On July 6, 2022, the global new product launch conference of the Orange Cloud Ecological Chain ultra-quiet high-speed hair dryer was successfully held. With its strong industrial strength and innovative design, the new hair dryer has attracted continuous reports from many heavywe

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On July 6, 2022, the global new product launch conference of the Orange Cloud Ecological Chain ultra-quiet high-speed hair dryer was successfully held. With its strong industrial strength and innovative design, the new hair dryer has attracted continuous reports from many heavyweight media such as People's Daily Online , China News Service , China State Grid , Sina.com and other heavyweight media.

People's Daily Online

"Technology Changes Life Orange Cloud Ecological Chain Osak Orange Saka Ultra-Quiet High-Speed ​​Hair Dryer Birth Story"

On July 6, 2022, the global new product launch conference of the Orange Cloud Ecological Chain ultra-quiet high-speed hair dryer was successfully held. With its strong industrial strength and innovative design, the new hair dryer has attracted continuous reports from many heavywe - DayDayNews

People's Online Review, in this era, Orange Cloud proposed a new concept of "work-endowed civilian use" smart home appliances, Integrating China's high-end manufacturing technology into domestic brands, focusing on creating self-reliant high-quality Chinese products and domestic brands, and exploring a development path more suitable for China's national conditions will undoubtedly have more obvious advantages and a broad market.

China Science and Technology Network

"From "civilian use" to collaborative research and development, a unique scientific research perspective on a hair dryer"

On July 6, 2022, the global new product launch conference of the Orange Cloud Ecological Chain ultra-quiet high-speed hair dryer was successfully held. With its strong industrial strength and innovative design, the new hair dryer has attracted continuous reports from many heavywe - DayDayNews

"China Science and Technology Network" reported that it gathered the wisdom of engineers from various fields around the world to miniaturize mature technologies in the industrial field. Transplanted to civilian products. These efforts have made the hair dryer a highlight and also brought many inspirations to the scientific research field.

China News Service

""Gongfu civilian use" domestic brand! Orange Cloud Ecological Chain Globally Releases Ultra-Quiet High-Speed ​​Hair Dryer》

On July 6, 2022, the global new product launch conference of the Orange Cloud Ecological Chain ultra-quiet high-speed hair dryer was successfully held. With its strong industrial strength and innovative design, the new hair dryer has attracted continuous reports from many heavywe - DayDayNews

"China News Service" issued an article stating that for users in the home appliance industry, Orange Cloud Ecological Chain can not only provide intelligent manufacturing upgrade and transformation services for the home appliance manufacturing end, but also leverage the mature ecological chain The product incubation path quickly transforms ideas, plans, and drawings on the market into products, and relies on the platform's leading industrial management system to help the home appliance industry's core technology breakthroughs, product innovation upgrades, and digital transformation from to .

China State Grid

"New domestic brand! Orange cloud ecological chain osak Orange Saka new product ultra-quiet high-speed hair dryer conference held"

On July 6, 2022, the global new product launch conference of the Orange Cloud Ecological Chain ultra-quiet high-speed hair dryer was successfully held. With its strong industrial strength and innovative design, the new hair dryer has attracted continuous reports from many heavywe - DayDayNews

"China State Grid" reported that the birth of osak Orange Saka ultra-quiet high-speed hair dryer once again gave rise to Domestic brands have injected a boost of development.

Global Home Network

"Innovation leads to collaborative ecology!" Orange Cloud Ecological Chain Pushes "Working to Civilian Use" to a Climax"

On July 6, 2022, the global new product launch conference of the Orange Cloud Ecological Chain ultra-quiet high-speed hair dryer was successfully held. With its strong industrial strength and innovative design, the new hair dryer has attracted continuous reports from many heavywe - DayDayNews

"Global Home Grid" reported that the birth of Orange Cloud Ecological Chain's ultra-quiet high-speed hair dryer will break the long-term dominance of foreign brands in the domestic hair dryer market in high-end manufacturing and its downstream industries. dominance of end products.

Yantai Daily

"This small appliance "breaks" the global monopoly of high-speed motors"

On July 6, 2022, the global new product launch conference of the Orange Cloud Ecological Chain ultra-quiet high-speed hair dryer was successfully held. With its strong industrial strength and innovative design, the new hair dryer has attracted continuous reports from many heavywe - DayDayNews

" Yantai Daily " review, from manufacturing to intelligent manufacturing, from production to life, a hair dryer demonstrates the innovation of the orange cloud ecological chain power.

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