I am very happy that Secretary Sha gave me such an opportunity to meet you today. I joined the party when the team was about to attack Yuncheng. Our regiment leader did pre-war mobilization and said that if you are not a Communist, you are not qualified to carry explosive bags an

"In the Name of the People" Old Revolution Chen Shishi A special party lesson

Dear leaders, long time no see. I am very happy that Secretary Sha gave me such an opportunity to meet you today. Secretary Sha said, let me tell you something. I said what I am going to talk about. He said, just tell me, why did you join the party and how did you join the party? As soon as he reminded me, many things appeared before my eyes! I joined the party when the team was about to attack Yuncheng. Our regiment leader did pre-war mobilization and said that if you are not a Communist, you are not qualified to carry explosive bags and participate in the sharp knife class. Comrades, at that time, carrying explosives was a privilege only for Communists! In order to win this privilege, I joined the party just when the team arrived at Dajiezi Mountain on the outskirts of Yuncheng! I was young at that time, only fifteen years old. In order to join the Party, I falsely reported that I was two years old. My introducer for joining the party was Sha Zhenjiang, the monitor of our sharp knife class. On the day I joined the party, I remember clearly that the oath to join the party was:

I volunteer to join the Communist Party of China,

resolutely implement the party's discipline,

not be afraid of difficulties or sacrifices,

fight for the cause of communism to the end!

It was June 8, 1945, and we would attack Yuncheng the next day. It was our final decisive battle with the Japanese and puppets as a division. On the battlefield, squad leader Sha Zhenjiang shouted, "Comrades, follow me and charge, we must blow up the little Japanese's bunker!" If I die, the people behind me will be your targets! Chen Yanshi, when the time comes, you will be the acting squad leader and lead everyone to continue fighting! "Yes!" I accepted the order in danger. "Comrades, come on!" The squad leader led 16 sharp knife squad soldiers including Er Shunzi and I, each carrying a bag of explosives weighing more than 40 kilograms, and jumped out of the trench one after another. On the city wall and in the bunker, the Japanese machine guns fired wildly. The one who rushed to the front was the squad leader. The small red flag appeared and disappeared in the smoke. Behind the squad leader is me, and behind me is the second straight... Those are ten minutes of life and death! Sixty or seventy meters away from the city gate, five of our sharp knife squad soldiers... fell down! Among them, there was Sha Zhenjiang, my introducer for joining the party, who had six holes punched in his body, like a sieve! Later, I became the squad leader and continued to rush forward carrying the explosive pack. Machine gun bullets hit me and I fell down. Just as I struggled to crawl forward, Er Shunzi stood up, stumbled forward a few meters, rolled into the city gate hole with the explosives, and pulled the fuse. The city gate was blown open. The charge of the general offensive rang... After this battle, nine of our sixteen sharp knife squad soldiers died and seven were wounded. Er Shunzi was only fifteen years old when he died, and he only joined the party for one day! I don’t know if in the history of our party there were only one-day party members, but during the war years, there were more than one comrade like Er Shunzi! Those Communist Party members carrying explosives fulfilled their oath to join the Party with their lives and blood! Two days ago, Secretary Sha asked me, saying that you falsely reported that you had joined the party when you were two years old and got that privilege, but lost the opportunity to be promoted to deputy ministerial level. Do you regret it? I said I don’t regret it, I really don’t regret it! I think about Er Shunzi, my party introducer Sha Zhenjiang, and those comrades who sacrificed their lives. I live a happy enough life. Really, I live a happy enough life! So later, when our former Provincial Party Committee Secretary Zhao Lichun asked Secretary Sha to apologize to me on behalf of the organization, what apology did I say, what was there to apologize for? Didn’t I just carry a bag of explosives back then? Should I reach out to the organization and ask for an official position now? What's more, carrying explosives was a privilege that only our party members had at that time! I earned it myself! When I lied about my age to join the party and got this privilege, I never thought I would come back alive! I never thought I would be alive today! Comrades, I have been proud of this privilege all my life!

The upright "old revolutionary" Chen Shiyan used an emotional memory to restore the scene of the birth and death of the Communists. This party lesson tells us that as a member of the Communist Party, the so-called privileges are to strengthen faith and sacrifice one's life for righteousness, to endure hardship before enjoyment, and to not forget the original intention and continue to move forward.This party lesson tells us, never forget, who gave you the dignity of life and the right to sacrifice? Who entrusted you with the weight of the scepter and the meaning of the medal? ——It’s the people!