This issue is both "big" and complicated, because "Germans" are not one person. Many, many people will have many, many opinions on the same issue. I hope to move forward cautiously and only introduce what I know around me.

You must be like me and curious about how Germans today evaluate Hitler ? This issue is both "big" and complicated, because "Germans" are not one person. Many, many people will have many, many opinions on the same issue. I hope to move forward cautiously and only introduce what I know around me. The following is a summary from asking Germans around me and some forums in which Germans participate. It should be noted that everyone who gives an opinion can only represent himself.

Historian, the devil who did not smoke, drink or eat vegetarian food

Historian ruled Germany for only twelve short years, but these twelve years had more impact on Germany than the entire Germanic history. Over the past 70 years, Germans' views on Hispania have also undergone dramatic changes. During the Nazi rule, most people strongly supported Hitler, while only a few people opposed it. At the peak of Hitler's worship, some people even prayed to Hitler.

After 1949, the two Germanys split. East Germany would use "they did" when describing Hitler's atrocities, while West Germany regarded itself as the successor of the German Empire and would also use "we did". words, but society as a whole rarely discusses this period of history, for the simple reason that no one wants to look back on this unbearable past. It was not until the 1960s that rebellious Germans began to ask their parents, "Why didn't you oppose and stop him?" . In modern society, people's views on Hitler are as follows:

Stills from the movie "Assassination of Hitler". Once military strength appears, opposition will surface

1. Most of the German youth around him are extremely opposed to Hitler. They were even opposed to the name "Hitler" and said that the period when Hitler ruled Germany was the darkest period in German history. Even now, I am still ashamed to talk about this period of history. And will blame themselves: Why did the ancestors who lived in that period worship this war madman so much.

2. Some German youths are afraid of Hispanic and say that their parents have warned them not to have any arguments with other people of different religions, cultural backgrounds, or races, because this will easily lead to being labeled a Nazi. Their first reaction after seeing a foreigner is "Do they think I am a Nazi?" And one of the most common topics foreigners ask them about is that dark history - which also makes German youth very unhappy. comfortable.

Hitler’s paintings, a failed art student, whose power cannot be underestimated

3. Of course Hitler is a devil, but will the Germans make fun of the devil? In the past decade, joking about Hitler seems to have become a common trend again, but the jokes mostly focus on "Hitler is stupid" and "(the German people at that time) the victims are stupid." But no one would joke about the Holocaust or Jews . If anyone drank too much and told similar jokes, the consequences would be literal social death. Of course, the Germans joked about Hitler for a simple reason: Hitler didn't want others to joke about him.

4. Since the 1950s, no nationalist party has entered the German parliament. There is only one reason: Germans are not aware of the consequences of electing a nationalist party to power.

5. Germans become less rational when they think of Hispanic. Since the German nation is a nation that advocates rationality, many Germans do not like to think about Hispanic.

The above is my summary of the German people’s views on Hitler. Of course, as I said before, not all people have the same opinions. Even if there are people who do have a positive view of His Excellency, they will not tell outsiders openly or publish it online. However, it is certain that most mainstream people in Germany have a negative, even extremely negative, view of Hispania. You can clearly feel this when interacting with Germans.

Promotional photo of "The Man in the High Castle", the American version of the armed workers behind enemy lines in another world

As I write this, I am reminded of an American TV series I watched before, "The Man in the High Castle". This TV series uses an fictional historical background.The play tells the story of the United States being defeated by the German-Japanese Axis in World War II, the American land being divided between the two countries, and the American underground party actively resisting. It's really mind-blowing, and you won't be able to guess how the mustachioed Fuhrer is treated in the play and his ending. Recommended viewing.

The content of this issue is introduced.