Liu Bei asked Guan Yu to guard Jingzhou after careful consideration. It was not the turn of military advisor Zhuge Liang to make the decision. After the Battle of Chibi, it was very meaningful for Liu Bei to grant Guan Yu the title of General Dangkou and Grand Administrator of Xi

Liu Bei asked Guan Yu to guard Jingzhou . It was a matter of careful consideration. It was not the turn of the military advisor Zhonglang Zhuge Liang to make the decision - After the Battle of Chibi , Liu Bei granted Guan Yu the title of Dang Kou. The general and Xiangyang prefect had a profound meaning: only by taking these two cities can we open the way to enter the Central Plains and revive the Han Dynasty, and only then can Zhuge Liang's "Longzhong Pair" become a reality.

Considering the four aspects of loyalty, qualifications, reputation and ability, Guan Yu is the best choice to guard Jingzhou: Zhuge Liang's relationship with the Jingzhou clan is intricate, Zhang Fei is drunk and violent, and Zhao Yun in the official history is not like the novel. With such great writing, of course Huang Zhong and Wei Yan are not good either.

Guan Yu was able to flood seven armies, capture Yu Ban and behead Pang De, and annihilate 30,000 Cao's troops at once. This achievement was enough to shock China - Battle of Guandu , Battle of Chibi, Battle of Yiling, Battle of Hefei There are different opinions on the losses of both sides, but it is well documented that Guan Yu destroyed 30,000 Yujin Seven Army troops at once: "In the 24th year of Jian'an, Guan Yu besieged Cao Ren in Xiangyang, and Cao Gong sent General Zuo rescued him when the Huihan River broke out, and Yu sent all his troops, including Jin and his 30,000 infantrymen, to Jiangling, but the city was not captured."

Guan Yu captured 30,000 people alive and trapped Cao Ren in Fancheng. The dilemma of having no food and no reinforcements: "When Guan Yu attacked Fan, the Han River overflowed. Yu Jin and other seven armies were all lost, so Jin surrendered. Thousands of benevolent men and horses defended the city, and those who did not lose the city counted boards."

In order to fight To win the battle of Xiangfan, Guan Yu made full use of the right time and place. As long as he was a good person and good people, he could direct his troops to Xuchang, Liu Bei came out of Xichuan Hanzhong , Zhao Yun or Wei Yan came out of Ziwu Valley , and the seriously ill and dying Cao Cao's may not be able to withstand it. Once Cao Cao died, Cao Wei , which had relatively acute internal conflicts, was likely to fall apart overnight. At that time, the emperor of Han Dynasty Liu Xie was still there, and the potential anti-Cao forces in the capital should not be underestimated. Just before Guan Yu launched the Battle of Xiangfan The year before, there had been a fire in Cao Cao's backyard: "In the first month of the spring of the twenty-third year, the imperial physician of the Han Dynasty ordered Ji Ben to rebel against the Shaofu Geng Ji, Sizhi Wei Huang and others, attack Xu, and burn down the camp of the prime minister, Chang Shi Wang Bi."

In order to drive straight into the hinterland of Cao Wei after taking Xiangfan, Guan Yu came up with two clever strategies. If he could get the support of Liu Bei and Sun Quan, he could tie Cao Cao's hands and feet and allow him to defeat Yuan Shao amid internal and external difficulties. Following in the footsteps of Yuan Shu. It is a pity that Cao Cao was not fooled, Liu Bei and Sun Quan did not give strong support to Guan Yu's two clever plans, and Sun Quan stabbed Guan Yu in the back unkindly.

Guan Yu's first clever plan is to bring the war to Cao Cao's doorstep: "Liang, Jia, and Lu Hun, a group of bandits, may have received Yu's seal and formed a party for them. Yu became so powerful in China that Cao Gong proposed to move to Xudu. to avoid its sharpness. "

Looking at the map of the late Han Dynasty and comparing it with the current traffic map, we will find that Cao Cao lived in Xudu at that time, which is today's Xuchang. Liangxian and Luhun belonged to the Sili Xiaowei Department. (that is, the Gyeonggi region), Liang County belongs to Henan Yin (the administrative seat is Luoyang ), Jiaxian is now Jiaxian County, Pingdingshan City, Henan Province.

As you can see from the map, Jiaxian County is only more than a hundred miles away from Xudu, and Liang County and Luhun are not far from Xudu. The reason why Guan Yu contacted the armed forces in these three places was to set fire to Cao Cao's backyard. They dared not dispatch the main force to assist Xiangfan.

Guan Yu’s move was indeed very cruel. Cao Cao, the desperate tycoon, was so scared that he had to move the capital to avoid his influence. This shows that Guan Yu’s move was very effective. If Cao Cao moved the capital in a hurry, he would definitely fall into chaos for a period of time, and he would be in trouble. Guan Yu left time to reorganize 30,000 surrendered soldiers - this is Guan Yu's second clever plan: to reorganize and reorganize 30,000 Cao's troops, so that they can become a partial division of the first brigade under the leadership of Yu Jin or Guan Ping.

Guan Yu captured Yu Jin and Cao Cao's 30,000 soldiers without killing them or letting them go. This actually has a profound meaning: 30,000 surrendered soldiers cannot directly enter the battle without training. He killed Pang De and stayed in Yu Jin, but he was also waiting for Cao Cao's next step. Action - If Cao Cao kills the Yu Jin clan in a rage, Guan Yu can go to the cell in person to "untie him, undress him, and sit on his seat." Yu Jin, who has cut off his escape route, can be used by Guan Yu. .

The reason why Guan Yu captured Yu Jin but did not use him is very simple: Yu Jin only laid down his weapons and did not rebel against Cao Cao. He was just a prisoner of war and not a traitor. Of course, it did not count as an uprising or surrender.

Cao Cao was not fooled by Guan Yu's two clever tricks: after being reminded by Sima Yi and Jiang Ji, he gave up the idea of ​​moving the capital, and then sent Zhang Liao and Xu Huang two armies to rush to rescue Guan Yu at night. He informed Cao Ren about Sun Quan's upcoming surprise attack on Jingzhou; while dispatching troops and generals to rush to Xiangfan, Cao Cao played the emotional card. Not only did he not kill Yu Jin's family, but he also expressed "sadly" that Yu Jin had failed him.

"I know that I have been banned for thirty years, so why should I be in danger, not as good as Pang Dexie! " If Cao Cao's words fall on Jun's ears, they will definitely have the same effect as a thunderbolt from the blue. Yu Jin is filled with guilt, Anyone who has the slightest sense of shame will not be used by Guan Yu.

Both of Guan Yu's clever tricks were seen through by Cao Cao and his advisers, but they were not enough to cause Guan Yu to be frustrated on the battlefield and ultimately defeated. The more important reason for Guan Yu's defeat was that neither Sun Quan nor Liu Bei supported it.

Sun Quan will never support Guan Yu, and Sima Yi sees this clearly: "If Guan Yu succeeds, Sun Quan will not want to do it. You can send people to persuade Quan to sneak behind him, and promise to cede Jiangnan to enfeoff power, and then Fan will be relieved."

So everyone knows what happened next: "Quan was afraid of Yu internally, and externally wanted to think of his own merits. He wrote to Cao Gong and begged Yu for his own benefit. Yu Jin and others had tens of thousands of men and horses, and they were short of food, so they took power without authorization. Xiangguan rice; when Quan heard about it, he sent troops to attack Yu. "

Guan Yu wanted to recruit 30,000 surrendered soldiers, and he first had to ensure their food rations - in the troubled times of the late Han Dynasty, the loyalty of generals was only 30% to 50%, while the loyalty of soldiers was 0%. It can be returned to zero. They "eat food and serve as soldiers." No matter who they fight for, they have only one goal, which is to have a full stomach after saving their lives. They fight for whoever gives them money and food. Cao Cao, Liu Bei, and Sun Quan even admitted that they were Hanchen , no matter who the soldiers fight for, they are still Han soldiers, not even rebellion.

Guan Yu was able to conquer Xiangyang and besiege Fancheng, and confront Yu Jin's 30,000-strong army, which shows that his Jingzhou army also numbered at least 30,000 to 40,000 people. If you add in the 30,000 adapted soldiers and the small warlords who surrendered around Xudu, the number would be 100,000. When the army entered the Central Plains, Sima Yi and Jiang Ji could not stop Cao Cao from moving the capital. However, the successful implementation of Guan Yu's two clever plans requires a necessary condition, and that is Liu Bei's full support.

Unfortunately, after Guan Yu fought hard against Xiangfan and achieved a major victory, Liu Bei did not give him any support, which made Guan Yu's two clever plans come to nothing.

All readers know that the golden signboard of Emperor Liu Xie of the Han Dynasty was still very effective at that time, so among the three giants of the Three Kingdoms, the Prime Minister and King of Wei Cao Cao had the most appeal, followed by the Han who claimed to be the Great Sima and the King of Hanzhong Although Guan Yu is powerful in China, he is still a subordinate of Liu Bei. He appoints the surrounding forces in Xudu in the name of former general and Han Shouting Hou. In other words, he can give appointments to the surrounding forces of Xudu. There is a ceiling for the rewards for those who surrender - the title of marquis has no rights, and the title of general is also a miscellaneous title.

If Liu Bei gave Guan Yu support in this regard, he should fill in many blank letters of appointment and gold seals and purple ribbons as the King of Hanzhong, and let Guan Yu do his own thing as a fake Jie Yue.

Without Liu Bei's authorization or personal appointment, Guan Yu would not dare to let go when recruiting local warlords - if Guan Yu arbitrarily appoints officials and makes wishes, it would be overstepping his bounds. Guan Yu would never do it.

Because Guan Yu did not have enough authority and prestige, only three counties around Xudu responded. Their official titles were not high, so it was naturally difficult to form a chain reaction. The "group of thieves" who were not justified were quickly eliminated by Cao Cao.

Next, let’s look at the 30,000 prisoners in Guan Yu’s hands. I remember a modern famous general once said an interesting saying: “How many grains you have, there will be as many prisoners!”

Guan Yu had prisoners, but no grain. , The trump card turned into a hot potato: Liu Bei refused to allocate a grain of rice or a piece of grass from Hanzhong, Xichuan, and the "Uncle Guo" Mi Fang in charge of logistics was also doing foreign work. Guan Yu's army reorganization plan came to nothing: the Jingzhou army could not even survive. If you are full, how can you have any food left over for the soldiers to eat?

When Liu Bei captured Yizhou, he only gave Guan Yu five hundred catties of gold, one thousand catties of silver, fifty million yuan, and one thousand pieces of brocade. These things were used to buy military rations and were not enough to feed an army of sixty or seventy thousand men for half a month. Local forces also need a large amount of money, food, cloth and silk. Mi Fang may not be able to provide these things. Even if Mi Fang is willing to give them, it will be difficult to raise them for a while.

Liu Bei did not provide material support to Guan Yu, nor did he send wise men and capable generals to coordinate. Even though Guan Yu had reorganized 30,000 surrendered soldiers, he still had no one to lead him. Even if Yu Jin was willing to fight for Guan Yu after his family was destroyed, he could not give him full trust. He would have to have close confidants like Zhang Fei, Zhao Yun and Wei Yan as military commanders in the future.

Guan Yu was in dire straits in Xiangfan, so busy that he hit the back of his head but lacked both food and help, while Liu Bei was busy in Hanzhong conferring honors on meritorious officials and marrying wives. He named Wu Yi's sister his queen, which was equivalent to stabbing Guan Yu—— Liu Bei's suspension of his wife's remarriage was a humiliation to Sun Quan and brought the already unstable Sun-Liu alliance to the brink of collapse.

It is understandable that Cao Cao was not fooled. "The only heroes in the world are those who envoy you and Cao Er." If he could not see through Guan Yu's plan, he would not be worthy of being called the number one tycoon and traitor in the Three Kingdoms.

It is understandable that Sun Quan does not support Guan Yu, because the stronger Guan Yu is, the greater the threat to Jiangdong. Liu Bei's group has destroyed Cao Wei, and the next step is to launch a general attack on Soochow from the west, north, and south.

As long as Liu Bei provides sufficient support, Guan Yu will not be defeated quickly. The battle between Jingxiang and Xiang lasted for a long time, and Cao Cao died of fear. The newly appointed Cao Pi will definitely take it out on Yu Jin and even the families of the captured soldiers. At that time, Guan Yu's article was Well done.

Liu Bei's indifference left Guan Yu in a dilemma. Until Nanjun and the police were sent away by Mi Fang Shiren, the 30,000 surrendered soldiers did not become Guan Yu's new force.

Eighteen hundred years have passed since the Battle of Xiangfan. Historians have been arguing over why Liu Bei did not rush to help Guan Yu. Some even say that Guan Yu reported good news but not bad news, and did not ask Liu Bei for help at all. However, if we look closely at the historical materials of the Three Kingdoms, we can see that You will find that Guan Yu not only asked for help, but he was also in a rather urgent mood. It is not known whether it was Liu Bei's instruction or the king's relatives who made their own decisions. Guan Yu shouted at the top of his voice, but no one paid attention: "From Yu's point of view, Fang and Ren provide military supplies." Since Guan Yu besieged Fancheng and Xiangyang, he ordered Feng and Da to send troops to help themselves."

Guan Yu was so anxious that he blew his beard, glared and said harsh words. His uncle Mi Fang and his prince Liu Feng didn't care. Who would believe that Guan Yu didn't send someone to complain to Liu Bei?

Half a pot of old wine was also puzzled at first: Guan Yu and the two A clever plan was made to determine Jingxiang. This was a great opportunity for Liu Bei to advance into the Central Plains and revive the Han Dynasty. Zhuge Liang was a man of few words at the time and had no authority to make the decision. Why did Liu Bei, who had been determined to ride the "Yubaogai chariot" Long Fei Jiuwu since he was a child, become like Yuan Shao? "It's too late to see things"?

Speaking of "Yu Bao Gai Chao", Half a Pot of Old Wine suddenly understood Liu Bei's thoughts: Yu Bao Gai Chai was the emperor's vehicle. When Guan Yu launched the Xiangfan Campaign and won every victory, the Han Emperor Liu Xie was still alive. What! If Cao Cao abandons Liu Xie and moves the capital, and Guan Yu gains a powerful emperor when he captures Xudu, who will ride on Yu Bao's chariot?