Today is the 35th anniversary of the lifting of martial law in Taiwan. At 10:30 a.m., representatives from the Taiwan Mutual Aid Association for Political Victims and various organizations gathered in front of the White Terror Political Victims Monument on Ketagalan Avenue in fro

"If the hostility in cross-Strait relations is not lifted, there will be no real peace! Without real cross-Strait peace, there will be no lifting of martial law in the true sense! Ignoring the peaceful development of cross-Strait relations is taking a retrograde path to democratization!"

Today is On the 35th anniversary of the lifting of martial law in Taiwan, Taiwan Mutual Aid Association for Political Victims and representatives of multiple organizations gathered at the Monument to the Victims of the White Terror on Ketagalan Avenue in front of the Taipei Regional Leaders’ Office at 10:30 a.m. and read out The declaration "Calling for Cross-Strait Reconciliation and Opposing a Return to Martial Law" puts forward demands and calls on the DPP authorities to face up to the public opinion of the Taiwanese people who expect cross-Strait peace and return to exchanges, and to stop all hostile policies of discrimination and division.

Wu Rongyuan, former president of the Taiwan Political Victims Mutual Aid Association, chairman of the Workers' Party, and convener of the Cross-Strait Peace and Development Forum, said that Taiwan's martial law and its relaxation are closely related to post-war cross-Strait relations. Martial law came from the prevention and control of the spread of the civil war to the In Taiwan, the lifting of martial law mainly comes from the shift from hostility to reconciliation between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait in response to the requirements for reconciliation and exchanges. Therefore, from the perspective of the historical context of martial law and the lifting of martial law, it is a very clear historical fact that both sides of the Taiwan Strait belong to one China. Therefore, the lifting of martial law is a democratization of Taiwan and an important milestone marking cross-strait reconciliation.

Wu Rongyuan pointed out that in the face of the current severe cross-Strait relations, it is of great practical significance to commemorate the 35th anniversary of the lifting of martial law to criticize the DPP authorities for abandoning the 1992 Consensus and damaging cross-Strait relations. Chiang Ching-kuo In his later years, he lifted martial law and opened up cross-strait exchanges, opening the door to cross-strait reconciliation and responding to the mainland's goodwill policy of peacefully resolving the Taiwan issue. At the beginning of the year, Tsai Ing-wen visited the Chiang Kai-shek Cultural Park and made a speech affirming Chiang's contribution to Taiwan during his tenure. We hope that Tsai Ing-wen will also consider the well-being of the people of Taiwan and rebuild the path of cross-strait reconciliation.

Workers' Party Chairman Wu Rongyuan delivered a speech

Zhou Hongqi, president of the Taiwan Political Victims Mutual Aid Association said that the series of white terror arrest cases that occurred after Taiwan's martial law should not be regarded as a problem of Taiwan alone, while ignoring that this is a national issue. The result of the civil war. In the 35 years since the lifting of martial law, people on both sides of the Taiwan Strait have had close exchanges and exchanges, and cross-Strait economic and trade interdependence is very high. Even when resolving the political differences left over from the national civil war, the two sides of the Taiwan Strait once sought common ground while reserving differences in the form of the " 1992 Consensus ". However, the DPP authorities completely negated the history of the civil war based on the "Taiwan independence" view of history, which led to the reconciliation process of cross-strait relations. The disruption has made it increasingly difficult to peacefully resolve the issue of a country that was not fully reunified due to civil war. In recent years, cross-Strait relations have gone from easing to a period of martial law. People cannot help but wonder whether the day when the tense crisis of cross-Strait civil war breaks out will be the time for a new wave of martial law in Taiwan. This is worrying.

Zhou Hongqi, President of the Taiwan Political Victims Mutual Aid Association, delivered a speech

Founding Chairman of the China United Alliance and publisher of "Observation" magazine Ji Xin said: On this day every year, she will always think of July 15, 1987. excitement. "I have never left Taiwan in the past 35 years, but has Taiwan really lifted martial law now? Why do friends around me dare not loudly advocate peaceful reunification across the Taiwan Strait? The rule of the Democratic Progressive Party for more than six years has let us know that what our predecessors used The rights gained through hard work have been lost. Today, only by uniting more people to fight to the end and never give up until the goal is achieved can Taiwan truly lift martial law and truly realize that no one needs to worry about their political stance, even externally. "With the strong intervention of powerful forces, our struggle today is even more difficult."

Ji Xin, founding chairman of the China United Alliance Party, gave a speech

Taiwan's former "Information Director" Zhong Qin pointed out that in the face of the DPP's comprehensive interference in the political and military affairs. , media and campuses, many people currently have the shadow of "green terror" in their minds, making people feel like they are back under martial law. Since taking power in 2016, the Democratic Progressive Party authorities have attempted to undermine the legal fact that both sides of the Taiwan Strait belong to one China, continuously escalate the antagonism in cross-Strait relations, and affect the peaceful development and normal exchanges of cross-Strait relations. They not only ignore people's livelihood and economy, but also lead Taiwan society to On the verge of war.

event and the declaration was read out by Huang Xiaoshan, the bereaved family member of the white terror martyrs, and the participants laid flowers at the White Terror Monument. , a participating association, made three appeals to the DPP authorities: 1. Follow the legal principle that both sides of the Taiwan Strait belong to one China, lift the hostility in cross-Strait relations, and move towards signing a peace agreement between the two sides! 2. Face up to the public opinion of the Taiwanese people who expect cross-Strait relations to remain peaceful and stable, return to normal exchanges and exchanges, and stop all hostile policies of discrimination and division! 3. End the history and current situation of cross-Strait division, and promote substantive transformational justice that is conducive to the peaceful development of cross-Strait relations and people's livelihood and well-being!

After the public affairs office of Tsai Ing-wen’s office sent personnel to accept the declaration “Calling for Cross-Strait Reconciliation and Opposing the Return of Martial Law”, the event ended smoothly.

(Written by Wu Shenglin, Taiwan Correspondent of The Straits Herald/Photo provided by China United Alliance Party)