At the meeting in Mianchi, Lin Xiangru made another great contribution, saving the face of King Zhao and increasing the ambition of Zhao State. King Zhao Huiwen said: "I have Lin Xiangru, and the country and I are as stable as Mount Tai. Xiangru has made the greatest contribution

Mian (miǎn) Chizhihui, Lin Xiangru made great contributions again, saved the face of King Zhao, and increased the ambition of Zhao Kingdom.

King Zhao Huiwen said: "I have Lin Xiangru, and the country and I are as stable as Mount Tai. Xiangru has made the greatest contribution, and no one among the ministers can compare with it."

Lin Xiangru was appointed as the prime minister, and his position was Lian Po above.

Lian Po was very unhappy. He returned to the palace and was depressed. The more he thought about it, the angrier he became. He said to the guests: "I conquered cities and captured territories, experienced hundreds of battles, and fought to the death in a hail of swords and arrows. Lin Xiangru just talked and his position was higher than mine." "He is just a disciple of the eunuch, with a humble background. How can I be below him? If I see him, I will definitely kick him to death."

Lin Xiangru soon heard Lian Po's words, and every time he went to court. , not as a last resort, he always excuses himself from illness and refuses to meet Lian Po.

Lin Xiangru's retainers and family members talked privately and thought that Lin Xiangru was afraid of Lian Po.

One day, Lin Xiangru went out and Lian Po also took this road. The two teams met and Lin Xiangru saw Lian Po's team from a distance. He quickly asked the driver to turn around and hid in a remote alley, waiting for Lian Po. They came out only after a lot of vehicles passed by.

Lin Xiangru's disciples couldn't help it and went to see Lin Xiangru together. They said: "We left our homes and relatives and came to your lord's house. We thought you were a hero today, so we admired and followed you. Now, your lord and Lian General are in the same palace and are ministers. Above him, Lian Po spoke harshly, and instead of fighting back, you avoided him even in court, and even when you met him on the street, you hurriedly avoided him. Why are we so cowardly? Now, we are ashamed of you. Come and say goodbye."

Lin Xiangru stopped these people and said, "I'm avoiding General Lian. Don't you know why?"

Everyone said in their hearts, didn't you make it clear just now? Sir, you are afraid!

These people heard Lin Xiangru ask such a simple question, but they didn't answer it.

Lin Xiangru then said: "Do you think who is more powerful, General Lian or King Qin?"

Everyone said: "Not as good as King Qin."

Lin Xiangru said: "No one in the world can resist the majesty of King Qin, and I scolded him in public. , and humiliated all his ministers at the same time. I am not afraid of the King of Qin, am I only afraid of General Lian? Think about it, the powerful Qin State does not dare to use troops against Zhao State because of the two of us. We two tigers are at odds with each other. When the people of Qin know about it, they will definitely take the opportunity to attack Zhao. The reason why I avoid General Lian is because state affairs are more important than personal enmity."

Everyone then understood and admired Lin Xiangru even more.

A few days later, Lin Xiangru's diners and Lian Po's diners came to the same tavern. It happened that there was only one empty seat in the tavern, and the two sides refused to give in to each other and started fighting for it.

Later, one of Lin Xiangru's retainers said: "Our lord puts the country first and gives way to General Lian. We cannot go against the lord's wishes and should give way to General Lian's retainers." The position was given to Lian Po's retainers.

From then on, Lian Po became even more arrogant.

At this time, Yu Qing from Hedong came to Zhao Guo and happened to be dining in this tavern. Hearing the words of Lin Xiangru's guest, when he saw Zhao Hui King Wen he said: "The most important minister of your Majesty today is very... Lin Xiangru and Lian Po are among them, right?"

King Zhao nodded.

Yu Qing said: "I heard that the previous ministers helped each other and worked together to govern the country. Now the two most respected ministers of the king are like ice and fire, incompatible with each other. This is not the country. The more Lin Xiangru gave in, the more inconsiderate Lian Po became, and Lian Po became more and more arrogant. If the generals in the same dynasty can't discuss things together, I'm really worried about the king."

King Zhao also heard about it and thought that the minister was doing it. It's normal for them to have some estrangement. When Yu Qing said this, he felt that the problem was indeed a bit serious. King Zhao asked: "Sir, what can you do?" King Zhao shared his worries. "

King Zhao said, "That's great."

Yu Qing went to see Lian Po and first praised him for his great achievements. Lian Po was very happy.

Yu Qing said again: "In terms of merit, there is no one in the State of Zhao who has made more merit than the general. In terms of courage, it is Prime Minister Lin."

As soon as Lian Po heard about Lin Xiangru, he immediately became furious and shouted: "That coward How dare you just rely on your mouth?"

Yu Qing said: "Lin Xiangguo is not a coward, but a visionary." He repeated what he heard from Lin Xiangru's guest in the tavern, and then said: "The general does not want to be in Zhao. It’s enough to be a general in the country. If you want to live in peace in Zhao Guo, if one of the two ministers competes with the other, I am afraid that the good reputation will not fall on the general."

Lian Po is a military general, although he is reckless. He was well versed in common sense. After hearing this, he suddenly realized and said with shame on his face: "If it hadn't been for your teacher's reminder, I wouldn't have known that I was wrong. I am far worse than Lin Xiangru."

When Lian Po knew his mistake and immediately corrected it, Lian Po asked Yu Qing to tell Lin Xiangru first. With a sound, he took off his shirt, bare his upper body, and tied thorn sticks behind his back. Why is

tied with wattle? It was to make it easier for Lin Xiangru to whip himself.

Just like this, such a general walked from his own house to the front door of Lin Xiangru's house to apologize. Lin Xiangru had been waiting in front of the house early. When Lian Po saw Lin Xiangru, he saluted and said, "I am narrow-minded. I didn't know that the Prime Minister could be so tolerant." , even death can't make up for my sin." As he said that, he knelt down in front of Lin Xiangru.

Lin Xiangru quickly picked up Lian Po with both hands and said, "We serve the monarch side by side and contribute to the country together. I feel very honored that the general can forgive me. How can I apologize!"

Lian Po said: "Little He has a rough character, and thanks to the tolerance of the Prime Minister, I feel deeply ashamed and ashamed." He said with true feelings, and his eyes were filled with tears.

Lin Xiangru was also moved to tears.

Lian Po said: "From now on, I am willing to be friends of life and death with the Prime Minister. Even if my head falls off, my heart will not change." Lian Po bowed first, and Xiangru bowed in reply.

Lin Xiangru hosted a banquet in honor of Lian Po and thanked Yu Qing.

King Zhao Huiwen was also very happy to learn that Lian Po and General Lin Xiangru had a harmonious relationship. He gave Yu Qing a hundred yi of gold and appointed him as Shang Qing.