Thanks to the hard work of caring people from all walks of life, the Libazhai Red Education Exhibition Hall was officially opened, free and open to all walks of life, as a tribute to the 101st anniversary of the Party. The museum was built on the site of Lishanzhai's anti-"suppre

After the hard work of the Duwei Town Party Committee, the government

and caring people from all walks of life,

Li Bazhai Red Education Exhibition Hall was officially opened.

It is open to all walks of life free of charge,

dedicated to the 101st anniversary of the party.

htmlOn July 1, , Duwei Town, held the opening ceremony of the Libazhai Red Education Exhibition Hall and the commendation meeting to celebrate the 101st anniversary of the founding of the Party.

The museum was built on the site of the anti-"suppression" struggle in Lishanzhai. It covers an area of ​​more than 500 square meters and displays more than 100 pieces of various revolutionary historical relics, pictures and materials. The exhibition halls are divided into Puxian Revolutionary History , the revolutionary node stories of each village in Duwei, the current situation of modern development in Duwei and the local characteristic culture. Supporting construction is the Lishanzhai Revolutionary Spirit Lecture Room, the Original Aspiration Forum, the Party Building Cultural Corridor, the Original Aspiration Square, the Oath-taking Platform, the Lishanzhai Gate Wall, the Lishanzhai Revolutionary Story Wall, and the Lishanzhai Anti-"Suppression" Struggle Headquarters Site.

It is reported that Libazhai is also known as Baiyun Mountain, Moshizhai and Lishanzhai. The scenic area covers an area of ​​4 square kilometers and is more than 500 meters above sea level. It not only has beautiful natural scenery, but also has a long history and culture. It played an important role in the revolutionary war years. effect. According to records, in 1947, the leaders of the Xiande guerrillas in central Fujian, including Liu Zuozhou and Mao Piao, stationed troops in Libazhai. They persisted in the guerrilla war in a difficult environment and won the second large-scale victory in the anti-"clearance suppression" battle. Defeated the Kuomintang's new security group of more than a thousand people in Fujian Province, and repelled the American armed brigade that retreated from Shanghai. At the opening ceremony of

, the party and government leaders, cadres and workers of Duwei Town, and the backbones of the two village committees walked into the exhibition hall. By listening to explanations, viewing pictures, objects and historical documents, they learned about the revolutionary martyrs’ establishment of immortality in Li Bazhai. The heroic deeds such as the guerrilla headquarters, persistence in armed warfare, and anti-"suppression" battles, reliving the glorious years of passionate passion, accepted a red baptism in the mind.

Leaders of Duwei Town and Dufeng Community jointly unveiled the Libazhai Red Education Exhibition Hall. Under the leadership of Chen Zhenzhou, Secretary of the Party Committee of Duwei Town, all the personnel faced the bright party flag and raised their right hands high to review the oath of joining the Party. With a sonorous and powerful oath, they expressed their firm belief and determination to not forget the original intention and keep the mission in mind. Later, at the original intention forum, Chen Zhenzhou gave a vivid party lesson on the theme of "Always follow the party and forge ahead on a new journey" for those present.


swearing an oath

attending party class

Subsequently, a commendation meeting was held in Duwei Town to celebrate the 101st anniversary of the founding of the Party and strive for excellence, and the "Duwei Town Incentive and Selection Methods for Outstanding Unit Leaders (Trial)" and "Duwei Town Selection Excellent Grid for Grassroots Governance" were held Excellent Unit Work Plan (Trial Implementation)" "Details for Selection of Outstanding Volunteers in Duwei Town Grassroots Governance (Trial Implementation)".

In order to further discover models, encourage advanced people, and mobilize the enthusiasm and initiative of the masses to participate in grassroots governance, the meeting commended the outstanding unit leaders of each village (community) who have emerged in project construction, social governance, epidemic prevention and control, etc. 27 27 outstanding volunteers and 20 outstanding grid leaders.

A strategic cooperation signing ceremony was also held on site. The Duwei Town Party Committee and the Party Branch of Xianyou Rural Commercial Bank signed a rural revitalization strategic agreement and an Party Building Alliance pairing and co-construction agreement. Duwei Town Government Party Branch, Houpu Village Party Branch, Tianzong Company Party Branch and Fujian Provincial Expressway Vehicle Toll Collection and Management Office Party Branch of Xianyou City District, Duwei Health Center Party Branch, Fujian Provincial Expressway Operations The Party branch of the Putian Branch of Development Co., Ltd. signed a party-building alliance pairing and co-construction agreement.

Author: Jinbao reporter Tang Wei Text/picture

Editor: Xue Yanhui Art editor: Li Tingting

Review: Cai Chenhui