The weather is getting cooler, 10 kinds of flowers are cut quickly, and the survival rate is very high.

2021/08/1622:35:20 home 920

The weather starts to cool off in mid-to-late August, and it's the most suitable season for cuttings. Flower friends hurry up and let your flower friends change from one pot to more pots!


1. Jasmine blooms 3-6 times in summer and autumn, and trim it after each blooming. Don't throw away the branches after flowering. Cut off the remaining flowers and leave 2-3 segments. Remove the lower leaves, leaving only the top pair of leaves, and cut the leaves in half.

The weather is getting cooler, 10 kinds of flowers are cut quickly, and the survival rate is very high. - DayDayNews

2. Prepare the soil according to the ratio of grass charcoal soil: coconut peat soil: perlite = 3:2:1, pour the soil with a water spray can, and then insert the pruned branches Pour some more water into the soil. In a ventilated area, spray water to moisturize the pot surface every day for about a week. After the pot surface is dry, spray water again.

The weather is getting cooler, 10 kinds of flowers are cut quickly, and the survival rate is very high. - DayDayNews

3. After about 2-3 weeks, the top of jasmine will start to sprout, do not move it at this time, let alone pull the branches outside, just put it in a place with good light, and wait for 3- After 5 leaves, transplant it into a flower pot.

The weather is getting cooler, 10 kinds of flowers are cut quickly, and the survival rate is very high. - DayDayNews

4. Note that when transplanting to flower pots, if you grow jasmine indoors, you can continue to prepare pots according to the ratio of grass charcoal soil: coconut chaff soil: perlite = 3:2:1 earth. If the flower buddies can't live in the soil, you can try water planting, which is easier to take root. After the root system grows, you can slowly add sand to the water to prepare for fake planting.

The weather is getting cooler, 10 kinds of flowers are cut quickly, and the survival rate is very high. - DayDayNews

blue snowflake

1. Blue snowflake is a flowering machine,In summer and autumn, there is an average crop every half a month. In mid-to-late August, the branches and cluttered branches after flowering are cut, and the cut branches need to be cut, and there will be a balcony of blue snowflake next year.

The weather is getting cooler, 10 kinds of flowers are cut quickly, and the survival rate is very high. - DayDayNews

2. The blue snowflake branches that are six months to one year old are most suitable for cutting. From the cut branches, choose healthy and strong ones. Each branch is about 5-10 cm in length.

3. Find a disposable plastic cup, drill the bottom, and put it in vermiculite or peat soil + perlite, pour it with water, and place a tray with a water level of 1 cm at the bottom Just inside.

The weather is getting cooler, 10 kinds of flowers are cut quickly, and the survival rate is very high. - DayDayNews

4. Put the tray in a place where light is diffused and ventilate, spray water on the leaves every day, and when you see the basin surface is dry or there is no water in the tray, pour some water. About 20 days, it will give birth The root system is gone.

The weather is getting cooler, 10 kinds of flowers are cut quickly, and the survival rate is very high. - DayDayNews

5. When you can see the root system of the blue snowflake from the outer wall of the plastic cup, transplant it into the potting soil. After transplanting, the seedlings will slow down for a week, and then you will see the sun slowly. I will grow up soon, and I will be able to bloom this year if I grow well.

The weather is getting cooler, 10 kinds of flowers are cut quickly, and the survival rate is very high. - DayDayNews


mid-to-late 1.8 months, hydrangea is also suitable for pruning, especially the top twigs, or pruning branches after the flowers, are the ones with higher survival rate. Cut the bottom leaves into small sections of 5-7cm, and let them dry.

The weather is getting cooler, 10 kinds of flowers are cut quickly, and the survival rate is very high. - DayDayNews

The weather is getting cooler, 10 kinds of flowers are cut quickly, and the survival rate is very high. - DayDayNews

2. Prepare some clean peat soil + perlite + vermiculite at home,After the mixture is evenly mixed, put it in a container such as a nursery box, a plastic cup, and then insert the branches, pour it thoroughly, and put it in a semi-shaded and ventilated place. Spray water every day.

The weather is getting cooler, 10 kinds of flowers are cut quickly, and the survival rate is very high. - DayDayNews

3. As long as the hydrangea is not exposed to the sun or lack of water, the hydrangea can grow a lush root system in about 2-3 weeks. The dense hemp is like a beard, which is very easy to live.

The weather is getting cooler, 10 kinds of flowers are cut quickly, and the survival rate is very high. - DayDayNews

4. Transplant the hydrangea branches with dense roots into small flower pots. The soil must be loose and airy. After planting, the seedlings will be slow for about half a month, and the new leaves will have five After six tablets, you can apply a little thin fertilizer to grow more prosperous.

The weather is getting cooler, 10 kinds of flowers are cut quickly, and the survival rate is very high. - DayDayNews

Goldfish Chlorophytum

1. Goldfish Chlorophytum cuttings can be pruned in August. You can enjoy the beautiful winter skewer by the way. If you follow the steps below to cut, it is very easy to take root.

2. Cut out the more robust goldfish Chlorophytum branches. Be careful not to choose too thin, weak and long. Look for thicker and healthy ones. Cut the branches into small sections, remove the bottom leaves, and then insert the bottom of the branches into a cup of water. inside.

The weather is getting cooler, 10 kinds of flowers are cut quickly, and the survival rate is very high. - DayDayNews

3. If you don’t want hydroponic cuttings, you can prepare some clean grass charcoal soil or coconut peat soil, let the cuttings dry, and then insert them into the soil, irrigate them, and put them in a semi-shady, ventilated place , Don't expose to the sun.

The weather is getting cooler, 10 kinds of flowers are cut quickly, and the survival rate is very high. - DayDayNews

4. About 3-4 weeks after cutting,The root system of the goldfish Chlorophytum will grow very long. You can choose not to transplant it. You can quickly explode in the original flowerpot, or you can transplant it into three or five flowerpots. When the branches are about 5 cm high, plant them in time. Top, promote the germination of side branches, and the follow-up flowers will be larger.

The weather is getting cooler, 10 kinds of flowers are cut quickly, and the survival rate is very high. - DayDayNews


1. Gardenias are easy to die in winter, so I am afraid that I will cut off the roots of the old gardenia. Long branches, cut a few pots of seedlings to back up, cut gardenia branches, length does not matter, they can live.

The weather is getting cooler, 10 kinds of flowers are cut quickly, and the survival rate is very high. - DayDayNews

2. Remove the bottom leaves of the gardenia branches, leaving only the top 2-3 pairs of leaves. Prepare a few more foam boards , pierce small holes on them with an awl, insert the branches into the holes, and place them on a water container in a semi-shady and ventilated place.

The weather is getting cooler, 10 kinds of flowers are cut quickly, and the survival rate is very high. - DayDayNews

3. Use a floating foam board to insert and gardenia in water. The rooting speed is very fast. After about 10 days, the root system has grown to 3 cm. Continue to water and grow, etc. The root system is more than 5 cm, and then transplanted to potting soil.

The weather is getting cooler, 10 kinds of flowers are cut quickly, and the survival rate is very high. - DayDayNews

4. For gardenias with hydroponic roots, pay attention to the soil when potting, and the soil should be ventilated and drained. It is best to disinfect and sterilize in advance. After planting, water thoroughly and put it in a half shade and ventilated place. , Wait for the young leaves to emerge, and then increase the light!

The weather is getting cooler, 10 kinds of flowers are cut quickly, and the survival rate is very high. - DayDayNews


1. After the rose summer flowers bloom,Pruning after flowering in mid-to-late August saves nutrients for subsequent autumn flowers, and the cuttings of the cut branches are easier to survive this season.

2. Cut off the residual flowers and the under-flower leaflets on the post-flowering branches, keep 2-4 leaves, remove the bottom leaves, cut the bottom leaves in half, and finally soak carbendazim for half an hour to sterilize.

The weather is getting cooler, 10 kinds of flowers are cut quickly, and the survival rate is very high. - DayDayNews

3. Prepare a few disposable plastic cups, pierce holes from the inside out with an awl to make water-permeable holes, and then pour them into vermiculite particles with a height of 1/3-1/2, and insert the branches Into the pellets, pour in the carbendazim water that was previously soaked in the branches, so that the bottom tray has a water level of 0.3-0.5 cm.

The weather is getting cooler, 10 kinds of flowers are cut quickly, and the survival rate is very high. - DayDayNews

4. Put the cut rose branches in a ventilated and semi-shady place, spray the leaves every day to moisturize, do not just pull them out. If there is no water in the tray, add water in time and add some bacteria in the water. Ling, the root system can be seen from the wall of the cup in about a month, and it can be transplanted into the pot.

The weather is getting cooler, 10 kinds of flowers are cut quickly, and the survival rate is very high. - DayDayNews

5. Cut rose seedlings, use small flower pots when transplanting, and the soil should be clean, breathable and drained. After the branches are planted, they should be thoroughly watered and the light scattered for a week, and the new leaves will grow out. After that, fertilize it and get more sunshine.

The weather is getting cooler, 10 kinds of flowers are cut quickly, and the survival rate is very high. - DayDayNews

longevity flower

1. After the hot summer is over, the longevity flowers can be cut in mid-to-late autumn and the branches can be pruned. La, pick a few strong branches,Cut into small pieces and leave to dry in a ventilated place for a week.

The weather is getting cooler, 10 kinds of flowers are cut quickly, and the survival rate is very high. - DayDayNews

2. Prepare coconut peat soil, mix some peat soil and perlite, mix well, then insert the dried longevity flower branches into the soil, pour water thoroughly, and put them in a semi-shady and ventilated place .

The weather is getting cooler, 10 kinds of flowers are cut quickly, and the survival rate is very high. - DayDayNews

3. When the pot noodles are lighter, water them thoroughly. After basically three or four weeks, the root system is very strong and ready for transplanting.

The weather is getting cooler, 10 kinds of flowers are cut quickly, and the survival rate is very high. - DayDayNews

4. In addition, the longevity flower can be cut even if it is a single leaf. Insert it diagonally into the soil to keep the soil slightly moist. It will grow roots in about 1-2 months, but sprouts. It's slow, and those who have time can try it.

The weather is getting cooler, 10 kinds of flowers are cut quickly, and the survival rate is very high. - DayDayNews


1. Recently, if you have Marguerite at home, in fact, if you have a flower friend in mid-August. When the highest temperature is below 28 degrees, you can shave it and trim it. Don't throw away the cut branches, cut it well.

The weather is getting cooler, 10 kinds of flowers are cut quickly, and the survival rate is very high. - DayDayNews

2. Marguerite is best cut with the top branches, and the bottom leaves are removed, and the length is about 5 cm. Prepare clean vermiculite particles and pour the branches with a watering can. Insert it into the vermiculite particles and put it in a half-shade, well-ventilated place, and do not expose it to the sun temporarily.

The weather is getting cooler, 10 kinds of flowers are cut quickly, and the survival rate is very high. - DayDayNews

3. The branches are cut down,Roots will grow in about half a month. After another half a month, they can be transplanted into small flower pots. The seedlings are often topped to promote the germination of side shoots, and the pots will burst in 2-3 months.

The weather is getting cooler, 10 kinds of flowers are cut quickly, and the survival rate is very high. - DayDayNews


1. Bougainvillea can be pruned in spring, summer and autumn during the National Day. Bloom in batches, let's not waste the cut branches, cut them up and raise a few more pots.

The weather is getting cooler, 10 kinds of flowers are cut quickly, and the survival rate is very high. - DayDayNews

2. Bougainvillea is best cut with half-woody branches that are six months to one year old, which is easier to root and survive. The cutting substrate can be vermiculite or peat soil + perlite to maintain humidity. It can take root in half a month.

The weather is getting cooler, 10 kinds of flowers are cut quickly, and the survival rate is very high. - DayDayNews

3. In addition, Bougainvillea can also be cut with lignified old branches, the substrate is breathable and drained turf soil + coconut peat soil + perlite, beautiful planting bags or disposable plastic cups Kind, put it in a foam box with water at the bottom.

The weather is getting cooler, 10 kinds of flowers are cut quickly, and the survival rate is very high. - DayDayNews


in August, the temperature of pelargonium will gradually drop from dormancy to about 26 degrees, and the temperature will gradually recover from dormancy to about 26 degrees. , Taking advantage of the right temperature, cutting branches, each one can live!

The weather is getting cooler, 10 kinds of flowers are cut quickly, and the survival rate is very high. - DayDayNews

1. Prepare some clean river sand or peat soil + perlite,Prepare some nursery boxes or disposable plastic cups. After making a small hole in the bottom of the cup, pour river sand or soil into it, insert the geranium branches, and pour it thoroughly.

The weather is getting cooler, 10 kinds of flowers are cut quickly, and the survival rate is very high. - DayDayNews

2. Place the cut geranium branches in a light and ventilated place, and water the pot immediately when the surface is dry. After about 20 days, when the roots of the white flowers can be seen from the wall of the cup, they will be transplanted into small pots.

The weather is getting cooler, 10 kinds of flowers are cut quickly, and the survival rate is very high. - DayDayNews

Early autumn is more suitable for cutting,

If you want the flowers at home to reproduce and grow,


Have a sense of accomplishment!


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