On June 30, 2022, on the occasion of the 101st anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, our bureau organized more than 80 retired cadres to go to Mu Ruishan Revolutionary Memorial Park to carry out the theme activity of "Welcoming the 20th National Congress, S

On June 30, 2022, on the occasion of the 101st anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, our bureau organized more than 80 retired cadres to Mu Ruishan Revolutionary Memorial Park to carry out "Welcoming the 20th National Congress, Silver Shine in Qiongya" Theme activities recall the turbulent years of the Qiongya Revolution and receive re-education of party spirit.

Mu Ruishan is known as the "Qiongdao Jinggang" and the "cradle" that has kept the red flag unshaken in the 23 years of the Qiongya Revolution. During the revolutionary war, the soldiers of Qiongya sacrificed their lives and blood, fought arduously and indomitably, and made immortal contributions to the liberation of Hainan.

In front of the statues of revolutionary predecessors Feng Baiju and Wang Wenming, the veteran cadres lined up neatly and bowed silently, deeply expressing their respect for the revolutionary martyrs; under the leadership of Comrade Wu Xiong, Secretary of the Party Branch of the veteran cadres, all party members solemnly made a commitment in front of the commemorative sculpture , we must keep in mind the oath of joining the party, never forget the original intention and mission, and fight for the cause of the party and communism for life.

In front of the Qiongya Revolutionary Struggle History Exhibition Hall, everyone stared at the lifelike statues and paintings, as if they were involved in the magnificent historical process of Qiongya’s revolutionary struggle. Pictures of bloody battles, majestic sculptures, and touching stories bring everyone back to the war-torn and arduous years.

In the red lecture hall, the old Red Army vividly told the story of the revolution in the Mu Ruishan base area, giving all party members a profound party spirit education lesson.

The retired veteran cadres who participated in the event agreed that such an event is very meaningful. They once again relived the glorious history of the Qiongya Revolution and felt that today’s good life is hard-won. They said that they must always remember their identity as a party member and always maintain their true qualities as a party member. Dedicate your remaining energy to the cause of the party.

Producer: Li Yin

Reviewer: Wang Xiaofeng, Li Yang

Author: Danzhou Police