In the past six months, I have spent a lot of time traveling to Guangdong and Fujian. After finishing the work at hand, there are always some friends who like to meet up for tea. It is a habit for southerners to drink tea and talk with friends.

2024/06/2903:34:32 home 1147

In the past six months, I have spent a lot of time traveling to Guangdong and Fujian. After finishing the work at hand, there are always some friends who like to meet up for tea.

It is a habit for southerners to drink tea and talk with friends.

Do as the Romans do, and Mr. Dao will also agree to go to their venue to drink tea, because Mr. Dao, who considers himself a craftsman, always likes to deal with them who are also craftsmen, and sometimes he will buy some things from them as a token of appreciation. Respect for the craftsmanship , respect for the craftsmen.

Most of them are living a very difficult life. They are either under great financial pressure, or in order to save money, the space is getting smaller and smaller, or they dare not move because they know that the place is not good because they cannot increase investment.

Craftsmanship is not easy. If they are lucky enough to read Mr. Dao's article, I hope they can make some changes according to Mr. Dao's instructions, which may have unexpected effects.

Many friends will ask, why didn’t you tell them directly when you arrived at the scene?

Taoist people value fate. We can’t take the initiative to tell others without asking. As for writing it down, if they see it and they take the initiative to seek change, that means fate has arrived, and the motivation for change will naturally come.

The first thing we talked about was a bank store. The proprietress is very passionate about the spirit of craftsmanship, which stems from the fact that he and a group of little deaf people hammered the silver pot into pieces.

A silver pot usually costs hundreds of thousands and needs hundreds of thousands of strikes.

In the past six months, I have spent a lot of time traveling to Guangdong and Fujian. After finishing the work at hand, there are always some friends who like to meet up for tea. It is a habit for southerners to drink tea and talk with friends. - DayDayNews

This is a small processing factory located in a cultural and creative park (industrial park). They are the work area on the first floor and the exhibition area on the second floor.

Let’s see if his Feng Shui works. First, look at the road outside. People and cars enter from the north. When they arrive near the gate of their own factory, their aura is cut off by the neighboring factory building on the left.

In this case, is a typical "dead end" in Feng Shui. The aura is not flowing, and the result is that a large number of products are produced but cannot be sold.

In the past six months, I have spent a lot of time traveling to Guangdong and Fujian. After finishing the work at hand, there are always some friends who like to meet up for tea. It is a habit for southerners to drink tea and talk with friends. - DayDayNews

The second floor is mainly the finished product display area and the main transaction area.

But the boss placed his desk (for drinking tea and collecting money) in the northwest. The first floor below the second floor in the northwest is the kitchen. There is a sign of fire overcoming metal, which will cause wealth, causing the money that comes in to go out again, or the good opportunity will always be unable to be closed.

Moreover, my desk faces away from the window, which creates a "backward" counterattack. I have no backer, so my nobility is not obvious, and a lot of larger businesses will fail.

In fact, the same is true for her reality. How to resolve


In the past six months, I have spent a lot of time traveling to Guangdong and Fujian. After finishing the work at hand, there are always some friends who like to meet up for tea. It is a habit for southerners to drink tea and talk with friends. - DayDayNews

moved her desk to the second floor as shown in the picture above, which will improve her performance a lot.

Of course, the environment outside the gate of this place is not good. If the layout is as shown in the picture above, after it gets better, we should move to a better place. After all, we will sell more products and help young deaf people make money and solve their employment problems. , that is, it is a great meritorious deed, so that the boss's feelings can last.

The same craftsman, this friend collects good tea and is almost obsessed with the health of agricultural products. If you discuss tea and make tea with him, he can stay up all night without feeling sleepy.

His studio is in a park, and the location is relatively remote.

We went to his venue after dinner in the evening.

is really gloomy, even his dog looks particularly ferocious (the evil spirit will be transferred to the dog, causing the dog to be particularly ferocious).

In the past six months, I have spent a lot of time traveling to Guangdong and Fujian. After finishing the work at hand, there are always some friends who like to meet up for tea. It is a habit for southerners to drink tea and talk with friends. - DayDayNews

Enter the deep alley before arriving at the gate of his workplace.

The first floor is the business area, and the second floor has its own office. This kind of long alley is very, very poor from the perspective of lighting.

In the past six months, I have spent a lot of time traveling to Guangdong and Fujian. After finishing the work at hand, there are always some friends who like to meet up for tea. It is a habit for southerners to drink tea and talk with friends. - DayDayNews

At the end of the second floor is the tea room (office) where the boss drinks tea.

has windows, but there is no air and light when the windows are opened, so it is equivalent to none.

This kind of house is called a "coffin house" in Feng Shui. It refers to a place where air is not circulating and dead air is formed.

Those with dead energy are bad for health. If you live in such a place for a long time, you will easily have problems with your health. In a place with heavy Yin energy, you can get some sideways, but if it doesn’t last long, your health (yang energy) will be gone, and you will be the same as a human being. .

Therefore, this place is also very bad.

If you want to change location, you must move to a place with ventilation, lighting, and ventilation before you have the chance to change. There is nothing wrong with keeping tea in a cool place, but you must have a healthy body to keep good tea at a higher value.

The third place is an old lady's studio making incense.

The old lady rented such a venue in an ancient town and street in the countryside.

's fragrance making process is good, and the raw materials are also very authentic, without any chemical additions.

Through getting to know each other, he invited us to his place for dinner.

In the past six months, I have spent a lot of time traveling to Guangdong and Fujian. After finishing the work at hand, there are always some friends who like to meet up for tea. It is a habit for southerners to drink tea and talk with friends. - DayDayNews

This is an old courtyard building in the original square. It faces southeast, northwest, and opens the gate to the northwest.

I saw that he put his office in a corner, also without windows, and there was a Buddhist temple in the attic.

In the Feng Shui pattern, the position of the god is very important. If the offering is in the wrong direction or in the evil direction, the Buddha will not come but he will not come.

And its importance determines the success or failure of a place.

In this office, the downstairs is not ventilated and is used as a place for ghosts. The upstairs is dedicated to Buddha statues and does not attract gods or Buddhas.

Judging from Feng Shui, it is not much better. How to change this place


In the northern corner of the yard, there is a tea room that can be used as an office. If the old lady puts her Buddhist temple and her office there, this good product will definitely be accepted by the public, and it is entirely possible to achieve great success in her career.

Fate requires chance encounters. Please ask for help. In addition to accumulating good karma, you must also have this fate.

I hope that everyone is destined to have a good destiny and save everyone from suffering. From this, the great road will be immeasurable.

Thank you for paying attention to Mr. Xishu Tao and Mr. Feng Shui Tao. I will share more knowledge and cases with you.

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