In order to inherit the red gene, accept spiritual baptism, commemorate the heroes and martyrs, lay the cornerstone of faith, continue the spiritual gene, draw strength to move forward, and start a new great journey, on June 26, the Henan Jinlu Party Branch organized company part

Henan County Economic Network News The red gene is the life code of the Communists. It contains the beliefs, purposes and pursuits of our party and will never go out of date. In order to inherit the red gene, accept spiritual baptism, commemorate the heroes and martyrs, lay the cornerstone of faith, continue the spiritual gene, draw strength to move forward, and start a new great journey, on June 26, the Henan Jinlu Party Branch organized company party members and actively joined the party 43 members went to the revolutionary site of Mianchi County to carry out the "July 1" themed Party Day activities. They visited the Mianchi County Party Committee, the former county government site and Liu Shaoqi's former residence in Ma Paoquan to receive re-education in revolutionary traditions, so as to learn history and reason. History increases trust, studies history and respects morality, and studies history and practices it. Mao Wanli, Secretary, Chairman and General Manager of Henan Jinlu Party Branch, Han Hongjuan, Director of the Headquarters Functional Center, and Mao Xiling, Director of the Engineering Joint Venture Center attended the event.

The first stop was to Mapao Spring in Rencun Township, the former site of Mianchi County Party Committee and County Government. On the eve of liberation, Ma Paoquan was the residence of the Fifth Prefectural Committee of Western Henan, the Mianchi County Committee and the Mianchi County Government of the Fifth Special Administrative Office of Western Henan. The living conditions in the residence are simple, and the walls of the houses are made of stones. In February 1948, Hu Zongnan of the Kuomintang reorganized the 78th Brigade of the First Division, and combined with local stubborn and temple Taoist associations and other reactionary armed forces to attack Ma Paoquan, resulting in the death of 42 party, government and military cadres and soldiers in Mianchi County, creating Ma Paoquan incident . In February 1948, a battle took place here, and more than 20 martyrs were buried here. The Mapaoquan incident was another bloody incident in the history of the Party in Mianchi County, and the revolutionary forces suffered heavy losses. 21 people from the Mianchi Party, government and military personnel died in the battle, and 81 people including Li Zhongmin, then secretary of the Mianchi County Party Committee, were arrested. In the affectionate and vivid narration of Qin Wanxu, the volunteer explanation teacher, the touching and touching deeds of revolutionary martyrs such as Xu Hailu, Fu Zizhang, Han Zhihua deeply shocked the comrades present, some shed tears silently, and some secretly clenched their fists... The memory of the martyrs, the call of the times, and the reflection on the original intention are all transformed into the power of passion to strive hard and prosper the enterprise. Everyone said that the heroic struggle, fearless sacrifice and courageous revolutionary spirit of the revolutionary warriors in battle are always worth learning from. We must bear in mind that a happy life comes from the blood and lives of revolutionary martyrs, cherish the present, work hard to do our jobs, support the company's high-quality development with outstanding results, and contribute our best to the realization of the great Chinese dream of national rejuvenation!

The second stop was to the place where "On the Cultivation of Communist Party Members" was born - the former residence of Liu Shaoqi in Mianchi County. In 1938, after the Sixth Plenary Session of the Sixth Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, Liu Shaoqi (pseudonym Hu Fu), who was transferred to the Central Plains Bureau of the Central Plains Bureau, came to Mianchi County, Henan Province on his way to the Central Plains Bureau (residing in Zhugou, Queshan County). I lived in "Liu Shaoqi's former residence" for about two months. During this period, he held a meeting of the Western Henan Special Committee of the Communist Party of China and drafted the political masterpiece "On the Cultivation of Communist Party Members" that will be remembered in history. During this period, he presided over the expanded cadre meeting of the Western Henan Special Committee, conveyed the spirit of the Sixth Plenary Session of the Sixth Central Committee, and preached "On the Cultivation of the Communist Party" for the first time in a party training class. On June 20, 1963, Liu Shaoqi's former residence was announced as a provincial key cultural relics protection unit by the Henan Provincial People's Government. On June 17, 2009, Liu Shaoqi’s former residence was named the “Provincial Party Spirit, Party Style, and Party Discipline Education Base for Party Members and Cadres.” Liu Shaoqi’s former residence has been awarded the title of Jinan Military Region’s Revolutionary and Traditional Education Base, Henan Province’s Patriotism Education Demonstration Base, Henan Province’s Party Member Cadres’ Party Spirit, Style and Party Discipline Education Base, Henan Province’s Red Scarf Experience Education Base, Sanmenxia City’s National Defense Education Base, and Sanmenxia City’s National Defense Education Base. Honorary titles such as revolutionary traditional education base.

The Liu Shaoqi Former Residence Memorial Hall is divided into four exhibition rooms: Party Spirit Test, Party Spirit Cultivation , Party Spirit Exhibition and Party Spirit Training, and three restoration exhibitions of Liu Shaoqi’s residence, secretary and adjutant Su Zaishan, Li Tuo’s residence, and military station founder Liu Xiangsan’s residence. There are 33 display panels, 18 display cabinets, more than 190 photos, and more than 90 objects.The overall exhibition layout is based on red, highlighting the theme of red cultivation, and adopts a display method that combines photos, text, and physical objects, so that different visitors can personally feel the essence of red revolutionary education and receive party spirit education, thereby making Liu Shaoqi’s former residence It has become a base for education on revolutionary traditions, patriotism and the practice of the scientific outlook on development by “stressing self-cultivation, learning self-cultivation, and applying self-cultivation”.

"I volunteer to join the Communist Party of China... I am always ready to sacrifice everything for the party and the people and will never betray the party." In front of the statue of Liu Shaoqi in Liu Shaoqi's former residence, Mao Wanli led the Henan Jinlu Communist Party members to take a solemn oath in front of the party flag. (Henan Radio and Television Station reporter Cui Junting, special reporter Zhang Zhenglin, correspondent Xue Yun)