Famous Generals of the Warring States Period: Bai Qi and Lian Po left, the State of Zhao declined, Li Mu died, and the State of Zhao fell. The Battle of Changping marked the beginning of Zhao's transition from prosperity to decline. The four famous generals of the Warring States

Famous generals of the Warring States Period: Bai Qi

Lian Po left, Zhao Guo declined, Li Mu died, and Zhao Guo perished.
The Battle of Changping was the beginning of Zhao's transition from prosperity to decline.
The four famous generals of the Warring States Period: Lian Po, Li Mu, Bai Qi and Wang Jian.
Zhao State had Lian Po and Li Mu, Qin State had Wang Jian Baiqi.

It’s just that Lian Po and Li Mu didn’t meet an enlightened king. When King Xiaocheng of Zhao was in power, King Lu of Qin led troops to attack Zhao. Lian Po defended the Baili Stone Great Wall and Wang Lu could not attack.
King Zhaoxiang of Qin was very anxious. Fan Sui used to counterattack and bribed people around King Zhao Xiaocheng, saying that Lian Po had not sent troops for a long time and had the intention of rebellion, which made King Zhao Xiaocheng distrust Lian Po.

King Zhao Xiaocheng asked Zhao Kuo to go to war instead of Lian Po.
The State of Qin secretly sent general Bai Qi to sneak into the military camp to replace Wang Lu, and anyone who revealed the information would be killed.
Bai Qi had killed countless people and was called a massacre.
In the first battle, Bai Qi deliberately retreated without fighting, which made Zhao Kuo secretly happy. Returning triumphantly from the first battle, Zhao Kuo felt that the Qin army was nothing more than that.
Zhao Kuo didn't know that Bai Qi had done this deliberately. When Zhao Kuo led the 450,000 troops to Changping, Bai Qi was also busy leading his men to cut off Zhao Jun's rear route of food and grass supplies, and then drove the 450,000 troops to Changping. Within the encirclement.
Zhao's army flowed with blood and suffered numerous casualties.
And Bai Qi is one who will become famous.

The famous generals of the Warring States Period: Li Mu

The four famous generals of the Warring States Period: Bai Qi, Wang Jian, Lian Po, and Li Mu. Li Mu was named Wu'anjun .
The Battle of Changping commanded by Bai Qi made Zhao State begin to decline.

Li Mu has his own method in resisting and in the north.
Against the brave and skilled Huns on horseback, Li Mu adopted the tactic of advancing the enemy and defending ourselves.
As soon as the Xiongnu invaded, Li Mu withdrew his troops in his city, only defending but not attacking.
The Xiongnu got nothing for several years, Shan Yu always thought that Li Mu was timid.

Li Mu was in full swing in the city. Then select war horses, warriors, and 100,000 soldiers who are good at shooting, and then let a large number of cattle and sheep herd on the hillside.
A small group of Xiongnu invaded. Li Mu pretended to fail and deliberately abandoned it to the Xiongnu. When Shan Yu heard about this situation, he led a large number of troops to invade. Li Mu deployed a surprise force to outflank the Xiongnu on the left and right wings and counterattacked. He defeated the Xiongnu and killed more than 100,000 Xiongnu troops.

The Xiongnu were severely damaged and did not dare to approach the border for more than ten years. The people on the border of Zhao State lived and worked in peace and contentment.
Later, when Qin State attacked Zhao State, Li Mu went to fight, but was framed by the sycophant Guo Kai and died on the way.
Li Mu died and Zhao fell.

The Eighth Hero in the War: Ancient Zhongshan Kingdom

The ancient Zhongshan Kingdom was one of the Eighth Heroes of the Warring States Period, a country of thousands of vehicles.

But most people know about Qi, Chu, Yan, Han, Zhao, Wei and Qin, but few people mention the ancient Zhongshan Kingdom .

The two mythical beasts at the north entrance of Hebei Museum have wings and look proudly in all directions with an awe-inspiring aura.
In ancient times, the country of Zhongshan was a nomadic people, and their home was on horseback. When I came to North China, I saw the abundant water and grass here, with the Taihang Mountains as my back and the Hutuo River as a natural barrier, so I chose to settle here.

In ancient Zhongshan, the country had its own writing, learned to smelt its own currency, and developed rapidly.
Nomads are a warlike people. They will plunder what they cannot produce.

In ancient times, the Zhongshan State was at war with the Yan StateJin State, and was finally destroyed by the Zhao State.
The cultural relics unearthed from the ancient Zhongshan Kingdom are exquisite: silver-headed figurines, bronze lamps, screen bases and two-winged mythical beasts, etc. are all amazing.

The documentary "Ancient Zhongshan Kingdom" restores that little-known period of history, enriches the history of the Warring States Period, and leaves a shining chapter.

Han Fei and Li Si, the same division, but different endings

The same division, but different endings.
Han Fei and Li Sitong studied at Jixia Academy under Xunzi .

In order to fulfill his ambition, Li Si went to the State of Qin and gradually became the prime minister of the State of Qin.
Qin Shihuang Hearing that Han Feizi was very talented, he came to Korea and invited Han Fei to Qin. Qin Shihuang appreciated Han Feizi's articles very much.

But Han Fei's article "Cun Han" made Qin Shihuang very unhappy.
Qin Shihuang has been on the way to conquer the six countries in the east. Anyone who hinders him is treason.
Han Fei can destroy Zhao if he wants, and I don’t care if he destroys Yan, but don’t destroy South Korea.

Because of this article, Han Fei was thrown into prison. Later, Qin Shihuang gave him poisoned wine, and Li Si sent him there. He drank the poisoned wine and died under the witness of his classmates.
Different ways do not work together.

There is no sympathy from classmates, but only disputes over interests. Everyone has his own master, and who is right is left to future generations to comment.
This is what I realized after watching the documentary "Warring States University: Jixia Academy".