This year marks the 25th anniversary of Hong Kong's return to the motherland. Du Jiaju, member of the Standing Committee of the Beijing Municipal Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and CEO of Hong Kong Fengsheng Enterprise Group Co., Ltd., said: I

Beijing Daily Client | Reporter Sun Ying

"While serving as a member of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, I participated in organizing a number of youth exchanges between the mainland and Hong Kong to cultivate the patriotic sentiments of young people. I have had many unforgettable experiences." This year marks the return of Hong Kong to the motherland. On the 25th anniversary, Du Jiaju, member of the Standing Committee of the Beijing Municipal Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference and CEO of Hong Kong Fengsheng Enterprise Group Co., Ltd., said this:

I was born in Hong Kong in the 1970s. I am a native Chinese. Before the handover, I received local primary and secondary education in Hong Kong. After graduation, I went to study abroad. When Hong Kong returned to in 1997, I was preparing to complete the course to practice law. I watched the handover ceremony of sovereignty through local TV live broadcast and witnessed the establishment of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and the historical moment when Hong Kong officially returned to the motherland and became part of the motherland. I am proud to be a Chinese, and I am proud of the growing strength and rising international status of my motherland.

I returned to Hong Kong in 1997 to start developing my career. My growth path and career development coincided with the country's reform and opening up and Hong Kong's return to the motherland. The successful practice of reform and opening up and " one country, two systems " is an important milestone in the development and construction of the motherland after the founding of New China. It also has an important impact and positive role in promoting my personal growth and career development.

I remember my father once told me before the handover: "China will become the most promising and prosperous country in the world in the future. Hong Kong under 'one country, two systems' will definitely be better tomorrow! Hong Kong people no longer need to immigrate!"

In 2008, I I am honored to be a member of the Beijing Municipal People's Political Consultative Conference and have served for 15 years. During my tenure as a member of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, I participated in organizing a number of youth exchange programs between the Mainland and Hong Kong, and I had many unforgettable experiences. Before the handover, there was basically no patriotic education in Hong Kong, and there was no way for Hong Kong teenagers to learn more about the country's system. After returning to China, the wife of the then chief executive, Mr. Tung Chee-hwa, initiated the establishment of the charity organization "Group Resource Center" and cooperated with the People's Liberation Army Hong Kong Garrison in 2005 to launch the "Youth Military Summer Camp". The summer camp has been held for more than ten times so far, giving all Hong Kong secondary school students the opportunity to receive training in the Garrison Hong Kong during the summer vacation. It is also the only platform where local secondary school students in Hong Kong have the opportunity to be exposed to the life of the Garrison in Hong Kong. Over the years, more than 3,000 middle school students have participated. I was fortunate to serve as the chairman of the "Hong Kong Youth Military Summer Camp" in 2015. I participated in the entire organization of the summer camp and experienced military camp life with my classmates. The officers and soldiers of the Hong Kong Garrison are very caring for the students who participated in the summer camp, and established friendship with them and became friends in a short period of time. The students who participated in the summer camp were afraid of the hard work at first, but were still satisfied by the end. While experiencing the life of the troops stationed in Hong Kong, they developed good habits, established a tough character, and achieved important changes in their life and work.

In recent years, the Beijing Municipal People’s Political Consultative Conference has also attached great importance to youth exchanges between Beijing and Hong Kong. Beijing and Hong Kong take turns holding youth innovation and technology competitions, allowing middle school students from Hong Kong and Beijing who have won prizes in the innovation and technology competitions to cooperate and communicate with each other. Many middle school students from Beijing and Hong Kong have become good friends and have always kept in touch. In cooperation with the CPPCC, we organize the "Beijing Social Practice Activities for Hong Kong University Students". Every year for three consecutive years, more than 30 Hong Kong university students are selected to use their summer vacations to carry out internships and experience life in Beijing, enriching their life experiences and increasing their understanding of Beijing and the country. . In the name of the Hong Kong-Beijing Exchange Association, we organize Hong Kong college students to register and conduct interviews to understand their understanding of Beijing, their expectations for practical activities, and their goals for internship positions. I and many young members of the CPPCC Hong Kong District sent the students to Beijing. At the opening ceremony, we shared our understanding of Beijing after serving as members of the CPPCC, and encouraged them to have fruitful internships and gainful lives in Beijing. After returning to Hong Kong, many classmates shared their personal experiences with me, expressing their deep understanding of the motherland’s technological development and progress and the capital’s history and humanity, as well as their hope that Hong Kong would work harder in innovation and technology and be more proactive in integrating into the overall development of the country.

Du Jiaju (5th from left)

Photo provided by Beijing CPPCC