At 1:47 a.m. on January 7, 2022, Mao Anying's widow Liu Siqi passed away in Beijing at the age of 92. Looking back on her youth is very tragic. When she was more than 1 year old, her father Liu Qianchu was brutally murdered by the Kuomintang reactionaries. When she was in her 20s

At 1:47 a.m. on January 7, 2022, Mao Anying’s widow Liu Siqi passed away in Beijing at the age of 92.

It is very tragic to think back on her youth. When she was more than 1 year old, her father Liu Qianchu was brutally murdered by the Kuomintang reactionaries. When she was in her 20s, her husband Mao Anying, who had been married for less than a year, died heroically on the Korean battlefield. .

She recalled Mao Anying many times during her lifetime: He was more unrestrained in emotions, kind-hearted, and very straightforward!

This article focuses on her love story with Mao Anying.

1. Love is decided Xibaipo

Picture | Liu Siqi

The love story of Liu Siqi and Mao Anying is well known, but some details of their love are rarely known. In fact, their love started in Xibaipo.

One day in May 1948, Chairman Mao and his eldest son Mao Anying were chatting in a small farmhouse in Xibaipo. Just when they were chatting happily, a girl of seventeen or eighteen years old jumped in from the door. When she saw the chairman, she called out affectionately:

"Dad, I'm back!"

Chairman Mao looked at the door. , and found out that it was his goddaughter Liu Siqi who came.

He stood up and walked towards Liu Siqi, made gestures on her head with his hands, and said with a smile:

"You are really a woman, she has grown so fast. In those years of Yan'an , you were still a little girl!"

The fact that Liu Siqi called Chairman Mao "Dad" dates back to 1938. In the early spring of that year, a drama called "Abandoned Children" was staged in Yan'an. Chairman Mao and other leaders were watching below. In the play, when a revolutionary couple was captured by the reactionaries, a little girl shouted on the street, "Mom!" Mom!" The plot moved the chairman.

After the closing ceremony, the chairman quickly called the little girl to him and asked her:

"What is your name?"

The little girl replied:

"My name is Liu Siqi."

After the chairman learned that Liu Siqi's father was a martyr of the Communist Party , and said to her affectionately:

"Can I be your godfather from now on?"

Liu Siqi nodded and agreed, and the relationship between the two of them as father and daughter was confirmed.

Mao Anying, who was standing aside and listening to their speech, also came over. He looked at Liu Siqi in front of him up and down. He saw that Siqi had a slim figure, a dewy face, and her hair was tied into two ponytails. It was so dark that it was oozing juice. Her The clothes are very simple and elegant, without any hint of weakness.

Mao Anying was fascinated until Liu Siqi called him:

"Brother Anying, you are also in Xibaipo!"

Mao Anying suddenly came back to her senses. He put his hand on her head and patted her gently:

"Siqi, long time no see! When you were in Yan'an a few years ago, you were just a little bit taller. Over the past few years, you have grown a lot taller and more beautiful. How have you been these past few years?"

"I In the past few years, I have been studying literature at the School of Literature of Northern University in Changzhi, Shanxi Province. I contracted malaria a few months ago and it has not recovered. I came to Pingshan County to see a doctor. "

" This is a fateful meeting. Ah!"

Picture | Mao Anying

After Mao Anying said, he felt something was wrong and corrected:

"It's just a coincidence that I met you by chance."

Chairman Mao and Liu Siqi smiled knowingly after hearing this.

Liu Siqi once recalled the meeting, acquaintance and then falling in love with Mao Anying like this:

"In 1946, I came out of Sheng Shicai's prison in Xinjiang. After arriving in Yan'an, I often went to Chairman Mao's place to play and often met Anying. That year I was 16 years old and Anying was 24 years old. At that time, I regarded him as an older brother and had a pretty good impression of him. He spoke Chinese fluently, unlike other children like us who came back from the Soviet Union. He also understood the whispers. "

" In May 1948, I went to Xibaipo to see Chairman Mao and met him for the second time. I arrived in the afternoon and had dinner with the Chairman in the evening. Chatting with Anying, he told me about Marxism-Leninism, basically "On Practice" and Lenin's "Materialism and Empirical Criticism". He was very interested in politics and economics and was very talkative. , very patient with me."

" I lived in Xibaipo for more than a month that time and had more contact with him. During the course of our relationship, he discovered that I had no interest in theoretical knowledge, so he gave up on cultivating my interest in learning theoretical knowledge. I think he is more unrestrained in his emotions, kind-hearted, and straightforward. After the two developed feelings, their relationship gradually changed. "

" At that time, the chairman advised me to start studying in middle school, and Anying also advised me to go step by step. He hopes that I can learn basic cultural knowledge well so that I can cooperate with him in politics and culture in the future. Otherwise, our relationship will not be stable. Under Chairman Mao and his guidance, I decided to start learning from middle school textbooks. "

" In several communications with him, he always set strict demands on himself. Logically speaking, boys should try their best to hide their shortcomings in front of their girlfriends, but he told me all his shortcomings and repeatedly advised me to carefully consider my feelings for him. I still have two of his notebooks at home. "

2. Deng Yingchao and Kang Keqing acted as matchmakers for them.

After Liu Siqi recovered from malaria, he went to Yucai Middle School near Xibaipo to study. During this period, her love relationship with Mao Anying was officially made public.

After their relationship was made public, gradually It spread in Xibaipo and attracted the attention of many old leaders. After Deng Yingchao and Kang Keqing learned about it, they thought they should get married.

One day, Deng Yingchao and Kang Keqing went to Chairman Mao to talk to them. They were received warmly.

Deng Yingchao tentatively asked the chairman:

"Chairman, how old is Anying this year?" 20 is quite a few! Do you have a partner? It’s time to think about life-long events!

Chairman Mao immediately understood their purpose and replied:

"Yes, he is 25 or 6 years old. He doesn't know whether the target has been found, and he didn't tell me." I'm worried about this too! Are you two here interested in talking about girls for my An Ying? That's not good. What our liberated areas are promoting is free love like "Xiao Erhei's Marriage", and we don't engage in arranged marriages. "

Kang Keqing saw that Chairman Mao also had this idea. She took over the conversation: "

" I heard that Anying has a partner, Liu Qianchu and Zhang Wenqiu's daughter Liu Siqi. That's a good girl. Siqi and Anying often come to see you. Don't you notice at all? "

" seems to have been said by others. "

Picture | Deng Yingchao

Seeing that Chairman Mao had no objection, Deng Yingchao and Kang Keqing made suggestions:

"They are really a very well-matched pair! Since the chairman has no objection, it is better to confirm their relationship. "

" How can I give orders on something like this? We still need to find someone to ask Siqi's mother, Zhang Wenqiu, for advice. "

The two people hurriedly made a suggestion:

"Chairman, why not invite Comrade Zhang Wenqiu to sit at home and discuss this matter together!

At this time, Liu Shaoqi, who heard their conversation outside the door, strode in and introduced himself:

"I can help the chairman arrange this matter!" "

One day in September 1948, Liu Shaoqi invited Zhang Wenqiu to Chairman Mao's residence in Xibaipo. The chairman invited her to sit on the sofa:

"Comrade Wenqiu, we are old friends. I want to talk to you about housework today. May I? "

" Chairman, you can just say it. "

" Then I won't beat around the bush. I heard Anying say that he and Siqi have a good relationship recently and often write letters to each other. Do you know about this? "

" I know a little bit, but I haven't read their letter. "

" Anying told me that she wants to get engaged to Siqi. I am very satisfied with Siqi, but I just don't know what you think of my Anying? "

" Anying, I am very satisfied. Since the children really love each other, of course I, the mother, will give my full support. Besides, the chairman is also very satisfied with Siqi, so I have no objection. It's just that Siqi is young and ignorant, and I'm afraid she's not worthy of Anying. "

" I think Siqi is quite sensible. Although he is young, he treats people very well. She grew up in the enemy's prison and is my goddaughter. I know her quite well. Therefore, I agree to their engagement and we will find a time in the future to get married."

" If Siqi has the opportunity to marry Anying and can often receive education by the chairman's side, I think she will benefit a lot. I can only dream of having a son-in-law like Anying! "

Chairman Mao and Zhang Wenqiu talked about their children's marriage all morning. When it was time to eat lunch, Zhang Wenqiu got up and prepared to leave. The chairman stayed with her to have a meal together.

The next morning, at the request of her father, Mao Anying went on horseback. Mother-in-law Zhang Wenqiu's home.

Along the way, he was in a happy mood and was very excited. He just wanted the horse to run faster and faster, so that he could see Si Qi who thought about it day and night, accompanied by the rhythmic sound of horse hooves. , he came to Prince Village , and the villagers enthusiastically showed him the way. Liu Siqi’s family lived in a private house on Zhongzhong Road, Beitou Street. In addition to the mother and daughter, there was also Siqi’s half-sister An’an. (Shao Hua), the villagers liked this family of three very much.

Zhang Wenqiu heard from the villagers that Mao Anying was coming, and immediately came out of the house to greet him.

Mao Anying said to Zhang Wenqiu;

"Yesterday, my father said that you came to my house. I was busy working outside. When I got home, my father asked me to come over and see you. "

Zhang Wenqiu saw that Mao Anying's face was covered with sweat and dust, and asked Liu Siqi to bring him a basin of cold water to cool him down and wipe away his sweat.

Picture | Mao Anying

When Mao Anying arrived at Zhang Wenqiu's house, it was time for breakfast. Zhang Wenqiu greeted him Anying sat down to eat, and the family sat in the yard chatting. That afternoon, Mao Anying rode back to Xibaipo.

This time, Mao Anying had the idea of ​​​​getting married to Liu Siqi as soon as possible. , and Siqi were in love with each other, and their parents were very satisfied, so they proposed the idea to his father.

His father said to him:

"Siqi is still at school age. Are you not afraid of affecting her study by marrying her now?" ? "

" However, I am almost 30 years old, and I think that after getting married, I can focus more on study and work. "

" Do you mean that you have to agree to my promise? "

"Yes, father! "

" No, I absolutely disagree! "

" Why? "

" According to the Marriage Law of the Liberated Areas, marriage is absolutely not allowed if the woman is under 18 years old and the man is under 20 years old. My son can't do anything special either. "

3. Mao Anying and Liu Siqi got married

In March 1949, Zhang Wenqiu's family moved from Xibaipo to Peking with the Party Central Committee.

After the founding ceremony , the marriage of Mao Anying and Liu Siqi also began to be put on the agenda.

Their wedding room It was the dormitory of Mao Anying's workplace. The beds, tables, and chairs were borrowed from the government. There were two quilts, one was distributed and the other was brought by Liu Siqi.

After everything was ready, Mao Anying reported to her father that she wanted to go. The wedding date was set for October 15th. Chairman Mao said:

"Okay, National Day and your wedding are a double blessing." However, you two may be wronged. Now it is all supply and production of . The country has no extra money, so the marriage can only be simplified. You tell Siqi's mother, she can invite anyone she wants, and I'll pay for the wedding banquet. "

Mao Anying conveyed her father's instructions to her mother-in-law. Zhang Wenqiu took out a piece of paper and wrote a guest list and asked him to give it to his father. The chairman received the list and opened it. It read:

"Dong Biwu and his wife He Lianzhi

Ren Bishi and Mrs. Chen Congying

Xie Juezai and Mrs. Wang Dingguo

Chen Jinkun and Mrs. Liang Shuhua

Sister Deng Yingchao

Sister Kang Keqing

Comrade Wang Guangmei.

Chairman Mao read the list and said to him with a smile:

"Your mother-in-law really favors girls over boys. She invited Comrade Deng Yingchao but not Enlai; she invited Comrade Kang Keqing but not Mr. Zhu; she invited Comrade Wang Guangmei but not Shaoqi. Doesn't this mean I'm going to offend someone? "

Mao Anying explained:

"My mother said that Premier Zhou, Commander-in-Chief Zhu, and Uncle Shaoqi are the leaders of the country. Inviting them here seems to be enforcing special privileges, which is not good. "

" If your mother-in-law invites the woman, then I will invite the man."

After finishing speaking, he took up a pen and wrote the names Zhou Enlai, Zhu De and Liu Shaoqi on the invitation.

At the wedding, Chairman Mao took Liu Siqi's hand and said kindly:

Picture | Liu Siqi and Mao Anying

"Today You have officially become Anying's wife. You used to be my goddaughter, but now you have become my eldest daughter-in-law. I wish you and Anying a happy marriage. "

Then, the chairman picked up the wine glass and came to Zhang Wenqiu and said:

"Comrade Wenqiu, thank you for cultivating a good wife for my Anying family. There is no need to say anything more, it is all in the wine. I wish you good health! "

The whole scene was laughing and immersed in the joy...

4. Mao Anying's sacrifice, the chairman concealed Liu Siqi for three years

After Mao Anying and Liu Siqi got married, Liu Siqi continued to go to school, and Mao Anying worked in the unit.

One year later, North Korea When the war broke out, due to the lack of Russian translators around Peng Dehuai, Mao Anying applied to her father to join North Korea as a staff member of the Volunteer Army Command.

Before leaving, Liu Siqi had just had an appendix operation and was recuperating in a hospital in Beijing. Mao Anying went to the hospital to say goodbye to her. :

"Siqi, my father sent me on a business trip to a distant place. It may take a long time to come back! "

Liu Siqi didn't know where this distant place her husband was talking about, and she didn't expect that this separation would be an eternal separation between heaven and man.

She looked at her husband's retreating back, and although she felt reluctant to let go, she thought that everything must be done Prioritize the revolutionary cause.

On November 25, 1950, Mao Anying died in the Korean War. When Chairman Mao learned the news, it was already January 2 of the following year because Zhou Enlai received the telegram sent back by Peng Dehuai from the front. , considering that the chairman was ill at the time, he kept it secret for the time being.

Until more than a month later, in the office of the New Sixth Institute, he asked Ye Zilong to hand the original telegram to the chairman.

The chairman held the telegram in his hand, his eyes wide. Wet, but did not cry. It took a long time to say a sentence lightly:

"Oh, who said he is my son Mao Zedong..."

Chairman Mao's words are very simple, but there is endless regret in them. and self-blame.

In order to prevent Liu Siqi, who had only been married a year, from knowing, the chairman ordered the staff around him:

"Don't tell Siqi about this. I will find an opportunity to tell her in the future..."

Liu Siqi did not know the truth. , she is still naively waiting for the letter her husband writes to her from other places every day. The first thing she does when she comes home every day is to ask Chairman Mao:

"Dad, has Anying written a letter back?" "

" Anying's colleagues said that their unit recently had a big project to do. They have been exhausted physically and mentally for the past few months and cannot write letters for the time being. "

" Oh, then please tell me something from dad. What does "

" mean? "

"Pay more attention to your health! "

Chairman Mao teased her:

"You little girl, you have never told me that. "

Picture | Liu Siqi

Liu Siqi replied sheepishly:

"It's different! What's the difference between "

"? "

" is just different! "

After saying that, Liu Siqi ran back to the room to read. Chairman Mao looked at her cheerful back, and the sentimental emotions in his heart rose unconsciously. He sighed:

"This child's life is really hard! "

Chairman Mao used this reason to "lie" Liu Siqi for three years.

Lies will always be exposed one day. One day three years later, Liu Siqi received a photo of Mao Anying wearing a volunteer army military uniform. She suddenly realized , It turned out that the business trip Anying mentioned was to North Korea.

Chairman Mao knew that he could no longer hide it, so he had to tell her that Anying had indeed gone to North Korea and worked as a Russian translator at the Volunteer Army Command. He did not know any details about Mao Anying's sacrifice. Said.

Liu Siqi thought Mao Anying's work was highly confidential and did not pursue further questions. In the following months, she visited Chairman Mao once a week as usual. During this period, she saw the Chairman meeting many volunteer martyrs. family members.

At 1:47 a.m. on January 7, 2022, Mao Anying’s widow Liu Siqi passed away in Beijing at the age of 92.

It is very tragic to think back on her youth. When she was more than 1 year old, her father Liu Qianchu was brutally murdered by the Kuomintang reactionaries. When she was in her 20s, her husband Mao Anying, who had been married for less than a year, died heroically on the Korean battlefield. .

She recalled Mao Anying many times during her lifetime: He was more unrestrained in emotions, kind-hearted, and very straightforward!

This article focuses on her love story with Mao Anying.

1. Love is decided Xibaipo

Picture | Liu Siqi

The love story of Liu Siqi and Mao Anying is well known, but some details of their love are rarely known. In fact, their love started in Xibaipo.

One day in May 1948, Chairman Mao and his eldest son Mao Anying were chatting in a small farmhouse in Xibaipo. Just when they were chatting happily, a girl of seventeen or eighteen years old jumped in from the door. When she saw the chairman, she called out affectionately:

"Dad, I'm back!"

Chairman Mao looked at the door. , and found out that it was his goddaughter Liu Siqi who came.

He stood up and walked towards Liu Siqi, made gestures on her head with his hands, and said with a smile:

"You are really a woman, she has grown so fast. In those years of Yan'an , you were still a little girl!"

The fact that Liu Siqi called Chairman Mao "Dad" dates back to 1938. In the early spring of that year, a drama called "Abandoned Children" was staged in Yan'an. Chairman Mao and other leaders were watching below. In the play, when a revolutionary couple was captured by the reactionaries, a little girl shouted on the street, "Mom!" Mom!" The plot moved the chairman.

After the closing ceremony, the chairman quickly called the little girl to him and asked her:

"What is your name?"

The little girl replied:

"My name is Liu Siqi."

After the chairman learned that Liu Siqi's father was a martyr of the Communist Party , and said to her affectionately:

"Can I be your godfather from now on?"

Liu Siqi nodded and agreed, and the relationship between the two of them as father and daughter was confirmed.

Mao Anying, who was standing aside and listening to their speech, also came over. He looked at Liu Siqi in front of him up and down. He saw that Siqi had a slim figure, a dewy face, and her hair was tied into two ponytails. It was so dark that it was oozing juice. Her The clothes are very simple and elegant, without any hint of weakness.

Mao Anying was fascinated until Liu Siqi called him:

"Brother Anying, you are also in Xibaipo!"

Mao Anying suddenly came back to her senses. He put his hand on her head and patted her gently:

"Siqi, long time no see! When you were in Yan'an a few years ago, you were just a little bit taller. Over the past few years, you have grown a lot taller and more beautiful. How have you been these past few years?"

"I In the past few years, I have been studying literature at the School of Literature of Northern University in Changzhi, Shanxi Province. I contracted malaria a few months ago and it has not recovered. I came to Pingshan County to see a doctor. "

" This is a fateful meeting. Ah!"

Picture | Mao Anying

After Mao Anying said, he felt something was wrong and corrected:

"It's just a coincidence that I met you by chance."

Chairman Mao and Liu Siqi smiled knowingly after hearing this.

Liu Siqi once recalled the meeting, acquaintance and then falling in love with Mao Anying like this:

"In 1946, I came out of Sheng Shicai's prison in Xinjiang. After arriving in Yan'an, I often went to Chairman Mao's place to play and often met Anying. That year I was 16 years old and Anying was 24 years old. At that time, I regarded him as an older brother and had a pretty good impression of him. He spoke Chinese fluently, unlike other children like us who came back from the Soviet Union. He also understood the whispers. "

" In May 1948, I went to Xibaipo to see Chairman Mao and met him for the second time. I arrived in the afternoon and had dinner with the Chairman in the evening. Chatting with Anying, he told me about Marxism-Leninism, basically "On Practice" and Lenin's "Materialism and Empirical Criticism". He was very interested in politics and economics and was very talkative. , very patient with me."

" I lived in Xibaipo for more than a month that time and had more contact with him. During the course of our relationship, he discovered that I had no interest in theoretical knowledge, so he gave up on cultivating my interest in learning theoretical knowledge. I think he is more unrestrained in his emotions, kind-hearted, and straightforward. After the two developed feelings, their relationship gradually changed. "

" At that time, the chairman advised me to start studying in middle school, and Anying also advised me to go step by step. He hopes that I can learn basic cultural knowledge well so that I can cooperate with him in politics and culture in the future. Otherwise, our relationship will not be stable. Under Chairman Mao and his guidance, I decided to start learning from middle school textbooks. "

" In several communications with him, he always set strict demands on himself. Logically speaking, boys should try their best to hide their shortcomings in front of their girlfriends, but he told me all his shortcomings and repeatedly advised me to carefully consider my feelings for him. I still have two of his notebooks at home. "

2. Deng Yingchao and Kang Keqing acted as matchmakers for them.

After Liu Siqi recovered from malaria, he went to Yucai Middle School near Xibaipo to study. During this period, her love relationship with Mao Anying was officially made public.

After their relationship was made public, gradually It spread in Xibaipo and attracted the attention of many old leaders. After Deng Yingchao and Kang Keqing learned about it, they thought they should get married.

One day, Deng Yingchao and Kang Keqing went to Chairman Mao to talk to them. They were received warmly.

Deng Yingchao tentatively asked the chairman:

"Chairman, how old is Anying this year?" 20 is quite a few! Do you have a partner? It’s time to think about life-long events!

Chairman Mao immediately understood their purpose and replied:

"Yes, he is 25 or 6 years old. He doesn't know whether the target has been found, and he didn't tell me." I'm worried about this too! Are you two here interested in talking about girls for my An Ying? That's not good. What our liberated areas are promoting is free love like "Xiao Erhei's Marriage", and we don't engage in arranged marriages. "

Kang Keqing saw that Chairman Mao also had this idea. She took over the conversation: "

" I heard that Anying has a partner, Liu Qianchu and Zhang Wenqiu's daughter Liu Siqi. That's a good girl. Siqi and Anying often come to see you. Don't you notice at all? "

" seems to have been said by others. "

Picture | Deng Yingchao

Seeing that Chairman Mao had no objection, Deng Yingchao and Kang Keqing made suggestions:

"They are really a very well-matched pair! Since the chairman has no objection, it is better to confirm their relationship. "

" How can I give orders on something like this? We still need to find someone to ask Siqi's mother, Zhang Wenqiu, for advice. "

The two people hurriedly made a suggestion:

"Chairman, why not invite Comrade Zhang Wenqiu to sit at home and discuss this matter together!

At this time, Liu Shaoqi, who heard their conversation outside the door, strode in and introduced himself:

"I can help the chairman arrange this matter!" "

One day in September 1948, Liu Shaoqi invited Zhang Wenqiu to Chairman Mao's residence in Xibaipo. The chairman invited her to sit on the sofa:

"Comrade Wenqiu, we are old friends. I want to talk to you about housework today. May I? "

" Chairman, you can just say it. "

" Then I won't beat around the bush. I heard Anying say that he and Siqi have a good relationship recently and often write letters to each other. Do you know about this? "

" I know a little bit, but I haven't read their letter. "

" Anying told me that she wants to get engaged to Siqi. I am very satisfied with Siqi, but I just don't know what you think of my Anying? "

" Anying, I am very satisfied. Since the children really love each other, of course I, the mother, will give my full support. Besides, the chairman is also very satisfied with Siqi, so I have no objection. It's just that Siqi is young and ignorant, and I'm afraid she's not worthy of Anying. "

" I think Siqi is quite sensible. Although he is young, he treats people very well. She grew up in the enemy's prison and is my goddaughter. I know her quite well. Therefore, I agree to their engagement and we will find a time in the future to get married."

" If Siqi has the opportunity to marry Anying and can often receive education by the chairman's side, I think she will benefit a lot. I can only dream of having a son-in-law like Anying! "

Chairman Mao and Zhang Wenqiu talked about their children's marriage all morning. When it was time to eat lunch, Zhang Wenqiu got up and prepared to leave. The chairman stayed with her to have a meal together.

The next morning, at the request of her father, Mao Anying went on horseback. Mother-in-law Zhang Wenqiu's home.

Along the way, he was in a happy mood and was very excited. He just wanted the horse to run faster and faster, so that he could see Si Qi who thought about it day and night, accompanied by the rhythmic sound of horse hooves. , he came to Prince Village , and the villagers enthusiastically showed him the way. Liu Siqi’s family lived in a private house on Zhongzhong Road, Beitou Street. In addition to the mother and daughter, there was also Siqi’s half-sister An’an. (Shao Hua), the villagers liked this family of three very much.

Zhang Wenqiu heard from the villagers that Mao Anying was coming, and immediately came out of the house to greet him.

Mao Anying said to Zhang Wenqiu;

"Yesterday, my father said that you came to my house. I was busy working outside. When I got home, my father asked me to come over and see you. "

Zhang Wenqiu saw that Mao Anying's face was covered with sweat and dust, and asked Liu Siqi to bring him a basin of cold water to cool him down and wipe away his sweat.

Picture | Mao Anying

When Mao Anying arrived at Zhang Wenqiu's house, it was time for breakfast. Zhang Wenqiu greeted him Anying sat down to eat, and the family sat in the yard chatting. That afternoon, Mao Anying rode back to Xibaipo.

This time, Mao Anying had the idea of ​​​​getting married to Liu Siqi as soon as possible. , and Siqi were in love with each other, and their parents were very satisfied, so they proposed the idea to his father.

His father said to him:

"Siqi is still at school age. Are you not afraid of affecting her study by marrying her now?" ? "

" However, I am almost 30 years old, and I think that after getting married, I can focus more on study and work. "

" Do you mean that you have to agree to my promise? "

"Yes, father! "

" No, I absolutely disagree! "

" Why? "

" According to the Marriage Law of the Liberated Areas, marriage is absolutely not allowed if the woman is under 18 years old and the man is under 20 years old. My son can't do anything special either. "

3. Mao Anying and Liu Siqi got married

In March 1949, Zhang Wenqiu's family moved from Xibaipo to Peking with the Party Central Committee.

After the founding ceremony , the marriage of Mao Anying and Liu Siqi also began to be put on the agenda.

Their wedding room It was the dormitory of Mao Anying's workplace. The beds, tables, and chairs were borrowed from the government. There were two quilts, one was distributed and the other was brought by Liu Siqi.

After everything was ready, Mao Anying reported to her father that she wanted to go. The wedding date was set for October 15th. Chairman Mao said:

"Okay, National Day and your wedding are a double blessing." However, you two may be wronged. Now it is all supply and production of . The country has no extra money, so the marriage can only be simplified. You tell Siqi's mother, she can invite anyone she wants, and I'll pay for the wedding banquet. "

Mao Anying conveyed her father's instructions to her mother-in-law. Zhang Wenqiu took out a piece of paper and wrote a guest list and asked him to give it to his father. The chairman received the list and opened it. It read:

"Dong Biwu and his wife He Lianzhi

Ren Bishi and Mrs. Chen Congying

Xie Juezai and Mrs. Wang Dingguo

Chen Jinkun and Mrs. Liang Shuhua

Sister Deng Yingchao

Sister Kang Keqing

Comrade Wang Guangmei.

Chairman Mao read the list and said to him with a smile:

"Your mother-in-law really favors girls over boys. She invited Comrade Deng Yingchao but not Enlai; she invited Comrade Kang Keqing but not Mr. Zhu; she invited Comrade Wang Guangmei but not Shaoqi. Doesn't this mean I'm going to offend someone? "

Mao Anying explained:

"My mother said that Premier Zhou, Commander-in-Chief Zhu, and Uncle Shaoqi are the leaders of the country. Inviting them here seems to be enforcing special privileges, which is not good. "

" If your mother-in-law invites the woman, then I will invite the man."

After finishing speaking, he took up a pen and wrote the names Zhou Enlai, Zhu De and Liu Shaoqi on the invitation.

At the wedding, Chairman Mao took Liu Siqi's hand and said kindly:

Picture | Liu Siqi and Mao Anying

"Today You have officially become Anying's wife. You used to be my goddaughter, but now you have become my eldest daughter-in-law. I wish you and Anying a happy marriage. "

Then, the chairman picked up the wine glass and came to Zhang Wenqiu and said:

"Comrade Wenqiu, thank you for cultivating a good wife for my Anying family. There is no need to say anything more, it is all in the wine. I wish you good health! "

The whole scene was laughing and immersed in the joy...

4. Mao Anying's sacrifice, the chairman concealed Liu Siqi for three years

After Mao Anying and Liu Siqi got married, Liu Siqi continued to go to school, and Mao Anying worked in the unit.

One year later, North Korea When the war broke out, due to the lack of Russian translators around Peng Dehuai, Mao Anying applied to her father to join North Korea as a staff member of the Volunteer Army Command.

Before leaving, Liu Siqi had just had an appendix operation and was recuperating in a hospital in Beijing. Mao Anying went to the hospital to say goodbye to her. :

"Siqi, my father sent me on a business trip to a distant place. It may take a long time to come back! "

Liu Siqi didn't know where this distant place her husband was talking about, and she didn't expect that this separation would be an eternal separation between heaven and man.

She looked at her husband's retreating back, and although she felt reluctant to let go, she thought that everything must be done Prioritize the revolutionary cause.

On November 25, 1950, Mao Anying died in the Korean War. When Chairman Mao learned the news, it was already January 2 of the following year because Zhou Enlai received the telegram sent back by Peng Dehuai from the front. , considering that the chairman was ill at the time, he kept it secret for the time being.

Until more than a month later, in the office of the New Sixth Institute, he asked Ye Zilong to hand the original telegram to the chairman.

The chairman held the telegram in his hand, his eyes wide. Wet, but did not cry. It took a long time to say a sentence lightly:

"Oh, who said he is my son Mao Zedong..."

Chairman Mao's words are very simple, but there is endless regret in them. and self-blame.

In order to prevent Liu Siqi, who had only been married a year, from knowing, the chairman ordered the staff around him:

"Don't tell Siqi about this. I will find an opportunity to tell her in the future..."

Liu Siqi did not know the truth. , she is still naively waiting for the letter her husband writes to her from other places every day. The first thing she does when she comes home every day is to ask Chairman Mao:

"Dad, has Anying written a letter back?" "

" Anying's colleagues said that their unit recently had a big project to do. They have been exhausted physically and mentally for the past few months and cannot write letters for the time being. "

" Oh, then please tell me something from dad. What does "

" mean? "

"Pay more attention to your health! "

Chairman Mao teased her:

"You little girl, you have never told me that. "

Picture | Liu Siqi

Liu Siqi replied sheepishly:

"It's different! What's the difference between "

"? "

" is just different! "

After saying that, Liu Siqi ran back to the room to read. Chairman Mao looked at her cheerful back, and the sentimental emotions in his heart rose unconsciously. He sighed:

"This child's life is really hard! "

Chairman Mao used this reason to "lie" Liu Siqi for three years.

Lies will always be exposed one day. One day three years later, Liu Siqi received a photo of Mao Anying wearing a volunteer army military uniform. She suddenly realized , It turned out that the business trip Anying mentioned was to North Korea.

Chairman Mao knew that he could no longer hide it, so he had to tell her that Anying had indeed gone to North Korea and worked as a Russian translator at the Volunteer Army Command. He did not know any details about Mao Anying's sacrifice. Said.

Liu Siqi thought Mao Anying's work was highly confidential and did not pursue further questions. In the following months, she visited Chairman Mao once a week as usual. During this period, she saw the Chairman meeting many volunteer martyrs. family members.

She thought, Anying hasn't written to me for three years. Could it be that there was some accident or that he died... She didn't dare to think about it.

In the blink of an eye, the Korean War was over, and Mao Anying still had not returned to the country. Chairman Mao could only tell her the truth.

Chairman asked Zhou Enlai to find Liu Siqi and said to her:

"Siqi, do you know? I sacrificed many relatives during the revolutionary years: Anying's mother Yang Kaihui, uncles Mao Zemin and Mao Zetan, aunt Mao Zejian and cousin Mao Chuxiong... "

" Dad, please tell me, I'm mentally prepared! "

" Anying, what happened to him? "

" He died..."

" How could this happen? The three-year longing for Mao Anying poured out like a dam bursting.

She kept repeating one sentence:

"How could this happen? How could this happen?..."

Although she had made some mental preparations, she still couldn't believe it.

Chairman Mao looked at Siqi who was crying so hard that he suppressed his grief and comforted her:

"Siqi, you have to express your condolences."

Liu Siqi woke up and straightened her expression...

5. Chairman Mao tactfully persuaded Liu Siqi to remarry

In order to help Liu Siqi get over the shadow of losing her husband, Chairman Mao decided to send her to study in the Soviet Union in 1954.

During the period when Liu Siqi was studying in the Soviet Union, the Chairman had constant correspondence with her. On the eve of going abroad, she caught a bad cold. In her letter, she hoped to see the chairman again.

Chairman Mao's reply to her was:

"Siqi, the letter has been received. If you are sick, you must take a good rest and regain your strength before you can go abroad. If you feel better, come and see me, otherwise don't come. Father Mao Zedong."

Picture | Chairman Mao

The signature "Father Mao Zedong" shows that the Chairman regards Liu Siqi as his daughter again.

In 1961, Liu Siqi entered the threshold of 30 years old. Seeing her beautiful years disappearing day by day, Chairman Mao began to worry about her life-long events, but as his father-in-law, it was difficult for him to urge her in person.

One day, Chairman Mao took advantage of Liu Siqi and several of his children to come, so he jokingly said:

"You should all think about getting married, and let me have my grandchildren as soon as possible!"

The chairman's children complained:

"Dad, you don't know. It's hard to find a partner now. Why don't you help me take a look!"

"Stop arguing, I've thought of a good way."

"What can we do?"

"You can just cover your eyes with a cloth and run to the street to grab anyone."

Liu Siqi, who was standing next to him, came over and asked the chairman with a smile:

"What if you catch a big black pockmark?" It's troublesome!"

"We can only leave it to fate!"

Chairman Mao glanced at Liu Siqi and said earnestly:

"Siqi, my eldest daughter, in fact, I am most worried about you!"

"Dad, I'm not in a hurry."

Later, under the chairman's instruction, many people came to introduce Liu Siqi to someone, but she had no intention of getting married. The chairman could only write her a letter:

"The dead have passed away, but the living still have to live on. Why don't you listen to advice about getting married? Make up your mind to get married, it's time..."

Liu Siqi still had no reaction, and the chairman asked Siqi's sister Shao Hua to persuade her.

Siqi said to Shao Hua:

"Anying has been dead for so many years, and I have never even seen his body. How can he be interested in getting married again?"

Chairman Mao learned about it and said to himself:

"I was negligent. I didn't expect her for this reason!"

He arranged for his secretary Shen to accompany Liu Siqi to go to North Korea on his behalf to burn some incense for Anying. Before leaving, he took out the manuscript fee and handed it to Siqi:

"You go to see Anying. This is our family's private matter. Don't trouble the North Korean comrades, let alone use their money, and don't stay in the embassy for too long. "

In the Chinese People's Volunteer Army Martyrs Cemetery in Hinoki, North Korea, Liu Siqi stroked Mao Anying's cold tombstone distressedly. The knot in her heart for many years was finally untied.

Ten years of life and death are so vast, without thinking about it, you will never forget it. When we meet again, all the bones will wither after success.

In 1962, Liu Siqi re-established a family with Yang Maozhi, a classmate she had met while studying in the Soviet Union.

When giving Liu Siqi's wedding blessing, Chairman Mao said this:

"Never forget this bad old man like me in the future. You are not only my daughter-in-law, but also my eldest daughter!"

After marriage, Liu Siqi changed his name to Liu Songlin.

During holidays, Liu Songlin and her husband Yang Maozhi would take their children to see Chairman Mao, and the Chairman would always put down his work and enjoy the children's calls of "Grandpa".

On January 7, 2022, Liu Songlin passed away in Beijing.

I would like to dedicate this document to that great revolutionary love!

Ten years of life and death are so vast, without thinking about it, you will never forget it. When we meet again, all the bones will wither after success.

In 1962, Liu Siqi re-established a family with Yang Maozhi, a classmate she had met while studying in the Soviet Union.

When giving Liu Siqi's wedding blessing, Chairman Mao said this:

"Never forget this bad old man like me in the future. You are not only my daughter-in-law, but also my eldest daughter!"

After marriage, Liu Siqi changed his name to Liu Songlin.

During holidays, Liu Songlin and her husband Yang Maozhi would take their children to see Chairman Mao, and the Chairman would always put down his work and enjoy the children's calls of "Grandpa".

On January 7, 2022, Liu Songlin passed away in Beijing.

I would like to dedicate this document to that great revolutionary love!