In order to celebrate the 101st anniversary of the founding of the Party on July 1st, on June 30, Linwu County People's Armed Forces Department and Jiahe County People's Armed Forces Department organized all party members and cadres to go to the former residence of General Xiao K

Red Net Moment News, June 30th (Correspondent Zheng Feiying and Chen Lijian) In order to celebrate the 101st anniversary of the founding of the Party on July 1st, on June 30th, the Linwu County People’s Armed Forces Department and Jiahe County People’s Armed Forces Department organized all party members and Cadres went to the former residence of General Xiao Ke in Tiancun, Xiaojie, Yuanjia Town to carry out on-the-spot situational teaching on thematic party day activities.

The visiting group took a group photo at Xiao Ke’s former residence.

In Xiaojietian Village, Yuanjia Town, all party members and cadres visited Xiao Ke’s former residence, learned about Xiao Ke’s glorious history, and listened to General Xiao Ke’s life stories and achievements.

Visit Xiao Ke’s former residence

Listen to the commentator’s explanation of Xiao Ke’s life story

In the former residence of General Xiao Ke, party members and cadres walked, listened and watched, exploring Xiao Ke’s growth footprint and struggle from one room, one courtyard, one table and one chair, and feeling the general The personality charm of being loyal to the country, selfless dedication, indifferent to fame and fortune, and devoted to the public. The leaders of the County People's Armed Forces Department also led the party members to pay tribute to Xiao Ke's bronze statue and review the oath of joining the party, which further enhanced the party members' sense of glory, responsibility and mission.

Party members and cadres reviewed the oath of joining the party

After the event, everyone said that General Xiao Ke's bravery, bravery and fearless heroism are admirable, and they should pass on General Xiao Ke's patriotism spirit of being devoted to the party, sincerely serving the people, and selfless dedication. .

Through visiting and studying, I understood the revolutionary spirit of the first general who founded the country. He always firmly held communist ideals and beliefs, was devoted to the party, persevered and worked hard and plainly. This revolutionary heroic spirit that penetrated into his bones is admired by future generations. We must not forget our original aspirations, keep our mission in mind, inherit the fine style of the revolutionary martyrs, and welcome the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China with outstanding results.