Hello everyone, this is Haoshen River Eastbound. Shanxi is a beautiful country with outstanding people. A few days ago we talked about Lian Po, a historical figure in Shanxi, so how can we miss his life and death friend Lin Xiangru today?

Hello everyone, this is Haoshen River Eastbound. Shanxi is a beautiful country with outstanding people. A few days ago we talked about Shanxi historical figure Lian Po, so how can we miss his life and death friend Lin Xiangru today.

The dates of birth and death of Lin Xiangru are also unknown. Have you noticed that many historical figures mentioned recently, such as Han Jue , Yidun , Lian Po, Yin Duo, etc., are all in this state? Maybe, history is really far away from us, so we can only understand the major events they have done from a few words in history books.

So when it comes to Lin Xiangru, what everyone in China knows is the historical allusion of returning the perfect jade to Zhao. But who would have thought that as a famous politician and diplomat of Zhao Kingdom , Lin Xiangru’s journey was extremely difficult. It was paid for with one's life.

According to research, Lin Xiangru’s ancestral home is Mengmen Town, Liulin County, Luliang City, Shanxi Province today. The surname Lin comes from the surname Han, and the surname Han comes from the surname Ji, who is a descendant of the Yellow Emperor. Today we skip the historical allusion of returning the jade to Zhao and come to the subsequent story. At first, Lin Xiangru fought with his life to prevent King Qin from getting He's Bi, which he longed for. King Qin had always been worried about it, and from then on he remembered Lin Xiangru, the diplomatic envoy of Zhao State.

In 279 BC, in order to concentrate his efforts on the Kingdom of Chu, King Qin made an appointment with King Zhao in what is now Mianchi County, Henan Province. In view of the lessons learned from the past and the oppression of King Qin, King Zhao worried about this matter every day and did not want to go. At this time, Lin Xiangru admonished: "Your Majesty, we must go this time. If you don't go, King Qin will think that you are afraid of his power. If you go, you will not be humble or silent, but it will enhance the prestige of our Zhao State and yours." The majesty of the king in front of the Qin army." In this way, under the "coercion" of Lin Xiangru, the cowardly King Zhao went to Mianchi to meet the King of Qin.

Before leaving, King Zhao told Lian Po that if Lin Xiangru and I did not come back in one month, he would make his youngest son king. By the way, King Zhao brought Lin Xiangru to Mianchi for a meeting. King Qin really didn’t have any good intentions. During the banquet, King Zhao of Qin asked King Zhao to play the piano under the guise of mutual friendship between Qin and Zhao, and asked the historian around him to record it. , This was obviously to humiliate King Zhao. When King Zhao Huiwen felt embarrassed, Lin Xiangru stood up and said: "How can King Zhao play the harp without the beautiful sound of the fou? Please ask the King of Qin to play the fou for King Zhao, and play music together." Are you going to cheer up today's wine party? "

King Qin Zhao clearly wanted to humiliate King Zhao in front of his general, but now he was defeated by his general, so naturally he was unwilling to do so. So he rejected Lin Xiangru's request. At this time, Lin Xiangru stopped: "The King of Qin invited our King Zhao to play the harp, and our King Zhao can put down his dignity and play for everyone, so why can't the King of Qin condescend to hit the fou just to add to the fun? Could it be just now?" The talk about Qin and Zhao's mutual friendship is just lip service?"

Seeing King Qin Zhao's face look troubled and hesitant, Lin Xiangru pressed forward step by step: "If King Qin can't strike the foul, it means King Qin is a hypocrite. Man, within five steps, the blood from my neck will be splashed on King Qin's gorgeous clothes?"

At this time, King Qin Zhao was thinking about Lin Xiangru's crazy behavior regarding the Heshi Bi incident, knowing that this guy would definitely do it? Seriously. I had no choice but to knock on the fou. Lin Xiangru could see that his goal had been achieved, and he also asked the historian of Zhao State to record: "On a certain day of a certain year, a certain month, the King of Qin and the King of Zhao were friendly with each other during a banquet, and played fouls to add to the fun."

Pictures from the Internet

Facing the powerful Qin State , Lin Xiangru was neither humble nor arrogant, and used his intelligence to argue with Qin ministers, so that Qin did not take advantage of a penny during the entire banquet. His outstanding diplomatic skills not only helped and earn back their face but also their dignity.Do you like such historical figures?

Pictures come from the Internet

This is Haoshenhe Dongxing, a creator who is committed to spreading the history, humanity and charm of ancient buildings in Shanxi. Thank you for your likes, comments and forwarding, so that more people can understand Shanxi. Inherit Chinese culture and build a beautiful home together. See you tomorrow!