Dendrobium officinale is a common potted plant in daily life. Its branches and leaves are highly ornamental and can bloom. The flowers are also beautiful and can be viewed and eaten. The stems of Dendrobium candidum can be used to make soup and make tea. Tea has the effect of cle

2024/05/2719:02:32 home 1451

Dendrobium officinale is a relatively common potted plant in daily life. Its branches and leaves are highly ornamental and can bloom. The flowers are also beautiful. They are both ornamental and edible. The stems of Dendrobium officinale can be used to make soup. , make tea, which has the effect of clearing away heat and reducing fire; the growth of home potted Dendrobium candidum is not particularly fast, so it is necessary to seize every season when it can grow. Now that it is summer, most plants have entered a dormant or semi-dormant state. , However, Dendrobium officinale can still grow if the maintenance environment is appropriate. If you want Dendrobium officinale to grow in summer, you need to do the following points;

Dendrobium officinale is a common potted plant in daily life. Its branches and leaves are highly ornamental and can bloom. The flowers are also beautiful and can be viewed and eaten. The stems of Dendrobium candidum can be used to make soup and make tea. Tea has the effect of cle - DayDayNews

The first thing is the maintenance environment.

Dendrobium officinale likes half-shade maintenance. Environment, if you want it to grow quickly, you can't miss it in summer. Dendrobium officinale can withstand certain high temperatures, and the suitable growth temperature is 25-30 degrees. Although the temperature in summer is higher, Dendrobium officinale should be maintained in a place with scattered light. A place with scattered light The maintenance temperature is much lower than the maintenance environment under direct light. Some friends will move it indoors or under a big tree. After shading and maintenance in summer, the temperature will drop a lot. As long as it does not exceed 35 degrees, the iron sheet Dendrobium can grow slowly, so the environment is very important;

Dendrobium officinale is a common potted plant in daily life. Its branches and leaves are highly ornamental and can bloom. The flowers are also beautiful and can be viewed and eaten. The stems of Dendrobium candidum can be used to make soup and make tea. Tea has the effect of cle - DayDayNews

The second point is humidity.

If you want Dendrobium to grow in summer, humidity is also very important. Dendrobium likes a humid maintenance environment, so water the pots in summer. You can water when the surface of the soil is about 2 centimeters dry. Or you can weigh the flower pot and feel that the flower pot has become lighter. Water;

until water seeps out from the bottom of the flower pot. Do not pour a large pot of water at once. In this case, it is very likely that although the water has flowed out from the bottom of the flower pot, it has not been watered thoroughly, because the potted Dendrobium candidum The water permeability of the medium is very strong, so watering must be done slowly so that the water can be poured thoroughly;

In addition to the moisture in the pot soil, you should also pay attention to the air humidity around the maintenance environment. The climate in summer is relatively dry. In addition to watering, usually You can spray around the pot soil to increase the humidity. Spray 1-2 times a day. The amount of each spray should not be too much. It is best if the water droplets staying on the plants can evaporate in about half an hour, or around the plants. Put a basin of water, the evaporation of water will also increase the air humidity;

Dendrobium officinale is a common potted plant in daily life. Its branches and leaves are highly ornamental and can bloom. The flowers are also beautiful and can be viewed and eaten. The stems of Dendrobium candidum can be used to make soup and make tea. Tea has the effect of cle - DayDayNews

The third point is ventilation.

The temperature in summer is relatively high. If the ventilation is not good, the sultry environment is prone to pests and diseases and harms the plants, so frequent ventilation is needed to ensure the air The circulation of Dendrobium can not only lower the temperature, but also reduce the occurrence of pests and diseases, giving Dendrobium officinale a healthier growing environment;

Dendrobium officinale is a common potted plant in daily life. Its branches and leaves are highly ornamental and can bloom. The flowers are also beautiful and can be viewed and eaten. The stems of Dendrobium candidum can be used to make soup and make tea. Tea has the effect of cle - DayDayNews

The fourth point is nutrients.

If you want plants to grow, nutrients are essential. Provide them in summer. Fertilizing Dendrobium officinale is very simple. Just add some nutrient solution and use it once every half month. Dilute it with 1200 times of water and do it during watering. After root irrigation, you can spray the leaves. The concentration of the nutrient solution should not be too high. Otherwise, it is easy to cause fertilizer damage when the temperature is high in summer;

Dendrobium officinale is a common potted plant in daily life. Its branches and leaves are highly ornamental and can bloom. The flowers are also beautiful and can be viewed and eaten. The stems of Dendrobium candidum can be used to make soup and make tea. Tea has the effect of cle - DayDayNews

Today’s introduction to the maintenance methods of Dendrobium in summer is over.

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