Huang Huangrong has settled the interference of various gangs of gangs fighting each other, and the daily meals of each gang of gangs have been provided. He is willing to be restrained by the gang leader and does not dare to get too involved in the goods that come and go on the w

Golden Rong Not only has the interference of the gangs of gangs fighting against each other been eliminated, but the daily meals of each gang of gangsters have also been provided, they are willing to be restrained by the gangster leader, and they do not dare to get too involved in the goods traveling on the water. Even several gangster leaders flattered Huang Jinrong and obeyed his orders. And Huang Huangrong relied on the influence of several leaders to rise in prestige among the gangsters. Sometimes when major incidents occur in the French Concession, Director Waltz will consult him specifically. This golden glory made the French masters happy.

After Huang Jinrong was promoted to "Inspector", he was also a prominent figure in the French Concession at that time. Generally, Chinese policemen and French police officers would greet or salute him when they saw him. He never went to Shiliupu or Xinkaihe area for duty again. At work, he would sit in the newly built patrol house on Mailan Street, gesticulating and giving orders to the people below him. Cao Xianmin, who used to work as a translator in the French Concession, was originally the most famous person in the French Concession. At this time, he had to look at the newcomer Ma Pi Jinrong with kindness and look at him differently.

There is a Shanghainese named He Baoqing. He opened a Yingxianfeng Theater outside the Old Beimen City. The main door of this theater faced the Old North Gate to attract visitors from inside and outside the city. There are more than 700 wooden bench seats in the theater. The theater is in disrepair for many years. It leaks in all directions when it rains and penetrates the room when it is windy. Although the plays performed rotate, the Anhui troupe is the main one all year round, and actors from the Shanghai style are also hired to perform staged operas. Although the seats were packed during the performance, only half of the people officially paid for the tickets, and the other half were military police and hooligans wearing tiger skins. These guys sit down to watch the white show in a big way, and no one dares to stop them. Sometimes they even make a noise and cause trouble.

Yingxianfeng Stage owner He Baoqing had no choice but to invite Yu Qiaqing, who was already a well-known gangster in the Shanghai business community, to be his stand-in, pretending to be Yu. Zhong Kui, in name only, warded off ghosts. Unexpectedly, instead of driving away these five evil spirits and seven evil spirits, Yu Qiaqing actually increased the theater's extra expenses. It turned out that Yu Qiaqing was the boss of Yingxianfeng, and it was inevitable that some unemployed people would seek help from relatives and ask him to recommend working in the theater to make a living. In this way, He Baoqing's debts are getting higher and higher. He Baoqing's own theater was already unable to make ends meet, and debtors came one after another to demand outstanding debts, which was so overwhelming that he couldn't cope with it. Moreover, the theater building is in dilapidated condition, and good theater troupes cannot be invited. Naturally, there is no income. Although Yu Qiaqing had a high reputation, he refused to advance his debts. In order to get out of the predicament as soon as possible, He Baoqing thought of Cao Xianmin, whom he had met once, so it was better to ask him to find a person who was both wealthy and leading to get rid of the theater as soon as possible. First, you can invest more money, and second, you can get out of trouble as soon as possible. Having made up his mind, he went to find Cao Xianmin and explain the reason for his visit. Cao Xianmin also knows that it is impossible to open theaters, bathhouses, hotels, teahouses and other industries without a well-known front line and a strong backstage. It is especially difficult to open a theater, and there is no way to lose money. Cao Xianmin promised to find a suitable person for him.