Hua Tuo is the ancient miracle doctor we are most familiar with. He was born in Peiguoqiao County in the late Eastern Han Dynasty and is now Bozhou City in Anhui Province. He was born in about the first year of Yongjia in the Han Dynasty (145 AD) and died in the 13th year of Jian

Hua Tuo, the most familiar ancient miracle doctor to us, was born in Peiguoqiao County, now Bozhou City, Anhui Province in the late Eastern Han Dynasty. He was born in about the first year of Yongjia in the Han Dynasty (145 AD) and died in the 13th year of Jian'an (208 AD). Famous medical scientist. When he was young, he studied abroad and studied medical skills without seeking an official career. His medical practice traveled to Anhui, Shandong, Henan, Jiangsu and other places. Hua Tuo practiced medicine in various places throughout his life and gained a good reputation. He made many achievements in medicine.

Hua Tuo

The most awesome thing is that Hua Tuo used different herbs to concoct an anesthetic medicine and mixed it with hot wine. Hua Tuo named it " Ma Fei Powder " and gave it to the patient until he lost consciousness and then opened his abdominal cavity. , cut off the ulcer, suture it with mulberry thread, apply divine ointment, and you can recover in one month. As a ceiling in the medical field, it can even perform surgical operations such as tumor removal and gastrointestinal suturing. He pioneered the use of general anesthesia for surgical operations and was honored as the "originator of surgery" by later generations. His invention was more than 1,600 years earlier than the successful invention of ether anesthesia by American dentist Moulton (1846).

Cao Cao and Hua Tuo

But he is good at more than just these medical skills. After a lot of medical practice, he is also a leader in health care, prescriptions, acupuncture, and other treatment methods. He is proficient in various internal, external, gynecological and pediatric departments, and provides clinical treatment. Treatment, accurate diagnosis, simple method, and rapid curative effect, it is not an exaggeration to be known as a "miraculous doctor".

However, the end of the miracle doctor seemed regretful. Because fellow countryman Cao Cao suffered from head syndrome , which caused constant headaches, so Hua Tuo was asked to treat him specially. The effect was quick, but Hua Tuo said: "This disease is difficult to cure in a short time. Even long-term treatment can only prolong life."

Because it took too long to see Cao Cao, Hua Tuo wanted to go back and asked Cao Cao many times for permission, but After returning, Cao Cao came to urge him several times, but Hua Tuo always refused, saying that his wife was seriously ill and would not come back. Cao Cao had no choice but to issue an edict to the counties to recruit and send them away. Hua Tuo relied on his talent and still refused to go on the road. Cao Cao was angry and sent people to conduct a thorough investigation. It was found that Hua Tuo's wife was a good person, but Hua Tuo actually lied. He imprisoned Hua Tuo and tortured him to death for "deceiving the emperor" and "not participating in politics." The novel says that Hua Tuo mastered the art of craniotomy at that time and split open Cao Cao's head to eradicate stubborn diseases, which annoyed Cao Cao who was very suspicious. In short, before Hua Tuo died, he gave what he had learned throughout his life to a jailer who was kind to him. But later, the jailer's wife was worried about sitting together, so she burned it, leaving an eternal regret.

However, research has shown that such a miracle doctor who is loved by the Chinese people is probably not Chinese, but a foreign doctor.

Scraping bones to heal wounds

Let’s first look at Hua Tuo’s name. In ancient times, “Tuo” was rarely used in naming. Throughout history, it was also known as “Hua Tuo”. During the Qin and Han DynastiesThe Emperor Wu of South Vietnam Zhao Tuo” had a resounding name. . Some experts even went to Bozhou, Anhui Province, where Hua Tuo was born, to conduct investigations. As for the dialect, they found that Hua Tuo was particularly difficult to pronounce in the local dialect. But interestingly, the word "Tuo" was very common in ancient India, which we call Tianzhu. .

For example, Indian Buddhism introduced to our country in the Eastern Han Dynasty will come into contact with many "Vedas", " Ananda", "Indra" and many other Ganda titles. Most of them are related to gods, which proves that Hua Maybe Tuo comes from ancient India, just like "Arhat" would be directly translated as "Arhat". It is speculated that the original meaning of "Hua Tuo" may be translated from "Ahua Tuo", and coincidentally, "Hua" and "Hua Tuo" In our ancient language, the pronunciation of the two characters "Jia" is the same, and "Ahua Tuo" is probably pronounced as Ajiatuo. It is the name of the ancient Indian god of medicine, in Sanskrit is agada.

White Datura Flower

Medical historians also found out that Hua Tuo used Ma Fei Powder, and one of the most important plants, "Dandala Flower", was produced in ancient India. After comparing it with the official history "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", I discovered Hua Tuo's famous treatment stories, such as a man who was often dizzy, couldn't lift his head, and couldn't see. Hua Tuo actually let him hang upside down without clothes, with his head about an inch or two above the ground, and had his body wiped. Later, he performed pulse diagnosis and found that there was five-color blood in the blood vessels. He asked several disciples to cut open the person's five-color blood veins, and the five-color blood flowed out. When the five-color blood drained out and red blood flowed out, the person was removed. He put plaster on him and put on clothes. At this time, the man was sweating profusely. Hua Tuo prescribed some medicine, boiled it and asked him to drink it. After many years of illness, he was cured.

Hua Tuo used Ma Fei powder for surgery

Another example is Chen Deng, the prefect of Guangling, who found Hua Tuo in the third year of Jian'an. He said he felt depressed in his chest, his face was red and he had no appetite. Hua Tuo made a medicinal soup and asked Chen Deng to drink it in one breath. After Chen Deng drank, he suddenly vomited and vomited out three liters of worms. These worms had red heads. The most frightening thing was that the worms were still moving, and some of them were still attached to the raw fish. After vomiting, Chen Deng had no symptoms. Hua Tuo pointed out that he got parasites from eating sashimi . The disease will recur in three years, and he will need to find a good doctor at that time to be cured. Three years later, Chen Deng's symptoms relapsed. Chen Deng hurriedly searched for Hua Tuo, but Hua Tuo traveled around the Central Plains and failed to find him. Chen Deng died of serious illness at the age of thirty-nine.

Pei County

Various treatment methods are similar to the records in ancient Indian medicine, and are basically the same as the treatment stories passed down by the Indian holy monks. "The Qi region also used to treat the tyrant's disease. He was almost killed. He relied on Buddha to become a god, but he was spared." Even the ending is similar.

Therefore, it is very possible that in the late Eastern Han Dynasty, there was indeed a miracle doctor from Qiao County, Peiguo, who was named Hua Tuo as the Indian God of Medicine. Or was he a monk from ancient India who traveled through China? Because he is a China expert and settled in Qiao County?

Ancient Persian ruins

In 1980, Matsuki Akechi from the Department of Anesthesiology, Faculty of Medicine, Hirosaki University, Japan, seriously wrote an article in the 9th issue of "Anesthesia" published in Japan. He believed that Hua Tuo could not be an Indian nor a Chinese, but Anxi, and also They are the ancient Persians.

The Persian word for Hua Tuo is homophonic to XWadag, meaning Lord or God. Hua Tuo is not a personal name, but means Lord, Excellency, or Sir. By extension, the profession should mean "a gentleman who is good at medicine." At the same time, it was pointed out that the Persians spread eastwards via the "Silk Road", and it was from this road that Hua Tuo traveled to Xutu (today's Xuzhou).

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