In the early years of the Ming Dynasty, the imperial court sent 18 generals to lead an army of more than 1,000 people to Zhongshan to quell the bandits. These soldiers have been on this land since then, and have multiplied from generation to generation. These people are called mi

The story of Wusuo Military family

Author: Hong Bingdong

Wusuo is now Zhongshan Town. In the Ming Dynasty, it was called Wuping Qianhusuo. The place name Wusuo is related to a king and an emperor, and the military family is What's going on? In the early years of the Ming Dynasty, the imperial court sent 18 generals to lead an army of more than 1,000 people to Zhongshan to quell the bandits. These soldiers have been on this land since then, and have multiplied from generation to generation. These people are called military family members. It has been more than 600 years ago. . What is the biggest difference between these military people and Hakka people ? The military family members spoke military dialect, and many interesting things happened during the exchanges between military dialect and Hakka, and many jokes were made. My story below is divided into three aspects.

1. The historical evolution of Wu Suo

Zhongshan is an ancient town with a thousand years history and has a long history. In the Qin Dynasty, it was called "Xiyuan". In the Han Dynasty, the Nanhai Kingdom was located in Ganzhou, Tingzhou, Meizhou, and Chaozhou. The capital was in Wuping, and the king was called Zhi. The king of the country used the word "武" in his title of Marquis of Nanwu to enfeoff to Xiyuan. From then on, Zhongshan was called "Wuxiyuan", and the word "nan" was enfeoffed to Anxi (Pingchuan). Adding the word "nan" before Anxi called it Nan'anxi. . In the Sui Dynasty, the village was first established, and it was called Wuxi Village. In the 24th year of Kaiyuan of the Tang Dynasty (736), Tingzhou, Nan'an Town (Pingchuan), and Wuping Town (Zhongshan) were established. The place name Wuping came into being in Zhongshan. The Millennium Ancient Town of Zhongshan also started from this time.

Zhongshan is the place where Wuping County governance was first established. The county annals record that "in the third year of Kaiyun (946), the two towns of Nan'an (Pingchuan) and Wuping (Zhongshan) were merged into Wupingchang." The city of Wuping is Wupingchang. The setting specifications of the farm are one level higher than the town and one level lower than the county. Changzhi lasted forty-eight years in Zhongshan. Song Taizong In the fifth year of Chunhua (994), Wupingchang was promoted to a county. Because it was a county established in Wupingchang, it was called Wuping County. The location of the county government office is now in the Zhongshan Town Government. There is a large empty square in front of the county government office. , located in the middle of Laocheng Village, it is known as "Yamen Ping" by the people. "Yamen Ping" faces south and is in the shape of a figure eight, with a larger front and a smaller back. This is because administrative agencies of all dynasties were established here. People enter and exit from Yamen Ping. Ping was preserved. Wuping County has a history of 169 years from its establishment to its relocation in Zhongshan, and 217 years of farm administration.

After Zhu Yuanzhang established the Ming Dynasty, he established military agencies and military systems all over the country, which were under the command and envoys of each province. The guards were generally located in the state capitals, with a total of about 5,600 people. There are 1,120 people in the household. The official official name is , and the official rank is 5th grade. The Qianhu Office leads 10 Hundred Household Offices, each with 112 people. The official officer is called Baihu Office, and his official rank is the sixth grade. In the 24th year of Hongwu's reign in the Ming Dynasty (1391), Wuping Qianhu Office and Jiangle Qianhu Office were established, which were among the three earliest Qianhu Offices in Fujian Province. Later, Shanghang Qianhu Office, Yongan Qianhu Office, and Qianhu Office were added. There are 12 thousand households offices in Pucheng, and there are 65 thousand households in the country. The Wuping thousand households office was directly under the jurisdiction of the Fujian Province Dusi at first, and later under the jurisdiction of Tingzhou Wei. In 1489, the Tingzhang Garrison Division was established. The official officer is called garrison, and his official rank is the fourth rank.

In the 14th year of Shunzhi of the Qing Dynasty (1657), the Wuping Qianhu Institute was withdrawn. Zhongshan was called "Wuping Institute" or "Wusuo" for short. In 1929, the Wusuo Soviet Government was established. In 1940, in memory of Mr. Sun Yat-sen, the pioneer of the democratic revolution, the name was changed to Zhongshan. Township, in early 1949, the government of the Republic of China called it Zhongshan Township Office. On May 22, 1949, Wuping was peacefully liberated, and it was called the People's Government of the Third District of Wuping County. Zhongshan Township was restored in April 1958, and it was called "Zhongshan People's Commune" in November of that year. , Zhongshan Township was restored in 1984, and Zhongshan Town was established in 1990.

2. The origin of the military family

When I was a child, I often heard adults say that "juniors eat pig hair". Later I learned that this sentence explains the origin of the military family.

It was the decision of Zhu Yuanzhang, the founding emperor of the Ming Dynasty, and the idea of ​​ Liu Bowen, the prime minister of the Ming Dynasty, to bring family members of the military to Zhongshan. Liu Bowen was the founding father of the Ming Dynasty. He was well versed in classics, history, astronomy, and military art. He assisted Zhu Yuanzhang in completing his imperial career and became famous all over the world. He was compared to Zhuge Wuhou by later generations.It is widely circulated among the people that "the world is divided into three parts, Zhuge Liang , and Liu Bowen dominates the country; Zhuge Liang, the military counselor of the former dynasty, and Liu Bowen, the military counselor of the later dynasty" are widely circulated among the people. He is famous for his uncanny calculations and strategizing, and his " Shaobing Song " is talked about by future generations.

In the early years of the Ming Dynasty, many wastes were waiting for improvement, but the society was not stable, and rogue bandits remained in various places. In particular, the military institute located on the border of Fujian, Guangdong and Jiangxi was a battleground for military strategists. Bandits often appeared, ranging from hundreds to many. If there are thousands of people, it will seriously endanger the peace of the people. In order to guard this strategic location, Zhu Yuanzhang decided to send a group of capable soldiers to raid it. However, the military base was thousands of miles away from Nanjing, and the soldiers could only rest after fighting. No one wanted to go to the dangerous and difficult Nanman place. The imperial court thought hard about good strategies. Liu Bowen's advice to Zhu Yuanzhang was so ordinary.

One day, Liu Bowen convened some soldiers for a meeting. On the table in the middle of the meeting place was a bowl of raw pork with hair and cut into pieces. At the beginning of the meeting, Liu Bowen conveyed the emperor's decree, saying that a group of troops would be dispatched to the Fujian Military Academy to fight against bandits in the near future. Anyone who could eat raw pork with hair on the spot would be exempted from the expedition, otherwise everyone would have to go. Raw pork is not delicious, not to mention that it is hairy. Most people ate it reluctantly in order not to go to the "barbaric place" of Wushuo. Unexpectedly, as soon as the raw pork in the bowl was finished, the military advisor changed his mind and said, "I made a mistake just now. The emperor meant that those who can eat raw pork should go to the military service. Those who can eat raw pork should "Zhu Yuanzhang awarded the 18 officials who ate raw pork with honors, named them 18 generals respectively, and gave special preferential treatment to the officers and soldiers of the Military Academy and their families. .

With Jia Fu as the chief general, he led 18 generals and 1,120 troops from Nanjing City to Wupingsuo, the land of the Southern Barbarians. Jia Fu was from Anding, Fengyang, Anhui, the same hometown as Zhu Yuanzhang. When Zhu Yuanzhang led his troops to defeat the Chen Youliang th Army in Poyang Lake, Jiangxi, he fought with wit and bravery, and repeatedly performed extraordinary feats. He was appreciated by Zhu Yuanzhang and was named General Wude, In the 24th year of Hongwu , Wuping Qianhu Office was established, and Jia Fu was appointed as the first Wuping Qianhu Office.

3. The story of three garrisons

Garrison was a military official position in the Ming Dynasty. The rank was generally fourth grade. He was the top general guarding a town. It was usually the garrison department of a military fortress. It was equivalent to the current military division commander. The garrison can control the officers and soldiers of all local guards , and it can be hereditary for thousands or hundreds of households. The garrison is a floating official and cannot be hereditary. In 1391, Wuping Qianhu Office was established, and stability began for about a hundred years. In 1487, a major event occurred. Shanghang bandit Liu Ang gathered thousands of people from Wuping Qianhu Liu Duo and other organizations, and successively attacked Jiangxi Shicheng, Guangchang , Xinfeng , Jieyang and other counties in Guangdong killed officials and robbed treasury. In 1488, the three provinces jointly submitted a report to the imperial court, requesting that capable officials be sent to quell the invaders. The imperial court believed that Wuping was particularly at the core of the enemy's attack, and decided to send Xining as a garrison to be stationed in Wuping to control it. According to the garrison station, a garrison department was built. Xining was successful in conquering the Tingzhang bandits, and Wu Wendu, the magistrate of Tingzhou, wrote "Ode to the Pingnan Bandits".

There are a total of 66 Tingzhang garrison from Xining to the last Liu Ruochong. These garrison come from all over the country. There are many Jinshi in terms of their origins. Judging from their positions, many of them serve as guard commanders. There are three Tingzhang garrison worthy of special mention, one is the first garrison in Xining; the second is the national hero Yu Dayou ; the third is the famous anti-Qing general Wang Tingchen.

was the first garrison in Xining. He was from Shanghai, a first-class martial arts scholar, and ranked among the top three in the national examination. Before coming to Wuping, he was the commander of the Jinshan Guards. Jinshan Guards was one of the four guards of Nanjing City in the Ming Dynasty. In 1488, he served as the garrison of Tingzhang in Xining. , in less than two years, the bandit suppression was successful, and the situation of large-scale bandit chaos in the Fujian, Guangdong and Jiangxi border was changed. It was even more efficient than the later Wang Yangming in the Fujian, Guangdong and Jiangxi border suppression of bandits. Speaking of Wang Yangming, in 1517, he served as the governor of Tingzhang in southern Gansu. During this period, he inspected the Tingzhang garrison (now Zhongshan Town) and wrote the poem "Pingming She Pavilion". Pingming She Pavilion is located next to the highway in Yangmin Village. The Ming Dynasty building connecting the temple and the pavilion was built by Shu Qing and Li Hongzheng. The temple was demolished due to road construction, and now only four stone door frame pillars remain.

Xining garrison, stationed in Wuping, built a garrison office. The yamen is a three-entry gate. There are four stone pillars in the hall. Each pillar requires two people to hold it. It builds the most beautiful house in Tingzhou.

Xining has great energy and influence. In the middle and late Ming Dynasty, the "Eight Scenic Spots" emerged across the country. Xining has a special liking for Longji Rock, located at the head of Yangmin Village. He often goes here to watch it and is endowed with it. A poem: "I park my car here for a few days, and amuse myself by chanting to the scenery. After the rain passes, I compete for the greenery on the peak. I throw beads from the eaves of the spring. It is more suitable for Yuanliang to climb up and relax. Only Wang Wei comes to draw the picture. Mo It is said that there is a Peng Hu in the border area of ​​​​Wu Ping, ten miles south of the city." Xining used this poem as a recommendation letter and sent it to the "Eight Scenic Spots of Wuping" jury. From then on, "LongyanYuji" was included in the Eight Scenic Spots of Wuping.

Longyan Yuji Pictures

Yu Dayou

National hero Yu Dayou, who served as a garrison in Tingzhang from 1544 to 1547, was a native of Quanzhou . He was a famous anti-Japanese general, strategist, martial artist and poet in the Ming Dynasty. He was named left governor (first-grade official). , fought almost Japanese pirates throughout his life, and the Yu family army he led could even scare the enemy away. He was as famous as Qi Jiguang , and was also known as "Yu Long Qi Hu". An officer, after passing the military examination, he was appointed to the post of Kinmen Qianhu. His talent was appreciated by Mao Bowen, the Minister of the Ministry of War, and in 1544 he was appointed as the garrison of Tingzhang.

Yu Dayou’s journey to becoming a general began in Wuping. Previously, although Yu Dayou was a talented general and was impressed by his military theories, including ministers and governors, he had no actual combat experience to prove his reputation. When I came to Wuping, the Guangdong bandit Kang Lao was causing trouble and more than 300 people were captured and killed. In the following years, the Guang bandits did not dare to invade Wuping again, only because there was a guard named Yu Dayou living in Wuping.

Yu Dayou is not only the top military officer here, but also the chief education officer of the soldiers and the local "Chairman of the Federation of Literary and Art Circles." During his several years at Wuping Qianhu Institute, he used the military theories he had learned casually in daily military training. He personally taught the soldiers how to practice martial arts and sword practice, and often trained troops in the training field. The famous anti-Japanese force " "Yu Jiajun" had its first shadow here, and it also laid a solid foundation for Yu Dayou to fight in various coastal areas and become a generation of famous anti-Japanese generals. What Yu Dayou showed in Wuping was not only his general talent, but also his literary and artistic interest. He built a new "Reading Yixuan" on Ying'en Gate, where he held literary gatherings with local literati, sang poems, lectured on classics and learned skills. The matter is still talked about in Zhongshan Ancient Town . There are three places in the country that have built special temples for Yu Dayou, namely Raoping, Hainan and Wuping Qianhusuo in Guangdong.

Wang Tingchen

Wang Tingchen, a famous anti-Qing general. In the late Ming Dynasty, before he became the commander-in-chief of Liaodong , Wang Tingchen served as a garrison in Tingzhang. The Wuping County Chronicle records that he was "extraordinarily solemn in military power and virtuous in martial arts." He was an unshakable figure. The fierce general who buckles, his performance in the Songjin Battle that decided the fate of the Ming Dynasty in 1641 just proves this point. At that time, Wu Sangui, the commander-in-chief of the Ming army , Wu Sangui , surrendered to the Qing army, but Wang Tingchen, the commander-in-chief of the Liaodong army, never surrendered and led more than 10,000 soldiers to die on the battlefield. After Wang Tingchen left Wupingsuo, the people built a special shrine for him. There are three guards who enjoy such treatment in Zhongshan Ancient Town. In addition to Wang Tingchen and Yu Dayou, the other one is Chen Houxian. The people of Wuping built a special shrine for Wang Tingchen. In addition to being a general with extraordinary military power, they were also grateful for the practical things he did for the people of the ancient town. He took the lead in donating 1,000 silver salary to rebuild Ziyang Temple. In addition to rebuilding Ziyang Temple, Tongji Bridge (the main transportation artery from Wuping to the county) was also built. Kangxi Wuping County Chronicle has a very concise evaluation of him: "Inspiring literature and making contributions, and making use of all kinds of wastes."

Source: Culture and Tourism Wuping

Comprehensive Editor: Culture and Tourism Longyan

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