-The designer said - This is a residential space with abundant lighting. We retain the distinctive split-level structure, combine the personality and preferences of the residents, and create aesthetics and comfort through furniture style, functional partitions, and exquisite deta

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-The designer said - This is a residential space with abundant lighting. We retain the distinctive split-level structure, combine the personality and preferences of the residents, and create aesthetics and comfort through furniture style, functional partitions, and exquisite deta - DayDayNews

- Designer said -

This is a residential space with ample lighting. We retain the distinctive split-level structure, combine the personality and preferences of the residents, and create aesthetics and comfort through furniture style, functional partitions, and exquisite details. sex. Make use of scale, coordinate rhythm, add space interest, and create a bright and open living experience.

-The designer said - This is a residential space with abundant lighting. We retain the distinctive split-level structure, combine the personality and preferences of the residents, and create aesthetics and comfort through furniture style, functional partitions, and exquisite deta - DayDayNews1

Porch | Guidance direction

-The designer said - This is a residential space with abundant lighting. We retain the distinctive split-level structure, combine the personality and preferences of the residents, and create aesthetics and comfort through furniture style, functional partitions, and exquisite deta - DayDayNews

-The designer said - This is a residential space with abundant lighting. We retain the distinctive split-level structure, combine the personality and preferences of the residents, and create aesthetics and comfort through furniture style, functional partitions, and exquisite deta - DayDayNews


The Porch area adopts classic black and white colors to enhance the sense of interconnection of the space from the horizontal direction and eliminate the sense of crowding in the long and narrow viewing port. Stone surface moiré patterns are placed to decorate the turning space, with a face-to-face form and downward direction. The smudged movement calms the restless mood when returning home, conveys a gentle and watery feeling, patiently leads people in, and relieves fatigue.

-The designer said - This is a residential space with abundant lighting. We retain the distinctive split-level structure, combine the personality and preferences of the residents, and create aesthetics and comfort through furniture style, functional partitions, and exquisite deta - DayDayNews2

Living Room | Painting of Life

-The designer said - This is a residential space with abundant lighting. We retain the distinctive split-level structure, combine the personality and preferences of the residents, and create aesthetics and comfort through furniture style, functional partitions, and exquisite deta - DayDayNews

-The designer said - This is a residential space with abundant lighting. We retain the distinctive split-level structure, combine the personality and preferences of the residents, and create aesthetics and comfort through furniture style, functional partitions, and exquisite deta - DayDayNews

-The designer said - This is a residential space with abundant lighting. We retain the distinctive split-level structure, combine the personality and preferences of the residents, and create aesthetics and comfort through furniture style, functional partitions, and exquisite deta - DayDayNews


The floor-to-ceiling windows welcome the warm energy given by the sun, and interact with the scattered downlights to jointly create a simple charm in the living room. The color ratio of white as the main component and dark gray as the supplement sets the tone for elegance in the tension of collision, and can also bring out the ingenuity and careful care of every design.

-The designer said - This is a residential space with abundant lighting. We retain the distinctive split-level structure, combine the personality and preferences of the residents, and create aesthetics and comfort through furniture style, functional partitions, and exquisite deta - DayDayNews

-The designer said - This is a residential space with abundant lighting. We retain the distinctive split-level structure, combine the personality and preferences of the residents, and create aesthetics and comfort through furniture style, functional partitions, and exquisite deta - DayDayNews

-The designer said - This is a residential space with abundant lighting. We retain the distinctive split-level structure, combine the personality and preferences of the residents, and create aesthetics and comfort through furniture style, functional partitions, and exquisite deta - DayDayNews


solid colors and body blocks are combined and spliced. In the large area of ​​blank space, the suspended shape is creatively used to break the visual balance, creating an eye-catching feeling. It not only improves the aesthetics, but also collects various kinds of Such exquisite works of art closely meet emotional needs and expand the charm of space.

-The designer said - This is a residential space with abundant lighting. We retain the distinctive split-level structure, combine the personality and preferences of the residents, and create aesthetics and comfort through furniture style, functional partitions, and exquisite deta - DayDayNews

-The designer said - This is a residential space with abundant lighting. We retain the distinctive split-level structure, combine the personality and preferences of the residents, and create aesthetics and comfort through furniture style, functional partitions, and exquisite deta - DayDayNews

-The designer said - This is a residential space with abundant lighting. We retain the distinctive split-level structure, combine the personality and preferences of the residents, and create aesthetics and comfort through furniture style, functional partitions, and exquisite deta - DayDayNews

-The designer said - This is a residential space with abundant lighting. We retain the distinctive split-level structure, combine the personality and preferences of the residents, and create aesthetics and comfort through furniture style, functional partitions, and exquisite deta - DayDayNews


On one side are cute illustrations and ornaments, and on the other side is a simple and elegant tea area. The adjacent placement provides opportunities for rest, appreciation, and wandering, and creates a leisurely mood. The fusion of modernist elements and traditional cultural style triggers a unique visual impression.

-The designer said - This is a residential space with abundant lighting. We retain the distinctive split-level structure, combine the personality and preferences of the residents, and create aesthetics and comfort through furniture style, functional partitions, and exquisite deta - DayDayNews3

Stairs | Safe and orderly

-The designer said - This is a residential space with abundant lighting. We retain the distinctive split-level structure, combine the personality and preferences of the residents, and create aesthetics and comfort through furniture style, functional partitions, and exquisite deta - DayDayNews


The slender staircase space adheres to the geometric framework and uses vertical lines to create a sense of depth. In a neat and tidy world, light and shadow are randomly drawn, which eliminates the stereotype of and , letting the inherent emptiness of light and shadow inject vitality into the place. Climbing up the stairs, you will feel safer.

-The designer said - This is a residential space with abundant lighting. We retain the distinctive split-level structure, combine the personality and preferences of the residents, and create aesthetics and comfort through furniture style, functional partitions, and exquisite deta - DayDayNews4

Kitchen | Fireworks and Human Feelings

-The designer said - This is a residential space with abundant lighting. We retain the distinctive split-level structure, combine the personality and preferences of the residents, and create aesthetics and comfort through furniture style, functional partitions, and exquisite deta - DayDayNews

-The designer said - This is a residential space with abundant lighting. We retain the distinctive split-level structure, combine the personality and preferences of the residents, and create aesthetics and comfort through furniture style, functional partitions, and exquisite deta - DayDayNews

-The designer said - This is a residential space with abundant lighting. We retain the distinctive split-level structure, combine the personality and preferences of the residents, and create aesthetics and comfort through furniture style, functional partitions, and exquisite deta - DayDayNews


follows the rules of ergonomics and sets the cabinet height to meet actual needs, maximizing the use of the upper space and improving the storage function. Continuing the color matching of other spaces, maintaining the overall unified tone, through adjustment of proportion and modification of texture, it effectively accommodates the interest of fireworks.

-The designer said - This is a residential space with abundant lighting. We retain the distinctive split-level structure, combine the personality and preferences of the residents, and create aesthetics and comfort through furniture style, functional partitions, and exquisite deta - DayDayNews5

bedroom | Calm and cozy

-The designer said - This is a residential space with abundant lighting. We retain the distinctive split-level structure, combine the personality and preferences of the residents, and create aesthetics and comfort through furniture style, functional partitions, and exquisite deta - DayDayNews

-The designer said - This is a residential space with abundant lighting. We retain the distinctive split-level structure, combine the personality and preferences of the residents, and create aesthetics and comfort through furniture style, functional partitions, and exquisite deta - DayDayNews

-The designer said - This is a residential space with abundant lighting. We retain the distinctive split-level structure, combine the personality and preferences of the residents, and create aesthetics and comfort through furniture style, functional partitions, and exquisite deta - DayDayNews

-The designer said - This is a residential space with abundant lighting. We retain the distinctive split-level structure, combine the personality and preferences of the residents, and create aesthetics and comfort through furniture style, functional partitions, and exquisite deta - DayDayNews


Neutral tones fill the entire space, connecting different textures, textures, and dark patterns to create a calm and elegant atmosphere. Dark elements strengthen the outline, and the warm halo expresses a warm temperament. When people lie down on the big bed, all worries disappear. The sliding door panel can be opened to connect spaces and closed to ensure a sense of security during sleep.

-The designer said - This is a residential space with abundant lighting. We retain the distinctive split-level structure, combine the personality and preferences of the residents, and create aesthetics and comfort through furniture style, functional partitions, and exquisite deta - DayDayNews

-The designer said - This is a residential space with abundant lighting. We retain the distinctive split-level structure, combine the personality and preferences of the residents, and create aesthetics and comfort through furniture style, functional partitions, and exquisite deta - DayDayNews

-The designer said - This is a residential space with abundant lighting. We retain the distinctive split-level structure, combine the personality and preferences of the residents, and create aesthetics and comfort through furniture style, functional partitions, and exquisite deta - DayDayNews

-The designer said - This is a residential space with abundant lighting. We retain the distinctive split-level structure, combine the personality and preferences of the residents, and create aesthetics and comfort through furniture style, functional partitions, and exquisite deta - DayDayNews

-The designer said - This is a residential space with abundant lighting. We retain the distinctive split-level structure, combine the personality and preferences of the residents, and create aesthetics and comfort through furniture style, functional partitions, and exquisite deta - DayDayNews


The bedside background has an unexpected shape, slightly curved from the side, which not only adds interest to the space, but also blocks the curtains, controlling the simplicity of the bedroom. The umbrella-shaped table lamp leads the light source to sink downwards, and the spherical chandelier brings light light to enhance the romantic mood and reveal an independent and intimate spatial narrative.

-The designer said - This is a residential space with abundant lighting. We retain the distinctive split-level structure, combine the personality and preferences of the residents, and create aesthetics and comfort through furniture style, functional partitions, and exquisite deta - DayDayNews


The bay window supports the desktop, which faces the wall cabinet. The wall cabinet is adjacent to the wardrobe. The interlocking relationship shows the beauty of customization. It also takes into account the functions of storage, display, and expression of design aesthetics, making it easy to build a harmonious space. The atmosphere slowly permeates extraordinary aesthetic taste and spiritual pursuits.

-The designer said - This is a residential space with abundant lighting. We retain the distinctive split-level structure, combine the personality and preferences of the residents, and create aesthetics and comfort through furniture style, functional partitions, and exquisite deta - DayDayNews

-The designer said - This is a residential space with abundant lighting. We retain the distinctive split-level structure, combine the personality and preferences of the residents, and create aesthetics and comfort through furniture style, functional partitions, and exquisite deta - DayDayNews


The bright mirror is wrapped in a hazy halo, forming a visual hierarchy of virtual and real, which magnifies the depth of the bathroom. The smooth plane uses reflective qualities to buffer the rigidity of the space, allowing the perception of brightness to bring a good mood. Transparent glass blocks water vapor, perfectly reflecting the scientific nature of wet and dry zoning.


Project Name | Summer Solstice

Project Address | Shanghai Jing'an District

Project Area | 120㎡

Design Agency | Wuge (Shanghai) Design Consulting Co., Ltd.

Completion Time | 2022.03

Copywriting Planning | Xiuhe Culture

Original Picture

-The designer said - This is a residential space with abundant lighting. We retain the distinctive split-level structure, combine the personality and preferences of the residents, and create aesthetics and comfort through furniture style, functional partitions, and exquisite deta - DayDayNews

floor plan

-The designer said - This is a residential space with abundant lighting. We retain the distinctive split-level structure, combine the personality and preferences of the residents, and create aesthetics and comfort through furniture style, functional partitions, and exquisite deta - DayDayNews

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