Introduction: From ancient times to the present, mankind has experienced countless plagues, some of which are particularly serious and have a huge impact on future generations of mankind, such as plague, SARS, influenza, smallpox, malaria, cholera, etc.

Introduction: From ancient times to the present, human beings have experienced countless plagues, some of which are particularly serious and have a huge impact on future generations of mankind, such as plague , SARS , influenza , smallpox , malaria , cholera and so on.

When it comes to plague, most people will feel very panicked, especially those who have experienced various plagues. When it comes to plague, they will feel numb all over.

Every time a plague spreads, it would bring great harm and impact to the people at that time. It is quite surprising that one of the largest plagues in history was finally defeated by a Chinese.

The victory over the plague is a manifestation of the wisdom of our ancients and an expression of our ancients' adherence to scientific prevention and control ideas. It is truly worthy of praise and admiration.

In ancient times, how did people escape from the plague? Let’s learn more about it together through a set of comics.

The ancient "plague" in the world was defeated by the special Chinese? After reading it, I gained a lot of insights.

Conclusion: In the new era, we are also troubled by infectious diseases, and the emerging epidemics are also affecting our health. However, the medical staff on the front line of the fight against the epidemic are our strongest guarantee. We Chinese are not afraid of any disease and believe that we will be able to overcome the difficulties.