Summer is the "home field" of various lotus plants. When other plants are dormant and not blooming, they are the main flower plants in summer, and water lilies are the "main force" among them.

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Summer is the "home field" of various Lotus family plants. When other plants are dormant and not blooming, they are the main flower plants in summer, and water lilies are the "main force" among them. Today I will introduce you to a miniature water lily suitable for novices. Friends who like water lilies can take a look.

1. Understanding " Helvora "

Summer is the

Water lily "Helfla"

Water lilies, like lotus, have been regarded as the embodiment of beauty and holiness since ancient times. They have high ornamental value and are important water purification plants. They are favored by people all over the world. love. There are many varieties of water lilies. Judging from the plant shape, they are divided into large, medium and small. The one introduced today is called "Helvola" (Helvola). It is a miniature variety, the second smallest water lily in the world. It is suitable for planting in pots or small ponds, and is also an entry-level variety suitable for novices.

Summer is the

A small plant

Helvora is bred from the cross between small white Meridiana and Mexican yellow. The plant is small, at most more than 20 centimeters from the root to the leaves. has a banana-shaped rhizome with many buds. point, , so it has many branches and leaves. The leaves are round and oval with a V-shaped notch. The leaves are green with dark stripes and dark purple patches, which are easy to identify. It is very adaptable to growing in flower pots and can be grown in small pots, which can satisfy your desire to grow water lilies at home.

Summer is the

The flowers look like this

The plants are small and the flowers are not big. The flowers of Helvora are less than 3cm in size and only 5cm in size. The flower shape is quite delicate. It has all the appearance of a water lily, with white petals and yellow stamens. When viewed under the sun, it looks pure and fairy-like. Full of energy and good to watch.

Summer is the

One of the most flowering water lilies

Although Helvora is small in size, it has extremely strong flowering ability. Except for winter, spring, summer and autumn are the flowering periods. It blooms early and has a large number of flowers. When the root system grows up, Three or four flowers can bloom in a week, and even more if the cultivation is good. If you give it a larger planting space, it can even bloom in groups. The flowers stand out of the water and emerge from the mud without being stained. They bloom in the afternoon and close in the evening. They are also compound flowers. It is excellent, one after another, and can often surprise you. It is a "flowering machine" in the water lily world, and it can easily bring confidence to novice flower lovers.

2. Choose flower pots

Summer is the

Small pots can grow

When planting water lilies, the most important step is the choice of flower pots. Large varieties should use larger containers, while small varieties can use small pots. Taking Helvora as an example, a flower pot with a diameter of 20 cm and a height of 15 cm or more can be grown. It can be used directly in small pools or fish tanks at home, or small washbasins, mineral water buckets, etc. Second point, you need soil to raise water lilies. Common pond mud will do. Water alone will not do. The depth of the soil layer is at least 4cm. For small flower pots, just add soil directly. For large flower pots, you can add an inner pot inside ( Diameter 12cm or more).

3. Suggestions for planting Helvora

Summer is the

Helvora grown in fish tanks

Water level: Water lilies are aquatic plants. In addition to soil at the roots, water must be added to the water tank. The water level of Helvora should be 10-15 cm deep. , so that the leaf surface is always close to the water surface, and it will be replenished in time after the water level drops;

Suitable environment: Helvora is a variety that tolerates shade very well, and can grow and bloom normally in a semi-shade environment, but it prefers a sunny place. If it gets more sun, it will grow better and bloom more vigorously; if it is grown indoors, it can bloom normally if it is equipped with a plant lamp or aquarium lamp;

Summer is the

Flowers can also be grown indoors (plant lamps are enough)

Fertilization: In spring and summer, in order to encourage more flowers to bloom, you can give some flower-promoting fertilizers such as potassium dihydrogen phosphate, or add slow-release fertilizer to the water. It must be diluted with water before watering. The ratio is 1000:1;

Summer: Helvora is heat-resistant and sun-resistant. It has no problem being exposed to the sun in summer. There is no pressure to survive the summer and normal maintenance is enough.

Overwintering: This variety is a cold-resistant water lily. It has good cold tolerance and can be exposed in all parts of the south. Raise and overwinter. The northern winter will begin to wither from October to November and will go dormant in winter. During the dormant period, the top buds should always be under the ice layer so as not to be frozen. Take protective measures against cold. It is okay to grow in the open and overwinter. You can also move to a new place. There is no problem indoors;

Propagation: Water lilies are mostly propagated by division and sowing, both of which are carried out from March to April. The sown seedlings will bloom in the second year.

Summer is the

Helvora, a water lily that can be grown at home

Summary: In general, Helvora is a species that is particularly suitable for novice florists to grow. A small container can meet the growth requirements, and it can also be grown indoors in places with average lighting conditions. It also has excellent flowering ability and good shrinking performance, so it can be planted by florists who do not have a yard or a large water tank but only have a small space.

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