From 1921 to 2022, the great Communist Party of China led the Chinese people to create brilliant development achievements. On the occasion of the 101st anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, we have prepared these ten red tourist routes to carry forward the

From 1921 to 2022, the great Communist Party of China led the Chinese people to create brilliant development achievements. On the occasion of the 101st anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, we have prepared these ten red tourist routes to carry forward the red spirit and inherit the red gene in every corner of the city.

Xinhuo丨HongyaoEast China Sea Journey

Recommended route: Zhoushan Opium War Relics Park→Small Library Site→ Nandong Art Valley

The sound of artillery fire from the great powers shattered the tranquility of the ancient city and also urged people to open. A path full of struggle and rise.

This road was intertwined with blood and tears. Countless martyrs sacrificed their lives to compose a glorious chapter of national rejuvenation.

Remember the journey of the war years

Recommended route: the martyrdom monument of Mr. Li → Yao Gong’s martyrdom monument → Zhoushan Revolutionary Martyrs Cemetery → East China Sea Guerrilla Corps Memorial Hall

Those turbulent years were filled with wars and smoke. From these ancient ruins and inscriptions, we can You can touch the depth of that period of history, and you can also feel the unyielding souls behind the inscriptions.

Endeavor丨Star Fire Mark Journey

Recommended route: Dapeng Island Ancient Houses→Pingwa Stele→Jintang Revolutionary Martyrs Cemetery

Inscriptions of Jintang and the cemetery are powerful witnesses of the great warriors’ fight against foreign aggression and have a very high reputation. historical and cultural value. They silently record the entire process of the battle to liberate Jintang Island.

Journey to pursue the battle footprints

Recommended route: Denbu Battle Memorial Hall→Dengbu Island Fighting Revolutionary Martyrs Monument→Qinglong Mountain Revolutionary Martyrs Monument→Putuo District Museum→Shenjiamen Fishing Port Town

This is a battle worth remembering by everyone . On the island, the brave and tenacious soldiers fought with five battalions of six regiments of enemy troops. With their flesh and blood, they shattered the enemy's "dream" of trying to create a "second Kinmen".

What impressed us deeply was not only the brutality and significance of this battle, but also the spirit of the whole army who was not afraid of sacrifice and fought one after another, which is even more moving and memorable.

Film and Television Culture Red Route Tour

Recommended route: Peach Blossom Red Memorial Hall → Peach Blossom Martyrs Cemetery → Haiphong Park → Haiphong Theme Museum → Dinghai City ( Opium War filming location) → Ant Island People’s Commune former site

Zhoushan has rich historical heritage and pleasant scenery. , is not only a tourist attraction, but also the filming location of many famous film and television works. Many red film and television works have been shot in Zhoushan.

"The Opium War", " East Pole Rescue ", "Jade Butterfly", "Thousand Girls in the Sea"... These excellent works have added a deep color to the island's bright red heritage. Follow the footsteps of these shots , we can also see different island scenery.

Revolutionary Heroes Hometown Tour

Recommended route: Daishan Jin Weiying’s Former Residence → Shima’ao Martyrs Cemetery → Dongsha Siji Dongyue Palace → Jin Weiying Historical Relics Exhibition Room → Dongsha Revolutionary Committee of the East China Sea Working Committee of the Communist Party of China Historical Relics Showroom → Dongsha Intangible Cultural Heritage Street

is on this road In the process of struggle and struggle, many revolutionary heroes left their footprints.

is following in the footsteps of our predecessors, with full patriotic enthusiasm, and believes that we can contribute our own strength to the continuous development of our motherland.

Red Coastal Defense Study Tour

Recommended route: Changtu Old Street→Anti-Japanese Monument→Shenfu Temple→Jungang Cultural Center→Japanese Rock Cake Intangible Cultural Heritage Exhibition Hall→Changtu Chuandeng Temple→Xizuihe Lighthouse

Coastal defense construction is a national priority device. In order to protect the country's maritime borders and to rejuvenate the nation, countless people have dedicated their life's efforts.

Walking through Changtu Island allows us to witness the continuous development of coastal defense construction, listen to the stories of patriots who guarded the sea in the past, and witness the continuous prosperity of the motherland.

Dongji Red Theme Tour

Recommended route: Dongji History and Culture Museum → Haijiang Guards Gate → Soldiers’ Second Hometown Stone Carvings → Dongji Revolutionary Martyrs Monument → Cai Bogong Statue

Dongji not only has beautiful island scenery, but also has profound Red historical heritage.

The coastal defense officers and soldiers who once took root here left behind the stone carvings of the Coastal Guard Gate and the lyrics of "The Soldier's Second Hometown" to pay tribute to every PLA soldier who dedicated his life silently.

Centennial lighthouse light chasing journey

Recommended route: Shengsi Tian'ao Village → Huangsha Village Torpedo Cave → Flower and Bird Island Flower and Bird Lighthouse → Lighthouse Village

A bunch of sparks illuminate the East China Sea. A lighthouse is a torch on the sea, a guiding light. It is also the unchanging spiritual totem of the islanders. Walking through the torpedo holes, you can also listen to the locals' stories about how the soldiers and civilians worked together to dismantle the Japanese army's war readiness and ultimately achieve victory.

A journey of not forgetting the original intention

Recommended route: Former site of Dinghai County Working Committee of the Communist Party of China → Laoqi Martyr Monument → Zhoushan Museum → Zhoushan City Exhibition Hall

Do not forget Be true to your original intention and keep moving forward. The struggles and sacrifices of our predecessors have brought us the happy life we ​​have today. The bright future still requires us to forge ahead and explore.

Towards a better future, let us walk this road of forging ahead together.