In order to eulogize the great spirit of party building and condense the spirit of forging ahead on a new journey, on July 1, 2022, the Wuzhou Municipal Procuratorate launched a party day event with the theme of "Welcoming the 20th National Congress and forever following the part

The surging Xijiang River stirs up heroic songs, and the thousand-year-old city is deeply rooted in red genes. In order to eulogize the great spirit of party building and condense the spirit of forging ahead on a new journey, on July 1, 2022, the Wuzhou Municipal Procuratorate launched a party day event with the theme of "Welcoming the 20th National Congress and forever following the party on a new journey". Absorb wisdom and strength and continue the red bloodline.

Party history study and education continues the red blood

On the morning of the same day, officers from the First Party Branch of the Wuzhou City Procuratorate visited the exhibition hall of the former site of the Wuzhou Local Executive Committee of the Communist Party of China and the Guangxi Special Committee, and Datong, where Comrade Zhou Enlai stayed when he carried out revolutionary work in Wuzhou The former site of the hotel and the former site of the Guangxi Special Committee of the Communist Party of China. Comrade Zeng Junning, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Chief Prosecutor of the Wuzhou Procuratorate, participated in the event as an ordinary party member.

Everywhere we went, everyone stopped to watch carefully and listened carefully to the explanation.

Subsequently, Zeng Junning and his party came to Lantian Community to conduct study and discussions. Based on the actual situation of their own positions, party members exchanged their experiences one by one. Everyone expressed their intention to adhere to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, maintain the spiritual blood of the Communists, ensure the high-quality development of Wuzhou’s economy and society with high-quality procuratorial duties, and write a new era of society with Chinese characteristics. Contributing procuratorial power to a new chapter in Wuzhou, Guangxi’s magnificent socialist .

"The current prosecutorial work in Wuzhou is facing opportunities and challenges. We must always strengthen our beliefs and be loyal to the party, adhere to integrity and self-discipline in enforcing the law impartially, deeply cultivate feelings for the people, and be able to perform our duties in accordance with the law and resolve the people's urgent difficulties with heart and soul." "Chou Pan'" problem, dedicatedly practice the concept of "responsibility, hard work, development, struggle and glory", have the courage to overcome various difficulties and challenges on the way forward, and work together to promote the high-quality development of Wuzhou's procuratorial work. "During the discussion, Zeng Junning discussed his experience and insights with the branch party members around his determination to fulfill the original mission and inherit and carry forward the great party-building spirit.

Party building leads the way and builds a strong sense of integrity

In order to further play the leading role of party building and promote the establishment of an anti-corruption agency, the third and fourth party branches of the Wuzhou City Procuratorate organized party members and police officers to carry out anti-corruption education and red party study in Fuwan Village, Dangshui Town, Changzhou District. day activities.

visited Fuwan Village’s new rural construction achievements, carried out anti-corruption education and training, sang red songs, and reviewed the oath of joining the party... Through a series of impressive patriotic and party-loving education activities, party members and police were deeply inspired and expressed that they should not forget their original intentions. Mission, forge ahead on a new journey and achieve greater success again.

All party members and police officers of the fourth party branch told the story of integrity in the "Flower Language and Lotus Heart" Integrity Cultural Garden, promoted the concept of integrity for the public and the people, and built a strong defense line against integrity. Subsequently, the branch studied the spirit of a series of important speeches such as General Secretary Xi Jinping’s speech at the conference celebrating the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Youth League of China in the Party Building Activity Room, and watched the anti-corruption education short film "Young People Who Are Promising, Don’t Do Nothing Arrogantly" to let party members become police officers intuitively He also deeply accepted the education on clean government and firmly established the concept of judicial service for the public and law enforcement for the people.

“The most important thing about teamwork is to create a team atmosphere. Team members must trust and depend on each other, respect and tolerate each other, learn to appreciate the strengths of others, and create a good team atmosphere to create a team that is good at doing well and doing well. A strong procuratorial team." During the event, Peng Yongxiong, a member of the Party Leadership Group of the Wuzhou City Procuratorate and deputy prosecutor general, put forward specific requirements on how to improve the team's collaboration capabilities in conjunction with the implementation of capacity extension.

Centenary Youth Committed to the Party

The Youth League Branch of the Wuzhou City Procuratorate went into "Pinglang Village, the first village in the old revolutionary area of ​​Guangxi" to carry out "Century Youth Committed to the Party, Forge ahead and Present Gifts to the 20th National Congress" to celebrate the "July 1" themed Youth League Day "Tomorrow can be expected" reading and study meeting activity.

In the memorial hall, young police officers looked at precious old photos and objects, relived the red history of the peasants' unyielding struggle against landlord bullies and fought for liberation, and further understood the arduous course and selfless dedication of the predecessors in the old revolutionary areas. It has subtly strengthened the belief in loving the party, the country and the family, and enhanced the cohesion and combat effectiveness of the youth team.

At the "Tomorrow Can Be Expected" reading and study meeting, the young police officers shared the revolutionary deeds of the three martyrs Su Man, Luo Wenkun and Zhang Haiping who "spent their lives to report to the party", and the story of Yu Qian's "breeze on his sleeves", and combined them with Hong Kong's return 25 Anniversary, read the book "Questions and Answers on the Study of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era" and "Why is 'One Country, Two Systems' said to be a great initiative of socialism with Chinese characteristics?" The discussion further cultivated the good habit of advocating and loving reading among young police officers. , strengthened the construction of an honest and disciplined style of young police officers, guided young police officers to consolidate their ideological roots, improve their party spirit, be more loyal to the party and the people, work hard, take on responsibilities and work hard, and strive to welcome the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China , strive to write a new chapter of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era and contribute young people to Wuzhou, Guangxi.

feed | Party committee

photos | Weng Zhuohua

editor | Ding Yu

review | Li Minxia





Wuzhou People's Procuratorate

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