Make your own "insecticide water" and spray it on the branches and leaves, and the flowers will no longer have insects. In summer, the temperature is high and the light intensity is high. Many flowers cannot tolerate this high temperature and enter a dormant state one after anoth

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Insects grow on flowers? Make your own "insecticide water" and spray it on the branches and leaves, and the flowers will no longer have insects.

In summer, the temperature is high and the light intensity is high. Many flowers cannot stand this high temperature and gradually enter a dormant state. At this time, the flowers are particularly weak and more vulnerable. It is susceptible to diseases and insect pests, and various small insects often grow on the branches and leaves to eat the twigs, causing serious damage to the flowers.

When growing flowers at home, when small bugs appear on the flowers, many people are afraid of polluting the environment and are unwilling to use drugs to kill bugs. They use some home-grown methods to get rid of bugs, and the effect is very good. If there are small insects on the flowers at home, you can also try these homemade insecticides. Spraying the branches and leaves of the flowers frequently can also effectively prevent the occurrence of insect pests.

Make your own

Washing powder and water kill insects

When growing flowers at home, many people dare not use pesticides to eliminate insects when they grow flowers at home, for fear of polluting the environment. If it is the case of red spider or aphid , you can try to use detergent to get rid of the insects. Dilute the detergent at a ratio of 1:200 and spray it on the branches and leaves. Laundry powder contains sodium alkyl benzene sulfonate , which is similar to pesticides and can be used as an insecticide.

Make your own

However, most washing powders are alkaline, and long-term use is not good for the growth of flowers. The day after spraying the branches and leaves of flowers, rinse them with clean water to avoid leaving any washing powder residue on them.

Onion water

The onions we usually use for cooking also have a very good insect-repelling effect and are harmless in hot weather. Often spraying flowers with onion water can also have a sterilizing effect and make the flowers grow better. Pesticides made from onions are safer to use. When using onions to get rid of pests, you should first chop the onions, mix them with water at a ratio of 1:50, leave them for a day, and then spray the clear liquid on the branches and leaves with pests. Spray twice in a row to eliminate them.

Make your own

Chili pepper water

Many flower lovers will use chili pepper water to make insecticides after small bugs appear on flowers, and the situation is not serious. However, you should choose a spicier pepper. If it is not spicy, it may not have any effect. The best kind is the dried chili pepper.

Make your own

Chop the peppers and soak them in water for 24 hours to soak out the spiciness inside the peppers. Then filter out the residue and spray the insect-infested branches and leaves with pepper water. The insects can be completely eliminated in a few times.

Fengyoujing mixed with water

Fengyoujing, which is always available at home in summer, has a refreshing effect. Apply a little on the body, not only will mosquitoes not come near, but it is also very effective against various small insects that grow on flowers. Spray it often with water. One spray can also prevent insects from growing on flowers.

Make your own

If the flowers have pests such as red spiders, aphids, and small black flies, you can fill a watering can with water, put 8 to 10 drops of essential oil on the ground inside, and then spray it on the branches and leaves of the flowers with insects. Two times can completely solve the problem. Pest problem.

Make your own

Cut tobacco Soaking in water

In addition to the above methods, there is another method that is used more often, that is, using cut tobacco to soak in water to eliminate insects. Cut tobacco contains , nicotine, and other harmful substances, which can also play a role. Very good pest control effect.

For example, if there are small bugs breeding in flower pots, or there are bugs on the branches and leaves of flowers, you can use shredded tobacco to soak in water, try to soak it as thickly as possible, finally filter out the residue, and use shredded tobacco water to spray the bugs, which can also effectively kill all kinds of small bugs. insect.

Make your own

Now is the season when flower insect pests are most common. Many flower lovers are particularly fond of this. You can try these pest control methods at home. They are safe, non-toxic and very effective.

To learn more about flower cultivation, please pay attention to the flower garden and share your flower cultivation experience with everyone every day! (Some pictures in this article are from the Internet. If there is any infringement, please contact us to delete them)

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