[Yuan] The picture of Bai Pu comes from the Internet (such as invasion and deletion) [Second fold] (Anlu Mountain leads the generals to come up, cloud) A certain Anlu Mountain is also. When he arrived in Yuyang, he trained the troops of Tibetan and Han Dynasties. He found that th

[Yuan] Bai Pu

The picture comes from the Internet (such as intrusion and deletion)

[Second fold] ( An Lushan will lead everyone to go up, cloud) A certain An Lushan is also. Since arriving in Yuyang, he has been training Tibetan and Han people's horses. He has 400,000 elite soldiers and 1,000 generals. Now that the Ming emperor has passed away, Yang Guozhong and Li Linfu are playing tricks on the government. Now, in the name of fighting against thieves, I raised troops to Chang'an , robbed the imperial concubine, and seized the Tang Dynasty world. This is what I want to achieve in my life. On the left and right, are the troops and horses ready? (All the generals say) Everything is ready. (An Lushan said) The Secretary of Military and Political Affairs first sent a message saying that a certain person had a secret order to attack Yang Guozhong and others. Then he ordered Shi Siming to lead 30,000 troops, first take Tongguan, and reach the capital. It was a great success! (All the generals said) Got the order. (An Lushan cloud) It's getting late today, and the troops will start tomorrow. (The poem goes) The elite troops were directed towards Tongguan, but the Tang family had no idea how to stop them. Just grabbing a noble concubine is not just for the splendid country. (Same as below) (The end of the main line quoted Gao Lishi , Zheng Guanyin holding the pipa, King Ning playing the flute, Nu playing the Jie drum , Huang Fanchuo holding the board, holding the dan on) (The end of the main line says) Today is the new autumn The weather was good, and we had nothing to do in the morning. The concubine learned how to dance in colorful clothes and feathers, and we went to the imperial garden to have some fun under the agarwood pavilion. Come early. Look at this autumn scenery, how moving it is! (Singing)

[中LV] [ Pink Butterfly ] The sky is light and the clouds are free, and there are many rows of geese in the sky. The summer scenery in the imperial garden is beginning to fade: willows add yellow, lotuses reduce green, and autumn lotus sheds its petals. Sitting close to the orchid, the fragrant hosta flowers are blooming.

(with clouds) arrived at Yuyuan early. Although it was a small banquet, it was neat. (Singing)

An Lushan stills

[Sounds] The concubines were happy, leisurely, leisurely, and the delicacies were listed in the imperial garden. The wine is tender and goose yellow, and the tea is partridge spots .

[Drunken Spring Breeze] The wine light shines on the purple bell, and the tea fragrance floats on the jasper cup. It's much cooler at night by the Agarwood Pavilion, so I picked it up by myself. Wearing heavy make-up, the orchestras and orchestras are arranged in rows, and they are alternately decorated with beautiful flowers.

(Enter dressed as an envoy, the poem goes) Looking back at Chang'an, there are piles of embroidery, and thousands of doors are opened on the top of the mountain. Riding on the red dust concubine smiled, no one knew it was lychee. A small official from Sichuan Province sent an envoy. Because the imperial concubine likes to eat fresh lychees, she came here to buy fresh lychees in compliance with the imperial edict. Arrived outside Chaomen early. The palace official announced that envoys from Sichuan were coming to Litchi. (Working in the newspaper department) (Positive end cloud) Invite him in. (The envoy met Jia Ke, it said) The envoy from Sichuan Road paid tribute with lychees. (Positive end of Kanke, cloud) Concubine, if you want to eat this fruit, I specially order him to come in in time. (Dan Yun) It’s a good lychee. (Singing at the end)

[Welcome the Fairy Guests] The fragrance is fragrant and sweet, and the delicate color is beginning to bloom. I just suspect that it was banished to the human world from the Nine Heavens. It’s hard to get it when you get it, but it’s hard to get it later. It's a pity that it's not close to Chang'an, so I went to teach the post envoy to travel in the world of mortals.

(Danyun) The color of this lychee is delicate and cute. (Singing at the end of the main line)

[Red embroidered shoes] are not beautiful on the gold plate, but they hold the meal in their jade hands, and the crimson gauze they hold covers the crystal cold. Why do you teach me to wake up my drunken eyes, my concubine's beauty is dizzy, and my rare things are rare to see.

Gao Lishi takes off his boots

(Gao Lishi Yun) invites the empress to come on board and perform a dance of colorful clothes. (Positive end of the cloud) Yi Qing played. (Dancing in the first day, music and music) (singing in the last part)

[Happy Three] Please don’t neglect your Xianyin Academy, Tao and your teaching department will do it again and again. Hold the concubine on the green plate. It's almost over. It's time to dress up.

[Bao Lao'er] has rolled up the sleeves of his gold-plated shirt, pressed the neon clothes in the Moon Palace, Zheng Guanyin is ready to play his pipa, and has already put on the silk placket. The wise king jade flute , the flower slave Jie drum, the sound is beautiful and complex. Ning Wang Jinse, Mei Fei jade flute , the pavilion circulates.

[古宝老] Yi Lala spreads the red sandalwood, and Huang Fanchuo moves forward to pick up the board. She called Yuhuan in a low voice, and the princess's eyes were filled with tears when she laughed. The red tooth chopsticks hit the sycamore table with the five notes, and the young branches are still wet and carry the overtones of Yao Qin . Dear, you have brought out a few pearls of sweat.

(Dan Wu Ke) (singing at the end)

[Red Peony] The waist drum sounds are dry, the stockings are bowed, and the jade pendant is ringing in the east, which means that the servant girl is gradually dancing in the clouds. The waist of the bee is thin, the body of the swallow is turned over, and the fragrance on your sleeves is blown away by the wind. (Daiyun) Qing is tired and drinks a glass of wine. (Singing) I hold a cup of jade dew and it's sweet and cold, but you don't want to leave any leftovers and get drunk and eat until the end of the night.

(Dan Drinking Section) (net pretends to be Li Linfu, above, cloud) Li Linfu, a minor official, is regarded as the prime minister of the left. A report was sent this morning, saying that An Lushan was rebelling and that the army and horses were so large that they did not dare to resist the enemy, so they had to see the enemy. (Doing a driving test) (Positive end says) Why is the Prime Minister so anxious? (Li Linfu Yun) A report was sent from the border that An Lushan was rebelling, and the general army was about to kill the general. Your Majesty, peace lasts for a long time, and people don’t know how to fight. How can we live a good life? (Zheng Mo Yun) What are you doing in a hurry? (Singing)

The treacherous Prime Minister Li Linfu

[ licking the silver lamp ] can't stop talking about the rebellion in the side court, but also look at the futility and belittle the speed and urgency. I can't wait for the banquet to end with singing and singing, but I can't be angry with Pi Pi for showing off her beauty! Those Qi Guan Zhong Zheng Zichan dare to pretend to be loyal and filial to Long Fengbi Gan?

(Li Linfu Yun) Your Majesty, the traitors have now broken through Tongguan, brother Shuhan has lost the defense and fled back, and is now in Chang'an. The capital is empty and cannot be defended. What should we do? (Singing at the end)

[Manjingcai] I almost killed you in a panic Zhou Gongdan , (Li Linfu Yun) Your Majesty, it is only because of the favor of women and the slander of husbands that this weapon came. (Singing at the end of the main line) Do you think I ruined my country because of my singing and dancing? You are always good at taking advantage of an adulterer. How could you have raped three hundred thousand people while laughing and chatting with her feather fan and silk scarf?

(cloud) Now that thieves and troops are pressing down on the territory, you and your officials will discuss it, select generals to lead the troops, and then go out for the expedition. (Li Linfu Yun) Nowadays, there are less than 10,000 soldiers in the Beijing camp, and the generals are aging. The famous general Ge Shuhan can't support him. Which one can go there? (Singing at the end)

[ Man Ting Fang ] You have two civil and military classes, and you have more black boots like slippers, golden and purple robes. There is no heroic man among them, sweeping away the world. Wutu Lushan, who was accustomed to being indulgent, crashed through Tongguan without thinking, and defeated Ge Shuhan first. I wonder if there was no beacon fire last night to report peace.

Stills of Yang Guifei (Lin Fangbing)

(Yun) Qing and others, what are your plans to repel the traitors? (Li Linfu Yun) An Lushan's subordinates have more than 400,000 soldiers and horses from the Han and Han Dynasties. One is worth a hundred. How can he resist the enemy? It is better for your Majesty to favor Shu to avoid its front and wait for the troops from all over the world to arrive before making further calculations. (Positive end of the cloud) according to Qing's instructions. Then he sent an order to clean up the six officials and concubines, and all the kings and officials. Get up early tomorrow and be lucky to come to Shu. (Dan Zuo Bei Ke, cloud) How can I have a good concubine! (Singing at the end of the main line)

[Putianle] Hate is endless, sorrow is endless. When we are in a hurry, we cannot avoid sudden climbs. Luan Jia moved and looked forward to Chengdu. The geese flying to the west of the water are even more worthy of being sent to the carved saddle. Sad hometown, west wind Weishui , sunset Chang'an.

(Danyun) Your Majesty, how can you endure the hardships of the journey? (Zheng Mo Yun) There is nothing I can do! (Singing)

[Woodpecker’s Tail] I’ve looked closely at you, Jiao, on the horse, how can I falter in the way of Shu? I worry about the rugged mountains and the cloud stacks for you. I am used to driving. How long can I go through Jianmen Pass? (Same as below)

Stills of Yang Guifei

Plot introduction: "The Rain in the Wutong Trees on an Autumn Night in the Tang Ming Dynasty" ( referred to as "The Rain in the Wutong Trees") is a drama created by Bai Pu, a writer of the Yuan Dynasty. The play is known as one of the four major tragedies of Yuan dramas . Its ingenious plot design makes the drama conflict ups and downs; the beautiful diction also makes it have strong lyricism and charm, becoming a classic of Yuan Dynasty historical dramas. Outstanding.

The play tells the story of Emperor Ming of Tang Dynasty favored Concubine Yang, who lived in drunken dreams and ignored the government affairs. Begging for skill and making oaths in the Hall of Eternal Life, and watching the "Dance of Colorful Clothes and Feathers" at the Chenxiang Pavilion. Suddenly the An Lushan rebellion was reported, and Emperor Ming and Concubine Yang fled in panic. When they arrived at Mawei Station, the sergeants mutinied and forced Emperor Ming to order Concubine Yang to hang herself. After the chaos, Emperor Ming abdicated and became the Supreme Emperor. He cried and worshiped Concubine Yang's portrait every day. One night, I dreamed of being reunited with Concubine Yang, but was awakened by the rain at night. The rain hit the sycamore trees, which made Emperor Ming even more depressed.
