Many people have pets at home, and they usually find them inconvenient. However, after an epidemic, they discovered that there are problems everywhere. Mere food and clothing are not enough, especially when they stay at home for a long time, they also need adequate food. We want

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Many people have pets at home, and they usually find them inconvenient. After the epidemic, they discovered that there are problems everywhere. Just having enough food and clothing is not enough, especially when you stay at home for a long time, they also need to have enough. We would rather go out and take a look at the activity space. If we had known earlier, we would have made concessions in these places during the decoration:

Many people have pets at home, and they usually find them inconvenient. However, after an epidemic, they discovered that there are problems everywhere. Mere food and clothing are not enough, especially when they stay at home for a long time, they also need adequate food. We want  - DayDayNews

→ Leave the cabinet door empty

This design is more suitable for families with cats. After all, dogs are of average size. For relatively large cabinets, sacrificing part of the storage space inside the cabinets and leaving holes in the cabinet doors can give them more space for activities.

Many people have pets at home, and they usually find them inconvenient. However, after an epidemic, they discovered that there are problems everywhere. Mere food and clothing are not enough, especially when they stay at home for a long time, they also need adequate food. We want  - DayDayNews

Many people have pets at home, and they usually find them inconvenient. However, after an epidemic, they discovered that there are problems everywhere. Mere food and clothing are not enough, especially when they stay at home for a long time, they also need adequate food. We want  - DayDayNews

Considering the convenience of use, some families leave space under the sink and leave holes on the left and right sides, which can also optimize the circulation line. Some even have ideas to use the wall to design cat climbing frame in addition to interior design. Cat passages, such as TV walls, aisles and other unused areas can be considered as appropriate.

Many people have pets at home, and they usually find them inconvenient. However, after an epidemic, they discovered that there are problems everywhere. Mere food and clothing are not enough, especially when they stay at home for a long time, they also need adequate food. We want  - DayDayNews

Many people have pets at home, and they usually find them inconvenient. However, after an epidemic, they discovered that there are problems everywhere. Mere food and clothing are not enough, especially when they stay at home for a long time, they also need adequate food. We want  - DayDayNews

→ Widen the window sill

We decide this based on the actual situation. Appropriately widening the window sill can also make it easier for cats and dogs to get up. But please note, no matter what you do, be sure to make the corners arc-shaped, otherwise collision problems will easily occur.

Many people have pets at home, and they usually find them inconvenient. However, after an epidemic, they discovered that there are problems everywhere. Mere food and clothing are not enough, especially when they stay at home for a long time, they also need adequate food. We want  - DayDayNews

→ Set up a slope on the side of the stairs

If the width of your stairs is relatively wide, you can consider planning the lower side as a separate landslide, and changing the upper side to a horizontal board can make it easier for cats, dogs and other animals to go downstairs. If the surface is smooth, it will become a A small slide.

Many people have pets at home, and they usually find them inconvenient. However, after an epidemic, they discovered that there are problems everywhere. Mere food and clothing are not enough, especially when they stay at home for a long time, they also need adequate food. We want  - DayDayNews

Of course, if you follow the above steps, you will have no room for regrets. If you want more flexibility, you can consider the following method. The width of the stairs is sufficient, and an extra board can be placed on the side after being fixed. It plays the same role. It is up to you to decide whether the board should be smooth or horizontal.

Many people have pets at home, and they usually find them inconvenient. However, after an epidemic, they discovered that there are problems everywhere. Mere food and clothing are not enough, especially when they stay at home for a long time, they also need adequate food. We want  - DayDayNews

→Leave the bottom empty for glass

What do dogs know? He also longs for the outside world~

Many people have pets at home, and they usually find them inconvenient. However, after an epidemic, they discovered that there are problems everywhere. Mere food and clothing are not enough, especially when they stay at home for a long time, they also need adequate food. We want  - DayDayNews

If conditions permit, leave an extra window near the bottom of the home. Even if ventilation is not needed, the location is lower, so cats and dogs can see the outside world without being too aggrieved. Raising pets is like raising children. We must also take appropriate care of their thoughts and help increase indoor lighting.

Many people have pets at home, and they usually find them inconvenient. However, after an epidemic, they discovered that there are problems everywhere. Mere food and clothing are not enough, especially when they stay at home for a long time, they also need adequate food. We want  - DayDayNews

Many people have pets at home, and they usually find them inconvenient. However, after an epidemic, they discovered that there are problems everywhere. Mere food and clothing are not enough, especially when they stay at home for a long time, they also need adequate food. We want  - DayDayNews

→ Open holes in doors or walls (partition walls or courtyard walls)

Appropriate holes can also be left in indoor doors or non-load-bearing partition walls to facilitate the entry and exit of pets. For families with a yard, partially open the door or wall connecting the yard. It would be a good idea to train them more and let them learn to escape by themselves.

Many people have pets at home, and they usually find them inconvenient. However, after an epidemic, they discovered that there are problems everywhere. Mere food and clothing are not enough, especially when they stay at home for a long time, they also need adequate food. We want  - DayDayNews

Many people have pets at home, and they usually find them inconvenient. However, after an epidemic, they discovered that there are problems everywhere. Mere food and clothing are not enough, especially when they stay at home for a long time, they also need adequate food. We want  - DayDayNews

Taking into account safety issues, entry doors generally do not mind opening holes to reserve space for pets, and the material is steel plate, so it is inconvenient to leave holes. In order not to cause indoor waste, if there is a cabinet in the room with the hole, it can be properly hidden, and the remaining space will not delay storage.

Many people have pets at home, and they usually find them inconvenient. However, after an epidemic, they discovered that there are problems everywhere. Mere food and clothing are not enough, especially when they stay at home for a long time, they also need adequate food. We want  - DayDayNews

Of course, how can little pets miss the ventilation of the courtyard wall? Properly reserved small holes and paintings will also have different effects. With a little treatment, it will be adorable.

Many people have pets at home, and they usually find them inconvenient. However, after an epidemic, they discovered that there are problems everywhere. Mere food and clothing are not enough, especially when they stay at home for a long time, they also need adequate food. We want  - DayDayNews

→ Partially embedded or left empty for nesting

It is better to embed in non-load-bearing walls. You don’t have to worry about occupying the aisle space. You can place dinner plates or sleep on the inline. The wall above can also increase storage and storage. Some of the cans they often eat or commonly used cleaning tools, etc., open or closed is up to you.

Many people have pets at home, and they usually find them inconvenient. However, after an epidemic, they discovered that there are problems everywhere. Mere food and clothing are not enough, especially when they stay at home for a long time, they also need adequate food. We want  - DayDayNews

Many people have pets at home, and they usually find them inconvenient. However, after an epidemic, they discovered that there are problems everywhere. Mere food and clothing are not enough, especially when they stay at home for a long time, they also need adequate food. We want  - DayDayNews

In addition, the corners of the cabinet or wall can also be appropriately curved to avoid collisions with sharp corners caused by inlays. Even if inlays cannot be built in, we can also consider leaving the cabinets appropriately empty, such as under stairs and bay windows. Other places can be considered as appropriate, and if you have ideas, you can add an extra door.

Many people have pets at home, and they usually find them inconvenient. However, after an epidemic, they discovered that there are problems everywhere. Mere food and clothing are not enough, especially when they stay at home for a long time, they also need adequate food. We want  - DayDayNews

Many people have pets at home, and they usually find them inconvenient. However, after an epidemic, they discovered that there are problems everywhere. Mere food and clothing are not enough, especially when they stay at home for a long time, they also need adequate food. We want  - DayDayNews

Many people have pets at home, and they usually find them inconvenient. However, after an epidemic, they discovered that there are problems everywhere. Mere food and clothing are not enough, especially when they stay at home for a long time, they also need adequate food. We want  - DayDayNews

→ Reserve a dining area

When raising a pet, you should also train it to have a fixed place for eating and drinking water. In addition to leaving it empty, if you want it to be more beautiful, you can use skirting to make a pull-out shape with sufficient space. , and you can also leave an extra cabinet next to it to store food.

Many people have pets at home, and they usually find them inconvenient. However, after an epidemic, they discovered that there are problems everywhere. Mere food and clothing are not enough, especially when they stay at home for a long time, they also need adequate food. We want  - DayDayNews

Many people have pets at home, and they usually find them inconvenient. However, after an epidemic, they discovered that there are problems everywhere. Mere food and clothing are not enough, especially when they stay at home for a long time, they also need adequate food. We want  - DayDayNews

Many people have pets at home, and they usually find them inconvenient. However, after an epidemic, they discovered that there are problems everywhere. Mere food and clothing are not enough, especially when they stay at home for a long time, they also need adequate food. We want  - DayDayNews

By the way, if you don’t mind the trouble, there is also a built-in faucet, which is particularly convenient when adding water. What do you think?

Many people have pets at home, and they usually find them inconvenient. However, after an epidemic, they discovered that there are problems everywhere. Mere food and clothing are not enough, especially when they stay at home for a long time, they also need adequate food. We want  - DayDayNews

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