After several days of rainy weather, have you noticed that there are more and more mosquitoes? Yesterday, the Beijing Center for Disease Control and Prevention and the Beijing Meteorological Center jointly announced that the average mosquito bite index in Beijing was level four,

2024/06/1806:02:33 home 1876

After several days of rainy weather, have you noticed that there are more and more mosquitoes? Yesterday, the Beijing Center for Disease Control and Prevention and the Beijing Meteorological Center jointly announced that the average mosquito bite index in Beijing is level four, indicating a high risk of bites. Too many mosquitoes not only bite people, but they can also easily affect sleep and spread diseases.

Today, the editor will take you to know which places in your home are more likely to become mosquito hiding places, what kind of mosquito control methods have safety risks, how to prevent mosquitoes in a scientific and safe way, and help the elders spend the summer safely.

Where in your home are mosquitoes hiding?

Aedes albopictus , commonly known as "flower mosquito", likes to live in clean water, mostly indoors and outdoors and around houses where water is likely to accumulate in household items or waste, such as jars, cans, basins, and pickle jars. , vases, broken bottles, cans, waste tires, etc. Culex pipiens, the mosquito we usually see in our homes, mostly lives near sewage. Therefore, the key to preventing mosquitoes is to reduce mosquito breeding places and reduce the number of mosquitoes from the source.

1. Elderly friends who love to grow flowers should pay attention: timely clean up the accumulated water in flower pots and other containers outside the window. The water in the bottom of indoor flower pots and vases should be emptied or replaced at least once a week. Accumulated water is a major problem in the home. There are easy places for mosquitoes to breed.

After several days of rainy weather, have you noticed that there are more and more mosquitoes? Yesterday, the Beijing Center for Disease Control and Prevention and the Beijing Meteorological Center jointly announced that the average mosquito bite index in Beijing was level four,  - DayDayNews

2. Containers that are easy to store water, such as plates, bowls, cups, etc., try to place them upside down or cover them to avoid water accumulation.

After several days of rainy weather, have you noticed that there are more and more mosquitoes? Yesterday, the Beijing Center for Disease Control and Prevention and the Beijing Meteorological Center jointly announced that the average mosquito bite index in Beijing was level four,  - DayDayNews

3. In the environment around the house, stagnant water in potholes, tree holes, and various garbage containers in green belts are also breeding grounds for mosquitoes. If there is stagnant water, it should be removed as much as possible. If it cannot be removed, mosquito killers can be put in Pack kills mosquito larvae.

After several days of rainy weather, have you noticed that there are more and more mosquitoes? Yesterday, the Beijing Center for Disease Control and Prevention and the Beijing Meteorological Center jointly announced that the average mosquito bite index in Beijing was level four,  - DayDayNews

What kind of mosquito control methods have safety risks?

Since the beginning of summer, people have taken various measures to prevent and eliminate mosquitoes. However, these measures have certain safety risks. Please pay attention to the methods when using them. It is recommended to use safer mosquito repellents. method.

1. When using mosquito coils, be sure to stay away from flammable materials.

Recently, in Jiujiang, Jiangxi, an old man lit mosquito coils and ignited his desk, causing a fire. The fire had been extinguished when firefighters arrived, but the old man's savings were destroyed.

After several days of rainy weather, have you noticed that there are more and more mosquitoes? Yesterday, the Beijing Center for Disease Control and Prevention and the Beijing Meteorological Center jointly announced that the average mosquito bite index in Beijing was level four,  - DayDayNews

When you search for the keywords "mosquito incense, fire", you will see incidents like this happening all over the country, which is shocking.

The burning temperature of traditional mosquito coils can reach over 500 degrees Celsius. If there are curtains, sheets, newspapers and other flammable materials around, the consequences will be disastrous. Therefore, when using traditional mosquito coils to repel mosquitoes, be sure to place them on a special metal bracket and keep them away from combustible materials such as curtains and sheets.

2. Use insecticides with caution to kill mosquitoes.

The " Wuhan Evening News " reported on July 6, 2022: An 80-year-old man used insecticide to kill mosquitoes and sprayed insecticides in his bedroom, living room and other places at home. The old man felt a headache and chest tightness in the middle of the night. The next day, he felt difficulty breathing. His family rushed him to the hospital, where he was diagnosed with mild poisoning.

After several days of rainy weather, have you noticed that there are more and more mosquitoes? Yesterday, the Beijing Center for Disease Control and Prevention and the Beijing Meteorological Center jointly announced that the average mosquito bite index in Beijing was level four,  - DayDayNews

Doctors said that most pesticides contain organophosphorus , which are obviously toxic to the nervous system of the human body. Staying in a closed space where pesticides are sprayed can easily irritate the respiratory tract at first, causing sneezing and Symptoms such as runny nose and cough. Smelling too much can easily lead to poisoning, which can cause paralysis of the cranial nerves, abnormal sensations, dizziness, headaches and other neurological symptoms, and may also cause blurred vision.

Therefore, it is recommended that all elderly friends try not to use insecticides to kill mosquitoes. If it must be used, you can close the doors and windows for two to three hours after spraying in the room, and then open the windows in time for ventilation. Try not to stay indoors during the initial spraying period.

3, toilet water is a flammable liquid

toilet water is a common anti-mosquito tool in our daily life. In recent years, various fragrances and spray bottles have appeared on the market for convenience.

However, some toilet water contains more than 70% alcohol and can be ignited 3 centimeters away from the fire source. The instantaneous temperature at the center of the flame exceeds 250 degrees Celsius!

After several days of rainy weather, have you noticed that there are more and more mosquitoes? Yesterday, the Beijing Center for Disease Control and Prevention and the Beijing Meteorological Center jointly announced that the average mosquito bite index in Beijing was level four,  - DayDayNews

would like to remind all elderly friends not to go near an open flame after applying toilet water, such as turning on gas for cooking; do not spray toilet water next to traditional mosquito coils or electric mosquito coils ; and also remind young people not to place toilet water in the car.

What kind of mosquito repellent method should the elderly choose?

1. Physical mosquito repellent: You can choose to install screen windows, screen doors or use mosquito nets at home, which can provide ventilation and block mosquitoes.

2, mosquito repellent : You can use mosquito repellent when you go out. When purchasing, be sure to look for products containing DEET, , DEET or picaridin. The mosquito repellent effect is better. .

Finally, I would like to remind all elderly friends that if you suddenly develop a fever after being bitten by a mosquito, and develop symptoms such as muscle, bone and joint pain, rash, etc., you should go to the hospital for examination in time for a clear diagnosis and timely treatment.

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