In recent times, browsing various social media, carrying tufting guns, and playing with "tuck blankets" is becoming a popular experience shared by young people. In a home life variety show, many guests could not help but operate this mobile "sewing machine" and have fun with the

Chat for a while before going to bed, there is a world in dreams. Hello, listeners.

In recent times, browsing various social media, carrying a tufting gun, and playing with "tuck blankets" are becoming popular experiences shared by young people. "In ancient times, there was a weaver girl and a cowherd, but now there is a 'girl who ties up a girl and a man.'" has become a joke among people. In a home life variety show, many guests could not help but operate this mobile "sewing machine" and have fun with the sound of sewing thread. Today, let’s talk about this topic.

Tufting, translated from the English "tufting", was originally a traditional craft for making carpets and warm clothing. In recent years, has been simplified and promoted, gradually setting off an experience craze on social media, and spawning offline experience stores. Experiencers can choose the size and pattern of the painting, use a marker to outline the basic outline based on the projector image, and then operate the tufting gun to fully "punch" the wool into the painting to fill the color blocks. After the "punch" is full, seal it with glue and Add the base, seal the edges, and finally smooth out the long nap on the surface like mowing a lawn. The entire immersive experience process generally takes a few hours, and is especially suitable for friends and couples to work together and create together.

(Picture source: Tencent)

Experiencers said: "Enjoying the moment when the wool passes through the cloth" and "it seems like all the daily worries are taken away." The fun of tufting lies in the process of "beating" the wool into strips and blocks. With the rhythm of the "sudden", the experiencer is immersed in it and exempted from disturbances. It is neither binding, but also to be idle, becoming a busy decompression method. On the other hand, as a part of home decoration and daily accessories, tufting expresses creative ideas through the design of frames, decorative paintings, etc., and meets practical needs through the production of coasters, pillows, etc., allowing experiencers to fully reap the sense of accomplishment brought by creative processing. In addition, the experience process is also an opportunity for communication and companionship. You may bring your own topics to help "break the ice", or work together to leave beautiful memories, or share your life on social media. Tufting meets the social needs of young people.

It is easy to become popular but not easy to operate. Like many popular experiential projects, also faces the one-time consumption challenge of "after showing it to friends, you will never love it again". The popular trend of is constantly updated. Tufting experience stores should retain consumers with more diverse products after the first experience, and then get out of the simple cycle of "planting grass and checking in". Either combining scenic spots to develop cultural and creative products, or combining home soft furnishings to enrich experience uses, maintaining immersion while moving toward openness, opening up richer consumption scenarios, which may be the only way for "Internet celebrities" to become "long-term celebrities" road.

In fact, the service industry that revolves around manual work has broad prospects. In recent years, everything from cross-stitch to wool felt, from bracelets to tufting has attracted countless people to participate in DIY. If knitting sweaters and tying shoe soles are essential life skills for the older generation, young people have turned knitting into fun. Some people say: Humanity’s love for crafts has been engraved in genes. traces back the process of human development. The ancestors used their dexterous hands to create civilization. Knotting and weaving not only created a more comfortable life, but also exercised fine motor skills and promoted brain development. Regarding the current knitting hobby, some scientists combined clinical observations to explain: As the so-called "ten fingers connect the heart", exercising fingers can help improve cognitive function and can also relieve anxiety through repeated movements. As far back as World War II British Prime Minister Churchill listened to reports while knitting sweaters, and as recently as the diving champion at the Tokyo Olympics Daley knitted while watching the competition. Knitting has become a natural antidepressant, helping people to reduce stress and concentrate. Stay focused.

(Picture source: Xinhuanet)

The industrial era is coming with a bang, and every stitch and thread of handicraft is facing an unprecedented crisis. When textiles are quickly produced on assembly lines, how can hand-made products be left alone? In fact, whether it is the special admiration for the spirit of craftsmanship or the inheritance of sewing and repair from generation to generation, handmade production has never left the stage. It includes both the pursuit of artistic aesthetics that transcends industrial reproduction and the emotional substitution close to real life. It includes both the self-confidence that “any difficulty can be solved by hands” and the stubbornness that “cannot lose to machines”.In this sense, although tufting is not a necessity of life, the warmth and comforting effect of the wool itself, and the unique intention contained in hand-weaving, add a layer of emotional resonance and spiritual connection to it, adding a layer of Healing colors and unique feelings. The spiritual value of cannot be replaced by exquisite industrial products.

What is worth reflecting on is that when businesses open tufting experience stores one after another and copy and paste the same products and services, these handmade products seem to be included in the industrial chain again, losing their unique production experience. Therefore, the development of the DIY industry cannot rely solely on "scripts" and "routines." It must pay attention to unique needs, provide personalized services, customize products that satisfy users, and provide guidance on teaching students in accordance with their aptitude. Only in this way can we protect people's "ready to move" needs. Handmade impulse.

This is exactly what it is:

Why is there any noise here? The trend is picking up and the number of customers is increasing.

Knitting and sewing are all fun, and size always matters.

Good night everyone!

(Text | Li Chenyang)

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Following "Talk to the times" "Talk to the world" 》, the "Talk Before Bedtime" column of the People's Daily Commentary Department has launched a series of readings "Talk to the Future", turning the few minutes of heart-to-heart talk before going to bed into a more accessible companionship. This book systematically sorts out the news hot spots of great significance in the past two years, divided into sections such as fashion, state of the world, youth, era, people, culture, life, society, new knowledge, etc., giving readers a window to touch time and observe the world.

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—“Talk to the times + talk to the world + talk to the future” set —