Do you always listen to what the merchants say when choosing a toilet? Sales talk about "hype", it's better to listen to real experience! I hope it will be helpful to those who haven’t bought one yet [爱AM][爱AM][呑ya] Today we will share with you a young lady’s purchase process and

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When choosing a toilet, do you always listen to what the merchants say? Sales talk about "hype", it's better to listen to real experience! I hope it will be helpful to those who haven’t bought it yet [爱AM][爱AM][呲ya]
Today we will share the purchase process and experience of a young lady’s smart toilet !
My bathroom is about 3 square meters. In order to ensure comfort in a small bathroom space, comprehensive considerations must be taken in terms of storage of items and addition of hardware.

Do you always listen to what the merchants say when choosing a toilet? Sales talk about

Choice of Smart Toilet
When decorating the bathroom, we must consider not only the rationality of the space layout, but also the experience and comfort brought by commonly used hardware. Therefore, when choosing a toilet, I will pay attention to the following details.
◆Is there any water pressure limit?
◆How about the noise when flushing?
◆Is the water used for gynecological buttock washing hot and clean?
◆Is it easy to install?
◆There is another very important point. As a girl, appearance is very important~

Do you always listen to what the merchants say when choosing a toilet? Sales talk about

·In view of the above situation, I chose a smart toilet (not mentioning the name and model to avoid advertising) with a price of more than 2,000.
▫️About water pressure: This smart toilet There is no water pressure limit, even in old high-rise communities, there is no need to worry about insufficient flushing force;
▫️About noise: toilets with loud flushing noise will make people afraid to go to the toilet at night, for fear of disturbing their family members, especially The bathroom space is small, so I am even more worried about the noise. The flushing sound of this smart toilet is very small and the flushing is super clean. It can hardly be heard outside. It is very considerate ~

Do you always listen to what the merchants say when choosing a toilet? Sales talk about

▫️ Is the water for women’s buttock washing clean? Sisters who use smart toilets have more or less such problems. If you are worried, you will wonder where the flushing water comes from and whether it is clean? So before I bought it, I studied it carefully. The flushing tank of this toilet and the water for women's buttock washing are separate. The water for women's buttock washing is hot water. The anti-backflow filter can prevent the water from flowing back. The filtered and sanitary nozzles are automatically cleaned before use and can be removed and cleaned, so you can use them with confidence!
▫️Is the installation convenient? I am a person who is afraid of trouble. I would have some concerns about replacing a smart toilet in a renovated bathroom ~ But later I found that I didn’t have to worry at all. It was delivered to my home and the installation master finished it in a matter of hours!

Do you always listen to what the merchants say when choosing a toilet? Sales talk about

▫️After meeting the above needs, other things are unexpected gains for me: the regular seat heating is very friendly when using the toilet in winter; men's foot flushing and seat flushing are good news for lazy people; and there is another The catalytic deodorizing function is super considerate! After you sit on the toilet, the deodorizing function will automatically start, using a chemical reaction to absorb the odor in the toilet, so you won't stink when you go to the toilet!
Many people are repulsed by smart toilets and think they are flashy! In fact, you can try new things [呲呲][呲呲]

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