There was a construction site that had been renovated, and the owner told me to remove the lock box at the door. I went there at around 8 a.m., and when I opened the door, a hot air blew in my face. I thought to myself that it was too hot to let the inside of the house get inside

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There was a construction site that had been renovated. The owner informed me to remove the lock box at the door. I went there at around 8 o'clock in the morning. When I opened the door, a hot air rushed towards me. I thought to myself that it was impossible to let the house down even if it was hot. It was so hot inside. When I entered the house, I saw that the owner had adjusted the air conditioner to 30 degrees and turned on the heating mode. All the doors and windows in the house were closed, which meant that the owner was heating up the house.

There was a construction site that had been renovated, and the owner told me to remove the lock box at the door. I went there at around 8 a.m., and when I opened the door, a hot air blew in my face. I thought to myself that it was too hot to let the inside of the house get inside - DayDayNews

Before leaving, I asked the owner if he was ready to move in? The owner said, yes, he was ready to move to a new home after more than 10 days.

I highly recommend this owner’s approach. It is the stupidest method, but it can achieve the best results. If you operate it continuously for more than 10 days, heating it during the day and opening the windows for ventilation at night, the ventilation effect at home can be better than normal ventilation. A few months of results.

Decoration ventilation is a headache for many owners. There are green plants, onions, pineapple peels , activated carbon, etc. The deodorizing effect of these things is very limited.

After the new house is decorated, there are two points to pay attention to in ventilation. The first point is ventilation, and the second point is to allow harmful substances in the home to be emitted from various materials.

If it is not distributed, there is no point in opening the windows for ventilation all day long.

Everyone knows that the emission cycle of formaldehyde and is very long. The normal emission cycle is 3-15 years. This is related to the material itself, and it is also related to the emission conditions.

There was a construction site that had been renovated, and the owner told me to remove the lock box at the door. I went there at around 8 a.m., and when I opened the door, a hot air blew in my face. I thought to myself that it was too hot to let the inside of the house get inside - DayDayNews

If the new house is decorated, the windows will be naturally open at ordinary times. The temperature inside the house is almost the same as the temperature outside. When it is hot, it will dissipate faster. When it is late autumn or winter, the temperature will be relatively low. At this time, it is said that opening the window to escape the smell is actually of no use at all.

For example, this season is the hottest time of the year. It can reach more than 30 degrees outside. If you close all the doors and windows at home, the indoor temperature will be even higher. At this time, you can turn on the indoor air conditioner and add "a fire." "The temperature inside the house can easily reach more than 40 degrees. Under such conditions, the period of formaldehyde emission will be significantly shortened. If you can make good use of a summer, the ventilation effect will be quite good.

There was a construction site that had been renovated, and the owner told me to remove the lock box at the door. I went there at around 8 a.m., and when I opened the door, a hot air blew in my face. I thought to myself that it was too hot to let the inside of the house get inside - DayDayNews

If there are owners who want to ventilate their new homes in the past month or two, you might as well give it a try. The effect may be beyond imagination.

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