25 years ago today, the "March of the Volunteers" sounded on the banks of the Hong Kong River, the national flag of the People's Republic of China and the regional flag of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region were slowly raised, and the government of the Hong Kong Special

Only by correctly understanding history can we create a better future!

25 years ago today, the "March of the Volunteers " sounded on the banks of the Hong Kong River, the national flag of the People's Republic of China and the regional flag of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region were slowly raised, and the government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China was established. The Pearl of the Orient, which has gone through many vicissitudes of life, Hong Kong has finally returned to the embrace of the motherland and embarked on a broad path of common development with the motherland and never being separated. Since then, July 1 has become the anniversary of Hong Kong's return to China.

In July 101 years ago, the Communist Party of China was established in Shanghai. Looking back at the development history of the party, it is tortuous, arduous and magnificent. 101 years of ups and downs have created a glorious journey of 101 years. Looking back suddenly, the years are like a song. Only by reviewing the evocative history of national struggle and the great journey of the party can we understand the original intention of the Chinese Communists and walk the long march of the new era.

In order to better celebrate this special historical moment, guide students to cherish a happy life, gather strength for progress, and inspire patriotic enthusiasm for the party and country, on the morning of June 30, 2022, students from five schools in Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, and Hong Kong Teachers and students gathered in the cloud through the ClassIn platform to participate in the "From 1921 to 1997" patriotic education themed event to celebrate the 25th anniversary of Hong Kong's return to Hong Kong and to celebrate the centenary anniversary!

The lecturer played "Before" - the theme song for the 25th anniversary of Hong Kong's return to the motherland

After the event began, the "National Anthem of the People's Republic of China" was played first. Following the instructions of the lecturer, Beijing Jingshan School, East China Normal University second Students from five schools including the Affiliated Junior High School , Hong Kong Federation of Educators Huang Chubiao Middle School, Shenzhen Middle School Meixiang School in Futian District, Shenzhen City, and Shenzhen Nanshan OCT Middle School Shenwan Junior High School stood up and solemnly saluted.

The national flag was raised and the national anthem was played.

Then, under the leadership of teacher Zhu Yanting from the Shanghai History Museum (Shanghai Revolution History Museum), the students visited the exhibitions and cultural relics of the Shanghai History Museum. Follow the camera back to the 19th century, listen to Teacher Zhu’s live broadcast explanation, and review the humiliating history of mothers of the motherland who were forced to be separated from their flesh and blood. Looking at the precious cultural relics appearing in front of them and listening to the dusty past events, the students not only learned the historical reasons why July 1st is the anniversary of Hong Kong's return to the motherland, but also learned about the perseverance of people with insight to save the country and strive for self-improvement. and struggle. After constant exploration, a spark was ignited in the Shikumen in Shanghai. The establishment of the Communist Party of China has since then given a new look to the future of the Chinese revolution!

Teacher Zhu led the students to visit the Shanghai History Museum online [Photo]

After the online visit, Teacher Zhu left 6 challenge questions for the students, and the students eagerly answered them. The host, Mr. Yang, can use the clicker to understand the students' answers and encourage students with correct answers with trophies. As Teacher Zhu said, the students have better grasped the modern history of China based on the content of the cloud visit, and comprehensively consolidated the knowledge they just acquired by answering questions. At the same time, he also praised the students for their dedicated study.

Students from five schools actively answered questions [animation]

Students from Shenwan Junior High School of OCT Middle School in Nanshan District submitted their answers

In the next session, in order to deepen the understanding of students from different regions in different regions, the host teacher opened a pair of schools Catch the correct way to answer PK questions. For example: What are the landmark buildings in Shanghai? What is the city flower of Shenzhen? Are there direct high-speed trains from Hong Kong to Beijing, Shanghai and Shenzhen? The students were gearing up and eager to give it a try, either sending class representatives to participate in answering questions or actively discussing in the audience. When it came to the answering session, students from different regions cooperated with each other to answer questions, pushing the atmosphere of the event to a new climax, and the connection between students became closer.

After students from five schools competed for wheat to answer the question, three students from Huang Chubiao Middle School of the Hong Kong Federation of Educators, Meixiang School of Shenzhen Middle School in Futian District, Shenzhen, and Shenwan Junior High School of OCT Middle School in Nanshan District, Shenzhen shared their experiences with 1997. Stories related to Hong Kong's return.Although they were all born after 2005 and did not experience the historical moment of Hong Kong's return, their parents' sharing, the furnishings at home or a small stamp all tell the story of Hong Kong's return that year. Jiang, a student from the Shenwan Junior High School of OCT Middle School in Nanshan District, Shenzhen, whose father was one of the first batch of soldiers stationed in Hong Kong, witnessed with his own eyes the moment when Hong Kong returned to China. She shared with everyone a commemorative plate for the troops stationed in Hong Kong celebrating the return of Hong Kong in 1997. Jiang said: "The People's Bank of China issued this commemorative plate to prove to the world that China has become stronger and Hong Kong has finally returned to the embrace of the motherland. ...Twenty-five years have passed since Hong Kong returned to the motherland. As a beautiful pearl in the embrace of the motherland, she is blooming with magnificence day by day. "

Three students shared their stories about items related to the return of Hong Kong in 1997 [Photos]

Listen. After sharing the stories of the three classmates and watching the video of the return, the students could not help but burst into tears. Their hearts were filled with a strong sense of national pride. They wanted to sing their blessings to Hong Kong back home from the bottom of their hearts. With the great motherland.

Students from five schools in four places sang "Singing the Motherland" online thousands of miles apart

Students from Shenwan Junior High School of OCT Middle School in Nanshan District, Shenzhen sang "Singing the Motherland"

Students from Hong Kong Federation of Educators Wong Chubiao Middle School sang "Singing the Motherland"

Students from Beijing Jingshan School sang "Singing the Motherland"

Good times always pass quickly. At the end of the event, students from the five schools left messages on the cloud, writing down what they wanted to say to Hong Kong and the motherland.

Students write messages

This event is hosted by the Shanghai History Museum (Shanghai Revolution History Museum), Hong Kong Federation of Educators , Shenzhen Futian District Educational Science Research Institute, Shenzhen Futian District Youth Science and Technology Education Association, Hosted by Yiou Education . In the context of normalized epidemic prevention and control, students in the Junior High School Affiliated to the Second Affiliated Middle School of East China Normal University in Shanghai and Shenzhen Middle School Meixiang School in Futian District, Shenzhen can only access activities at home, allowing students at home to interact with students in offline classrooms In-depth, multi-directional interactive communication breaks the limitations of space, allowing students to connect in the cloud regardless of geographical restrictions and study and discuss together.

would like to thank Beijing Jingshan School, the Second Affiliated Middle School of East China Normal University in Shanghai, the Hong Kong Federation of Educators Huang Chubiao Middle School, the Meixiang School of Shenzhen Middle School in Futian District, Shenzhen, and the Shenwan Junior High School of OCT Middle School in Nanshan District, Shenzhen. participate actively. The five schools rehearsed many times before the event, and the students devoted themselves seriously, just to send their most sincere blessings on this special day for the 25th anniversary of Hong Kong's return to the motherland and the 101st anniversary of the founding of the Party! At the same time, we would also like to express our special thanks to the Shenzhen Science Museum 703 Library-School Linkage Classroom for its strong support of this event.

After the event, I felt that

was honored to participate in the joint activities of the four places to celebrate the anniversary of Hong Kong's return. Twenty-five years ago, as a student, I witnessed the grand occasion of bidding farewell in the rain to the Hong Kong Garrison troops stationed in Hong Kong on Shennan Avenue. Twenty-five years later, as a teacher, I took the children of Class 75 to relive it. That exciting history.

We have made preparations in three aspects: the story of Hong Kong's return, Shenzhen's reform and opening up in my eyes, and imagining who I will be 25 years from now.

In the eyes of children, the story of Hong Kong's return is a small stamp, showing the blueprint of Grandpa Deng Xiaoping's " one country, two systems ", inheriting the spirit of patriotism and realizing the long-cherished wish of the reunification of the motherland.

In the hearts of children, young Shenzhen has the beautiful scenery of Lotus Mountain, the prosperity of Shekou Port, the outstanding performance of Ping An Finance, the innovation of scientific and technological achievements and the hard work of "time is money".

As teenagers, we understand that when young people are strong, the country will be strong. In another twenty-five years, we will definitely work hard for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, the prosperity of the motherland, and the realization of the lofty ideals of individuals and the country. !

- Liu Caojun, the head teacher of Class 75 of Shenzhen Middle School Meixiang School

This is a meaningful activity that allows children from different regions to jointly understand the history and development of the motherland, and to understand the culture of different regions through online explanations and urban knowledge PK. , expand horizons in future-oriented learning, make up for the lack of knowledge, and become the builders and successors of the motherland's cause.

——Principal Li Fangsheng of Shenzhen Middle School Meixiang School, Futian District, Shenzhen

Bauhinia flowers bloom on the 25th, let’s look at the present in a prosperous age of unity! I am very honored to be able to lead the students of Jingshan School to participate in the 25th anniversary of Hong Kong's return to China and the special event to celebrate July 1st, to bless the motherland and celebrate the party's birthday together! In this event, our five schools from Beijing, Hong Kong, Shanghai, and Shenzhen gathered in the cloud, and deeply felt that we have the same root and the same voice, and that the Chinese people are united as one family; we answered questions in the knowledge competition, and we recalled the past and remembered History, never forget the original intention and mission; "Sing our dear motherland, from now on to prosperity", singing the motherland conveys the most sincere voice in our hearts! Let’s build the Chinese dream together, and it depends on today’s man!

——Teacher Shi Laijing, Class 2, Grade 7, Beijing Jingshan School

Shanghai is a glorious city, and Shanghai is also a great city. This glory and greatness are reflected in the past and present in the cultural relics and displays of the Shanghai History Museum. . At the important moment of the 101st anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China and the 25th anniversary of Hong Kong's return to the motherland, the Shanghai Museum of History and the Yiou Education Team work together to invite young students from Beijing, Shanghai, Hong Kong and Shenzhen to gather in cloud classroom and travel through the Shanghai Museum of History. Together they reviewed China's great historical process from humiliation to exploration, from independence to rejuvenation in modern times. In the resonance of the long scrolls of history and the long songs of the times, the patriotism of young students will surely grow to serve the country. Looking back on yesterday is to better grasp the present and look forward to a better tomorrow. At the new historical starting point, it is expected that every young student can sharpen his spirit, hone his character, and assume his mission. "Strong young people will make the country strong..., and young people who are strong on the earth will make the country strong on the earth." The great rejuvenation process of the Chinese nation The magnificent chapter of youth in the novel is waiting for every young student to write and compose it.

- Peng Xiaomin, Director of Exhibition and Education Department of Shanghai History Museum (Shanghai Revolution History Museum)

html July 1 is not only the annual "July 1st Party Founding Day", but also the annual "Hong Kong Return Anniversary". On this day, On these meaningful days, our class was fortunate enough to participate in the "Double Celebration" course interaction on party building and return to China in five schools in four places. The activities were rich and creative. The students truly felt that history is alive and that Hong Kong, which has been gazed at over the years, is no longer there. It is the black type on a white background in a book. The activities also let students understand that the prosperity of the motherland, the responsibility of a great country, and social responsibility are the ultimate goals for a Hua II student to strive for. This subtle penetration of family and country feelings in the classroom makes students excited. I believe that their understanding of "home and country" will be improved to a higher level. It will also lead students to stay in history spiritually, cherish the present, and care about the present. Home and country, pursuing dreams for the future.

- Grade 7 of the Junior High School Affiliated to the Second Affiliated Middle School of East China Normal University in Shanghai (8) Teacher Zhao Hua

"From 1921 to 1997" This lesson is very meaningful. It not only allows students to understand the historical vicissitudes of modern Hong Kong in a simple and easy-to-understand way, but also I realize the inseparable flesh-and-blood ties between Hong Kong and the country, and at the same time, I also have a deeper understanding of the great contribution of the Communist Party of China to the reunification of the motherland! This class of

is also very creative. Through the Internet, students from Hong Kong, Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen and other places are brought together to learn together and share happiness. She has not only shortened the distance in space, but also shortened the distance in the hearts of young people from all over the world, allowing them to discover that even though we are thousands of miles apart, our language, culture, customs, and even thoughts and behaviors are all so similar.It also allows them to truly appreciate that we are a family!

In general, this cloud learning, from the time dimension to the space dimension, guides students into the dimension of thought. It is a very good national education class! The content is rich, the activities are rich, the host teacher is professional and serious, and the organizer has proper and thoughtful arrangements... Our teachers and students have benefited a lot, and we are very grateful.

- Vice Principal Wang Yijun of Wong Chubiao Secondary School of the Hong Kong Federation of Educators

When the familiar melody sounds, reliving the scene of Hong Kong's return in 1997 still makes people excited. Today, we are in Shanghai, together with our friends from five schools in Beijing, Shenzhen and Hong Kong, gathered in the cloud to participate in the "From 1921 to 1997 - Celebrating the 25th anniversary of Hong Kong's return to China and celebrating the centenary anniversary" "Theme activities.

took an online tour of the Shanghai Museum of History. The recollection of history was intertwined with the changes around us. Let's appreciate and think about the significance of "Hong Kong's return". Although it was the first time to meet each other through the air, the students from the four places were very familiar with each other's cities. From famous breakfasts to the names of universities and colleges, from local dialects to high-speed rail lines, the "Cloud Battle" session brought us closer, and the song "Singing the Motherland" made our hearts tightly connected. Message board to write down the best wishes for Hong Kong and the motherland together. I wish Hong Kong will be better tomorrow and the motherland will be more prosperous!

- Class 7 (8) of the Junior High School Affiliated to the Second Affiliated Middle School of East China Normal University in Shanghai Wang Jiahao

Source: China Daily website