior decoration area, workmanship and settlement method, clearly stated in one line. Home decoration quotations are for people who are basically novices. The key information in the quotation is clearer and clearer than the seemingly detailed and professional list of materials.