"Hello, Jarvis." "At your service, sir.

2024/05/2311:53:33 home 1614

"Hello, Jarvis ."

"At your service at any time, sir."

Iron Man and his AI smart butler Jarvis in the movie " Avengers " show us a technological imagination The future smart home scene. At that time, we may have marveled at the surreal concept depiction in the movie, but looking at today, science fiction movies have long been reflected in reality. With the development of 5G and Internet of Things technology, smart homes have moved from being driven by single products to In the whole-house linkage stage, it begins to leap towards "no-command active service". Midea's active whole-house intelligent solution, relying on the trinity of active intelligence technology, is the best interpretation of this.

From "passive response" to "active intelligence", How many steps have we taken?

In 2021, the concept of the metaverse swept the world with lightning speed. For a time, this originally unfamiliar vocabulary became a hot topic among people, showing us With the virtual reality technology reaching the sea of ​​stars, the entry of many players has opened up the grand scene of "everything can be in the metaverse". Driven by multiple factors of industry and technology, the Metaverse has shown great prospects and opportunities in gaming, social networking, e-commerce, and even the industrial Internet. However, in reality, at this stage, the Metaverse is still in the process of basic application in game scenarios. .

Professor Wang Feiyue, an researcher at the Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences, once said that the cornerstone of the metaverse is the blockchain. How to build it? We still have to go back to smart manufacturing. As an important part of intelligent manufacturing, smart home has become a battleground for home appliance companies as technology collides with life. In Wang Feiyue's view, all scientific issues and top-level systems are philosophical issues. The realization of smart home can make human society more humane, more conducive to physical and mental health, and have a more noble style. The family is human society The most basic unit, making the home smart is the most critical step of artificial intelligence , and it is also the most meaningful step.

Throughout the development of smart homes, the core is to serve people, but the focus has always been on people actively controlling products, mechanically triggering services through "giving orders", and relying on the intelligent upgrade of single products to realize home intelligence one by one. Break. As the development of single product intelligence reaches the ceiling and the cognitive concepts of various home appliance companies advance, the demand output path of smart homes has shifted from focusing on single products to provide services to focusing on comprehensive linkage development of scenarios. Taking different scenes of the home as a unit, we can realize point-to-area intelligence. services. It also allows the projection of people's imagination in science fiction movies to take shape in reality.

However, whether it is a single product service or scene linkage, the way people obtain services is still in the passive response stage. For the ideal smart home envisioned, this is a "pseudo-intelligent" service. Change from passive to active, extend people from service subjects to research subjects, explore user needs by focusing on user behavior, draw inferences from one example, provide users with non-sensitive and personalized services, and open up a whole-house smart home experience for thousands of people, which is wisdom. The true wisdom of family lies.

"Active intelligence must be the best solution that enterprises in the smart home industry should pursue. The essence of thinking one more step for users is to reduce disturbance to users." The relevant person in charge of Midea said that a good way of interaction is to moisturize things and fine things. Silent and active intelligence is actually a technical implementation path that does not interfere with the user's interactive experience.

Just like the active whole-house smart solution launched by Midea this time, it uses the sensing capabilities of devices and the interconnection capabilities between devices, combined with algorithms to actively judge and make decisions, and uses data learning and behavioral analysis to actively adapt the residence to people's ideas. , complete the experience of "thinking one more step for users", providing users with intelligent proactive services in the whole space and at all times, making the relationship between whole-house intelligence and people closer and more tacit.

How does active intelligence "actively" shine into reality?

Some netizens once joked that "the history of the development of technology is a history of human laziness." Now, the development of active whole-house intelligence has undoubtedly added fuel to people's "laziness" .

Just imagine, when you return home from get off work, the air conditioner senses your activity status and automatically matches the most suitable temperature and air outlet mode; when you open the refrigerator, the refrigerator can automatically detect the freshness of the ingredients and give you the most suitable nutritional recommendations. ; When bathing, the water heater accurately determines your identity based on your voiceprint, and automatically matches the most appropriate water temperature, water flow, water speed... These are Midea's active whole-house intelligence, which can be used in the original 5 major spaces ( Based on more than 300 scenes (living room, kitchen, bathroom, balcony), the iterative upgrades have brought about changes in the relationship between human settlements.

"The so-called active means actually automatic." The relevant person in charge of Midea said that looking back at our cars, not only have we switched from manual transmission to automatic transmission, but in recent years, a certain degree of self-driving cars have also begun to become popular. However, when we turn to the home space where we spend the most time, we find that this is actually a depression in urgent need of digitalization. The life scenes of most home users still remain at the traditional physical home appliance control level. The space behind this is worth exploring and building for home appliance companies.

As a leader in the field of home appliances, Midea has innate attributes and advantages in exploring active whole-house intelligence. By observing Midea's development path in recent years, it can be found that Midea has upgraded hundreds of millions of devices to the intelligent level. Currently, a large number of its products are connected to the home network. As time goes by, these devices connected to the network will become more intelligent. Devices, as connection nodes, are constantly increasing and enriching, and have formed a network effect, which provides a natural opportunity for Midea to upgrade its home digitally.

So, what is the underlying logic behind active intelligence technology? In Midea’s view, perception, execution and decision-making are its three core key dimensions.

In the perception layer, Midea's home appliance product matrix forms a sensor network throughout the house, which can completely learn the user's behavioral habits, provide powerful data support for understanding and restoring the user's life, and bring more intelligent whole-house solutions. ; At the execution level, Midea’s rich product lines serve as a powerful supplement. It is understood that Midea has implemented nearly 7,000 products equipped with intelligent control capabilities, providing more than 20,000+ execution actions, and its six major AI Smart housekeepers can learn and process user life data, and turn these life trajectories into unique services for thousands of people, feeding back to users; at the decision-making level, the IFTTT scene engine builds the core capabilities of interconnection and interoperability of home smart devices. It enables users to build smart devices as they wish. This completes the self-closed-loop proactive service and always thinks one more step for users.

At present, it is an indisputable fact that whole-house intelligence is the general trend. As the development of technology becomes clearer, active intelligent services are the intelligent existence that truly understands users. It is also a new opportunity for a new track in the home appliance industry. At the forefront of development in this era, Midea took the lead in launching active whole-house intelligence, which not only set the direction for industry development, but also redefined the relationship between people and their homes, announcing the arrival of a new lifestyle.

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