He will continue to fight to "recover the Northeast and win back the freedom of the motherland", reorganize the team, gallop on the battlefield, and create a situation. In October 1941, the city of Khabarovsk, located on the edge of the Heilongjiang River, was getting colder. The

For more than ten months from the end of 1940 to the autumn of 1941, Zhao Shangzhi, who was in a foreign country, was eager to return to the Northeast Anti-Japanese Battlefield.

He will continue to fight for "recovering the Northeast and regaining the freedom of the motherland", reorganize the team, gallop on the battlefield, and create a situation. He also wanted to go to Guanli and find the Party Central Committee in Yan'an. Therefore, he kept making requests to the Soviet side: "I want to go back to the Northeast."

In October 1941, the coolness of Khabarovsk, located on the edge of the Heilongjiang River, became increasingly cold, and the withered yellow leaves covering the streets warned that a severe winter was coming.

Zhao Shangzhi, who has had a bad fate, a bumpy journey and frequent setbacks, has suffered from extreme inner pain, but where does he turn?

Naturally, Zhao Shangzhi still wants to return to his homeland and continue to engage in the anti-Japanese struggle in the Northeast.

At this time, the Soviet-German war had started for nearly four months, and the war situation on the Western Front was extremely tense. But in Far East , the situation is also very tight.

The Soviet government has considered that in order to "create" the so-called "Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere" (the Siberian region of the Soviet Union is included), the crazy Japanese aggressors may advance northward from Northeast China and on the far eastern frontier of the Soviet Union. War broke out in the region, and the German fascists launched a pincer attack on it from the east and west.

Therefore, the Soviet Union is also actively preparing to deal with Japan's attack on its eastern region from the puppet Manchukuo and other places.

The Soviet Far East Border Guards were in full swing. At the same time, the Northeastern Anti-Japanese Allied Forces that were conducting camping training in the Soviet Union also formed many small units and were often sent back to the Northeast. Engaged in reconnaissance of Japanese and puppet military facilities, secret contact with the masses, and anti-Japanese propaganda and other activities.

Small units like this are usually organized into small groups after various trainings in the Soviet Union. They are led by veteran comrades and equipped with a small number of team members, ranging from three or four to twenty or thirty people.

They carry small radios and small arms , and some do not carry radios.

Small unit activities are very dangerous and require team members to be loyal, brave, resourceful, decisive and hardworking.

It was under this situation that the relevant Soviet parties agreed to the request of Zhao Shangzhi, who was stranded in Khabarovsk, to return to China. The Soviet side agreed that he would lead a small and capable force to Northern Manchuria to perform special tasks;

Once the Japan-Soviet war broke out When the war broke out, Zhao Shangzhi's team went to blow up the power plant in Hegang, the railways and bridges between Jiamusi and Tangyuan, and cooperated with the Soviet side to build in the depths of the Xiaoxing'an Mountains and near Laobai Mountain in the Tangwang River Basin. Airplane landing site.

The Soviet side required this small force to return to the Soviet Union no matter what the situation was three months after crossing the border.

Zhao Shangzhi readily accepted this mission, because after all, it satisfied his request and desire to return to China. His heart has flown to the Northeast Anti-Japanese War.

After a short period of preparation, in mid-October, Zhao Shangzhi led Jiang Lixin (the former commander of the remaining regiment of the Third Army of the Anti-Japanese Alliance), Zhang Fengqi (the former commander of the third regiment of the third division of the third army of the former Anti-Japanese Army), Zhao Haitao (the former commander of the third regiment of the third division of the former Anti-Japanese Army). Four anti-alliance fighters, including Sixth Army soldier) and Han You (formerly a soldier of the Second Route Army), formed a small unit, carrying weapons and dozens of kilograms of high explosives (six grenades and eighteen kilograms of explosives per person). , also with a full set of Japanese military uniforms, departing from Khabarovsk.

Zhang Fengqi

They took a train and then a bus to the coast of Heilongjiang. Afterwards, with the help of the Soviet border guards, they secretly crossed the river one night and landed near the mouth of Dama River in Luobei County.

Zhao Shangzhi finally returned to the Northeast Anti-Japanese War. A group of five of them headed southwest from Damahekou, Luobei County.

Since everyone carried too many and heavy things, it was very inconvenient to walk. Zhao Shangzhi ordered each person to unload three kilograms of explosives and hide them together with some items that were not urgently needed.

At that time, Zhang Fengqi also brought a "Concise Tutorial on the History of the Allied Communist Party (Bolsheviks)", and Zhao Shangzhi also asked him to hide it so that he could move forward lightly.

But he had a backpack, which contained some materials he wrote during his time in the Soviet Union. He would rather have nothing else. He would not let anyone else carry this bag, and would always carry it himself.

Zhao Shangzhi and his party arrived at the upper reaches of the Wutong River and the Laobai Mountain area after four days of arduous trek through high mountains and dense forests.

Laobai Mountain has a higher altitude, with a plain on the top of the mountain and a flat river above it. Standing on Laobai Mountain, you can have a panoramic view of the vast Lesser Khingan Mountains.

Laobai Mountain

Every mountain, every water, every plant and tree in the land of Beiman is so familiar and kind to Zhao Shangzhi. His heart was racing and he was extremely excited. Zhao Shangzhi was determined to regroup, regroup, and continue the anti-Japanese struggle.

Soon, they came to Jiangbaotou's "Panzifang" on the southeast slope of Laobai Mountain. After talking with Jiang Zhencai, the owner of the "Tangzifang", and one of his waiters, Bian, Zhao Shangzhi felt that they had national consciousness and were just and reliable people.

Therefore, Zhao Shangzhi decided to use this as a base of activities, waiting in hiding for the outbreak of the Japanese-Soviet war, and preparing to carry out scheduled tasks.

However, two months have passed, and Japan has not taken any special actions against the Soviet Union, and there is no situation where a war between Japan and the Soviet Union will break out.

While waiting anxiously, Zhao Shangzhi sometimes felt irritable, "When will this wait come to an end?" He expressed doubts about the Soviet side's assessment of the situation.

During this period, Zhao Shangzhi told his comrades that we would find a few horses and form a cavalry team to run through the pass and go to Yan'an. However, due to the opposition of his comrades, the trip failed.

They believed that by doing so, they would not be able to complete the tasks assigned by the Soviet side. In addition, under the strict rule of the enemy, it would be difficult to achieve the purpose of entering the pass through the transportation arteries.

Under the firm opposition of his comrades, although Zhao Shangzhi no longer talked about going to the customs, he repeatedly expressed to his comrades that he would give the last drop of blood to regain the motherland and liberate the Northeast compatriots.

He once said: "I would rather die in the Northeast Anti-Japanese battlefield than return to the Soviet Union." He expressed his determination to carry out the anti-Japanese struggle in the Northeast battlefield to the end.

According to Zhao Shangzhi's decision, the small team members walked out of the stronghold and carried out activities in the surrounding "Tangzifang" to gradually develop the anti-Japanese armed forces.

However, the struggle environment in Northeast China is already very dangerous.

Although Japan has not "moved north" to launch an attack on the Soviet Union, it is actively preparing for launching the Pacific War. Starting from July 1941, the Japanese invaders conducted the so-called "Special Exercise of the Kwantung Army" (referred to as "Kwantung Army Special Exercise") in Northeast China.

The 700,000 Japanese Kwantung Army is spread throughout Northeast China. The activities of traitors, spies, and spies are rampant. Undoubtedly, this brought great difficulties to the activities of the small unit led by Zhao Shangzhi.

In December, it is the middle of winter, with the wind roaring and snow flying all day long. Zhao Shangzhi led a small team to brave the severe cold of 30 to 40 degrees below zero, wading through knee-deep snow, and walked four or five "travel rooms" in the depths of the dense forests of the Xiaoxing'an Mountains. Zhao Shangzhi’s footprints have been left in Dongjia Camp, Sihaidian, Banzifang and other places.

Everywhere they went, they took action according to the opportunity, either to publicize or to understand the situation, and got a lot of information about the situation in and outside the mountains.

On December 23, they came to Udaku, in the northern part of , Tangyuan County, 64 kilometers north of the puppet police station. They recruited Wang Yongxiao, a young man who collected fur goods, to join the team. In this way, the small team increased to six people.

In mid-January 1942, Zhao Shangzhi and his party had been operating in the northern parts of Heli and Tangyuan counties for three months. According to the Soviet request that they must return after crossing the border for three months regardless of the situation, Zhao Shangzhi and others A meeting was held on the way back from the three rooms behind the mountain to Jiangbaotou near Laobai Mountain.

At the meeting, Zhao Shangzhi decided that Zhang Fengqi, Zhao Haitao, and Han You would go to the Soviet Union to report the situation first. Jiang Lixin and Wang Yongxiao followed him and then left.

In fact, he, Jiang Lixin, and Wang Yongxiao returned to Jiangbaotou's "Panzifang" and continued to use this place as a base to carry out anti-Japanese activities. In this way, Zhao Shangzhi did not return to the Soviet Union as requested by the Soviet side but stayed.

However, at this time, the Japanese and puppet authorities were planning intensively to lay a sinister network for Zhao Shangzhi and his party.

As the main leader of the anti-Japanese guerrilla movement in Northeast China, Zhao Shangzhi has long been the target of the Japanese and puppet authorities' all-out hunting.

On April 14, 1939, the puppet Ministry of Public Security issued the "Kant's Six-Year Public Security Outline". The appendix of this "Outline" lists 60 leaders of the Anti-Japanese Alliance. The first place is Yang Jingyu, with a reward of 10,000 yuan, and the second place is Zhao Shangzhi, with a reward of 10,000 yuan.

Since Zhao Shangzhi stayed in the Soviet Union from the autumn of 1940 to October 1941, he had been missing from the enemy's intelligence and clue network for more than a year.

Unexpectedly, at the end of 1941, Zhao Shangzhi led a small force to carry out activities in the northern areas of Heli and Tangyuan, and was detected by the enemy.

First of all, the pseudo-Heli County Police Department obtained precise information about Zhao Shangzhi entering the Northeast from the northern area of ​​Heli from Feng Jiede, a spy disguised as a mountain goods collector.

At the same time, intelligence from Tangyuan County said: "On December 23, Zhao Shangzhi, who was wearing Japanese military uniforms, his subordinates Jiang Lixin, Zhang Fengqi and three others were 64 kilometers north (east of the Udeku Police Station) of Tangyuan County. "The upper reaches of Wutong River"

Zhao Shangzhi's appearance in the north of Heli and Tangyuan was unexpected by the enemy. Therefore, both pieces of information were regarded as "real information" by the Heli County Police Department and the value of the information was deemed to be "Category A".

The Pseudo-Heli County Police Department made a comprehensive judgment based on the above intelligence and was convinced that it was Zhao Shangzhi and his subordinates, and reported it to their superiors, which attracted great attention from the enemy.

It has been nearly twenty days since the outbreak of the Pacific War. The Japanese and puppet authorities stationed in Jinhegang Japanese military headquarters Captain Lin Dazuo and the puppet Heli County Police Department decided to annihilate the small force led by Zhao Shangzhi as early as possible in the first month of the lunar calendar. .

At the same time, in late December, the Pseudo-Heli County Police Department dispatched 25 people under the police captain Xia Yongchang to carry radio stations to conduct a seven-day search in the mountainous areas near the Heli River in conjunction with the winter "crusade." .

But the enemy still found nothing, and no trace of Zhao Shangzhi and others was seen.

At this time, the Xingshan Puppet Police Station, which was identified as the "first-line intelligence stronghold", its leader, Director Tianjing Jiujiro (Police Sergeant), and Special Agent Director Masao Tojo (Police Lieutenant) were also actively planning.

Tajing Jiujiro said: "We must find ways to secretly send disguised spies to infiltrate Zhao Shangzhi's troops, lure him into the police's sphere of influence, and wait for opportunities to seriously injure him and arrest him." Afterwards, Tianjing Jiujiro reported the plan as a top secret to the Heli County Police Department, and then forwarded it to the Sanjiang Provincial Police Department and the Security Branch through the County Police Department.

In early January 1942, the enemy decided to follow the plan and select agents from the Xingshan Puppet Police Station who were "deadly committed" to this task, and infiltrated the Zhao Department disguised as regular customers collecting mountain goods. As a result, agent Liu Deshan was selected.

Liu Deshan, also known as Liu Haifeng, was born in Zhuhe County Yimianpo. He was forty-two years old at the time. Born as a hunter, he was nicknamed "Liu Pao" because of his good marksmanship.

He once served as the squad leader of the security team of the Pseudo Wutonghe Gold Mining Association. Soon the security team was disbanded. He became a spy of the Pseudo Xingshan Police Station and acted as a hawk for the Japanese invaders.

Puppet Manchukuo agents took photos with Japanese military officers

Liu often used hunting as a cover to roam around the mountainous areas in the northern parts of Heli and Tangyuan counties, collecting information on anti-alliance activities and serving the enemy. Therefore, he was deeply appreciated by Tianjing Jiujiro. Kujiro Taai believed that Liu was an "excellent" agent.

Tianjing Jiujiro asked Liu Deshan to sneak into the mountains in the name of collecting leather goods and selling local goods, and to operate in the area where Zhao Shangzhi was operating. If Zhao Shangzhi was discovered, he would voluntarily join the Zhao Division, pretend to be active by providing false information, gain trust, and look for opportunities to attack Wutong. The Hejin Mine Police Station used the pretext to lure Zhao Shangzhi to the vicinity of the Wutong River and "capture and annihilate" him in one fell swoop.

Tajing Jiujiro promised to give Liu a generous bounty after the project was completed.

html On January 15, Liu Deshan followed the orders of Tianjing Jiujiro and disguised himself as a regular customer collecting mountain goods and ran into the mountainous area in the northern part of Heli County.

At the same time, in order to cooperate with the actions of the spy Liu Deshan, sixteen people under the pseudo-Heli County Guards Sergeant Takeo Anazawa were stationed in the so-called first-line area of ​​Wutong River in the northern part of Heli County to guard and collect intelligence.

html In late January, another 25 special agents including Wang Xiufeng were sent into the mountains from near Wutong River to specialize in intelligence liaison work.

In this way, a very vicious and insidious criminal plan to trap Zhao Shangzhi began to be implemented.

More than ten days later, Liu Deshan, who was familiar with the mountain roads and cunning and cunning, finally found the small unit led by Zhao Shangzhi at Jiangbaotou's "Tangzifang" near Laobai Mountain in the north of Tangyuan.

Zhao Shangzhi was very alert to Liu's sudden appearance, because after several months of activities in the mountains, Zhao Shangzhi knew that the Japanese and puppet authorities had very strict control over the Xiaoxing'an Mountains and the Heilongjiang River, and it was difficult for ordinary people to enter the mountains.

In order to explain the purpose of going into the mountain, Liu Deshan made up the story that he was from the Wutonghe Gold Mine Bureau. Two horses got lost while carrying food. The mine asked him to go into the mountain to look for the horses. If he couldn't find them, they would catch a few. A deer, get some skins and go back.

Zhao Shangzhi heard Liu's sweet words and felt that his behavior was suspicious, so he wanted to execute him. However, it happened that Jiang Lixin, the former commander of the Third Army who followed Zhao Shangzhi, and Liu Deshan had known each other in their early years.

After Jiang's persuasion, Zhao Shangzhi relieved Liu's doubts and conducted anti-Japanese and national salvation education for him.

Liu took advantage of the situation and pretended to be active, vowing to express his willingness to participate in the resistance against Japan. Contribute to the "strong team" (meaning the development of armed forces).

At the same time, he provided Zhao Shangzhi with Dai Hongbin and Chen Shaobin’s activities (note, at this time, both Dai and Chen had left the anti-alliance team, so their activities did not matter at all) and false information about the Japanese and puppet military and police, in order to To gain trust.

Zhao Shangzhi was eager to develop the anti-Japanese armed forces, but failed to see through his evil intentions and believed Liu Deshan's lies. In the absence of strict examination, Liu was recruited into the team and appointed as the Tangdong guerrilla captain. He was issued a letter of appointment with Zhao Shangzhi's seal, and was given a 38-type rifle and two bullets. Hundred rounds, two grenades.

Obviously, Zhao Shangzhi has fallen into the enemy's trap. Although Jiang Lixin had known Liu Deshan in his early years, Jiang did not know Liu's current situation.

Under the circumstances where the Japanese and puppet rule was very severe and the struggle situation was extremely complicated, he believed in the advice of his comrades and gave up on strict examination of Liu, which resulted in a big mistake.

As the saying goes: "A wise man will make a mistake after thinking a lot." However, the price that will be paid for this mistake is too high.

As a result, Zhao Shangzhi has buried a root cause of danger that may occur at any time and anywhere. In the days that followed, he gradually fell into the magic net and trap set by the enemy.

html In early February, the pseudo-Xingshan Police Chief Tiani Jiujiro failed to receive the intelligence from Liu Deshan according to the prior regulations.

According to Tianjing Jiujiro's prior regulations, Liu Deshan should return the obtained information to the police station at any time. However, Liu was afraid that frequent in and out would make Zhao Shangzhi suspicious, so although he was anxious to send the information out several times, he had to give up.

Tianjing Jiujiro thought that Liu might not have seen Zhao Shangzhi or was killed or failed in his work, so he sent the No. 2 agent Zhang Xiwei (Japanese puppet document writer Zhang Qingwang) into the mountain to perform the same task.

Zhang Xiwei often helped people carry mountain goods in the mountains (actually using this as a cover to engage in espionage activities). His nickname was Zhang Xiaobei. He was 34 years old at the time. He once served in the Jiamusi Puppet Police Department and later worked as a spy in the Xingshan Puppet Police Department. After Zhang entered the mountain , he immediately went to various "trip houses" in the mountain to inquire about Liu's news.

html At 4 o'clock in the afternoon on February 8, Zhang Xiwei was searching forty kilometers north of the Wutong River, and finally found the small unit led by Zhao Shangzhi in Jiangbaotou's "Tangzifang".

At the beginning, Zhao Shangzhi expressed doubts about Zhang's appearance, thinking that he was a spy from the Puppet Procuratorate and wanted to shoot him.

When Liu Deshan saw that the visitor was an accomplice, he said to Zhao Shangzhi in an extremely treacherous manner: "He is my only relative and friend. Because I could not go back in time, he was very worried and came to inquire about me."

Zhao Shangzhi saw Liu like this He said and put the gun back. Subsequently, this agent also sneaked into the small unit led by Zhao Shangzhi. Since then, two agents, Liu and Zhang, have been lurking next to Zhao Shangzhi.

One minute, after the two agents Zhang Xiwei and Liu Deshan met, they began to lure Zhao Shangzhi towards the Wutong River gold mine according to the plan formulated by Tianjing Jiujiro.

At 6 o'clock that night, special agent Liu Deshan "offered advice" to Zhao Shangzhi and said: "The Wutonghe Gold Mine Police Station lacks security strength, and now is a good opportunity to attack."

After hearing this, Zhao Shangzhi did not comment on Liu's suggestion. . After dinner, Zhao Shangzhi made a decision after consideration: at dawn on the 12th, he would attack the puppet police station and garrison at the Wutong River Gold Mine. And made specific combat deployments.

He divided the personnel into two groups; one group, Zhao Shangzhi, Wang Yongxiao, and Zhang Xiwei, attacked the puppet police station. Jiang Lixin, Liu Deshan, and a group of "Tangzifang" guys went to attack the guard team, preparing to seize weapons, ammunition, and food. .

Late at night, when Liu and Zhang went out to urinate, Liu asked Zhang to report back to the Wutonghe Gold Mine Police Station when he had the chance.

The next morning, Zhao Shangzhi and his party set off from Jiangbaotou's "Tangzifang" and moved towards the Wutonghe Gold Mine Puppet Police Station. According to Japanese records, the situation on the 9th and the following days is as follows:

html On February 9th, I got up at 6 a.m. and set off at 8 a.m. after breakfast. Take a break along the way. At 8 o'clock in the afternoon, we arrived at the Chaibatou hut where mountain goods are collected and stayed at the Chaibatou hut. That night, Zhang Xiwei stood guard from 12 o'clock to 1 o'clock.

html On February 10th, I got up at 6 am. After breakfast, we planned to attack Wutong River, so we set off at 11 o'clock.

Before setting off, Zhao Shangzhi said to his men: If the attack on Wutong River succeeds, we will ride to the Soviet Union; if the attack fails, we will all gather at Jiangbaotou's hut. Rest two or three times along the way.

html On February 12, at 1:00 midnight, when they arrived at a lonely farmhouse 2,000 meters north of the Wutong River, Liu Deshan said to Zhao Shangzhi: It is necessary to send someone to the Wutong River to investigate now. Zhao Shangzhi also believed that it was necessary to send people who were familiar with the tribal situation. So Zhang Xiwei was sent. Zhang thought this was a good opportunity and agreed.


After that, Zhang Xiwei followed Liu Deshan's order and went straight to the Wutonghe Gold Mine Puppet Police Station. Immediately afterwards, there was a fierce battle that killed Zhao Shangzhi.

February 12, 1942 (the twenty-seventh day of the twelfth lunar month), early morning. In the northern land, the wind is blowing and the cold is approaching.

Located in the Xiaoxing'anling Mountains, there is a place called Lujia Caiyuanzi, two kilometers north of the Wutonghe Gold Mine Puppet Police Station (in the current construction area of ​​Shangzhi Forestry Farm of Hebei Forestry Bureau).

The so-called Lu family vegetable garden is an independent farmhouse in the mountains, where a family named Lu lives. The owner's name is Lu Xianling. The Lu family of four make a living by farming. Because they grow a lot of vegetables for people in the Wutong River Gold Mine, this place is called the Lu Family Vegetable Garden.

At around 1:30 in the morning, gunshots rang out near the Lu family’s vegetable garden. The gunshot broke the silent night, and a fierce battle was going on here.

During this battle, Zhao Shangzhi, the general of the Northeast Anti-Resistance Federation who was wounded by enemy agents and stained the snow red with blood, was captured by the enemy while he was seriously injured and in a coma.

It turns out that since Zhao Shangzhi led a small force to move towards the Wutong River gold mine, Liu Deshan has been following him in order to wait for an opportunity to murder Zhao Shangzhi.

Wutonghe Gold Mine Pseudo Police Branch

When they arrived at the Lu family vegetable garden, Liu Deshan, who was walking in front of Zhao Shangzhi, thought the time had come, so he cunningly said to everyone: "This is not far from the branch, let's Go to the Caiyuanzi room to warm up."

then said, "You go first, I will relieve myself (urinate)." After

said that, he turned around and walked behind Zhao Shangzhi, raised his rifle and shot at Zhao Shangzhi. Because he was so close, Zhao Shangzhi was shot in the lower part of his back and fell to the ground.

At this time, Zhao Shangzhi was very aware of everything that happened, and immediately realized that Liu Deshan turned out to be an enemy spy. He endured the severe pain and remained calm as ever. He picked up his pistol and shot Liu Deshan. He was hit once in Liu Deshan's head and abdomen, killing him instantly.

After the gunfire, Jiang Lixin, who was walking behind, hurriedly ran forward. In the dark night, I could still feel the blood flowing from Shangzhi 's abdomen, and the blood soaked through his clothes and pants.

Zhao Shangzhi knew that his injuries were serious and it was difficult to continue moving, so he ordered Jiang Lixin and Bian to leave quickly.

Jiang Lixin, who has followed Zhao Shangzhi for many years, is extremely regretful at this moment. Why did he intercede for Liu in the first place! But it was too late. He hurriedly carried the injured Zhao Shangzhi into the Lu family's vegetable garden hut.

Jiang Lixin

In the middle of the night, the sound of gunshots woke up the owner of the Lu family's vegetable garden. Under the oil lamp factory, he was very frightened to see a man in Japanese military uniform who was seriously injured.

Zhao Shangzhi hurriedly explained to the host: "We are from the Anti-Union League. Don't be afraid, we will not hurt you." Xiang Xiang said to Aunt Chang: "Auntie, please cover your hands for me."

A few words can be said The master of the Lu family relieved his fear and quickly helped him to the kang and let him lie on a blanket.

The hostess covered Zhao Shangzhi's cold hands with her warm hands on the kang. At the same time, he and his daughter Lu Zhenqing applied a handful of batter to Zhao Shangzhi's wound and wrapped it twice with a cloth strip to stop the bleeding.

Son-in-law Sun Kemao lit the stove in the house and boiled water for Zhao Shangzhi to warm his body.

At this time, Jiang Lixin and Sun Kemao, son-in-law of the Lu family, wanted to carry Zhao Shangzhi away through the firewood gate of the courtyard. Zhao Shangzhi said, "No, the injury is very serious this time and I can't walk out." He handed his document package to Jiang Lixin. Again he was ordered to leave quickly.

Agent Zhang Xiwei, who had just broken up with Liu Deshan near Lujia Caiyuanzi, heard gunfire from behind and hurried to the Wutonghe Gold Mine Puppet Police Station.

As soon as he stepped into the gate of the branch station, he shouted at the sentry post: "Whose guard? Liu Pao and Zhao Shangzhi are fighting!"

The pseudo-policemen in the branch station were shocked when they heard the sound and became a mess. Takeo Anazawa, the chief of the county's pseudo-police team who was responsible for the security duty in Wutong River, and Li Shusen, the director of the branch, temporarily summoned twelve pseudo-police and security team members to form a "punitive team" in a hurry.

html At 02:40, the "Punade Team", led by special agent Zhang Xiwei, set off, rushed to the scene, and surrounded the Lu family vegetable garden. A fierce gun battle broke out between the two sides.

During the battle, Zhao Shangzhi covered Jiang Lixin's transfer of files containing secret documents and activity funds, and went directly to the Soviet Union. Bian also fled and his whereabouts are unknown since then.

Afterwards, the "Cruelty Team" entered the Lu family's house, drove the Lu family outside, and lifted Zhao Shangzhi, who was seriously injured and unconscious, from the kang. Zhao Shangzhi and Wang Yongxiao were captured while they were seriously injured and in a coma with severe pain.

After searching, the enemy's "punitive team" captured Zhao Shangzhi's seal, several appointment certificates, two Type 38 rifles with 230 rounds of bullets, and an American Klute No. 1 pistol with 13 bullets. issued, ten Japanese-made Type 91 grenades and a set of Japanese military uniforms.

After that, the enemy sent people to call two sledges from the Gold Mine Bureau to transport the bodies of seriously injured Zhao Shangzhi, Wang Yongxiao and special agent Liu Deshan to a "Golden Zhiba" near the Wutong River Gold Mine Puppet Police Station. ” (the work shed where the gold miners lived) there.

At the same time, Lu's family was taken away for interrogation: "If someone from the Anti-Japanese Alliance came, why didn't you report it?"

Although the enemy tried to force a confession, Lu's family insisted that they did not know what they were doing and did not report it to the enemy. Reveal the real situation.

Zhao Shangzhi was seriously injured and has been in a coma. When he woke up, he looked at the fake policeman Ding Chunsheng driving the sledge and said: "I only wanted to die among thousands of troops, but I didn't expect to die in the hands of Liu Pao." Ding used a white flour bag to bandage his wound briefly.

Old photo of the work shed where Zhao Shangzhi died

Zhao Shangzhi suffered a penetrating injury. The bullet entered from the lower right part of the back and passed diagonally between the outer abdomen and the crotch. The blood flow continued and the injury was very serious.

In order to learn the secrets of the anti-alliance activities, the enemy obtained a confession. Since Zhao Shangzhi was seriously injured and unable to move, he conducted a surprise interrogation on the spot.

Needless to say, Zhao Shangzhi was deceived by the enemy, fell into a trap, was wounded and captured. However, his final struggle against the enemy was extremely heroic and strong.

When the Japanese and pseudo-policemen brought him food, he angrily yelled, "I won't eat your Manchukuo food. Stay away from me, I smell your fishy food."

He also angrily scolded the Manchukuo police who were interrogating him: "Aren't you and I also Chinese?" You have become traitors and deserve to be killed! "

Zhao Shangzhi suppressed the unbearable pain with amazing perseverance. When he saw Wang Yongxiao crying out in pain from time to time, he said, "It doesn't hurt anymore if you scream?" Why don't you die even if you call me? We must have Chinese backbone! "

Zhao Shangzhi lived only eight hours after being injured. His heart stopped beating at around 9 a.m. on February 12 at the age of 34. Wang Yongxiao, a patriotic young man who had recently joined the team, lived for 11 hours after being injured and also died.

Judging from the existing photos of Zhao Shangzhi's remains, there was no pain on his face when he died, his appearance was majestic, and his brows showed a strong and fearless spirit.

Especially his eyes, which were not closed, were pointed upward. Staring, it can be said that Zhao Shangzhi sacrificed his life for the cause of national liberation. He endured severe pain at the end of his life and persisted in fighting. In the face of the brutal enemy, he would rather die for his country than for his life. It shows a revolutionary's infinite loyalty to the motherland.

As the saying goes, "There are unpredictable circumstances, and people have misfortune." The root cause of Zhao Shangzhi's misfortune was both objective and subjective.

To be honest, since the Japanese and puppet authorities discovered the whereabouts of Zhao Shangzhi and others in Heli and Tangyuan, they devoted a large number of police forces to hunt for Zhao Shangzhi, and used traitor agents in various scheming ways to lay a magic network that was difficult to escape.

Subjectively speaking, Zhao Shangzhi wanted to develop his team and was too eager to carry out activities. When Liu Deshan suddenly appeared, he too listened to his comrades' introduction to his situation, which led to the enemy Yin's success. It should be said that this was Zhao Shangzhi's biggest failure. Error.

At the same time, people cannot help but think that whenever ethnic conflicts rise and become the main contradiction in China's long history, there will always be a group of traitors who lose their national integrity and seek rewards for taking credit. Elements.

They betray national interests, or lead wolves into the house, or act as the scum of the nation. It is these despicable scum that can do things that the enemy cannot do, and help foreign enemies lead our compatriots step by step into disaster. The abyss of the world.

Tianjing Jiujiro was extremely happy when he saw that Zhao Shangzhi had succeeded in his plan. Then, he and the special agent director Masao Tojo called the pseudo-Heli Prefecture Police Department Kasuga Hyōkichi (police officer) and the special agent chief. Ozaki Yoshito (Police Sergeant) contacted and informed him that Zhao Shangzhi had been captured and "desperate".

At the same time, Tian Jingjiro immediately drafted a report about Zhao Shangzhi's shooting to the Puppet Heli County Police Department and the Puppet Sanjiang Province. Report of the Police Department.

When drafting the report, Taiji Kujiro believed that if the report on the assassination of Zhao Shangzhi by spy Liu Deshan was true, it would not reflect the achievements of the Japanese and puppet "punitive team"

So he lied about Zhao in the report. Both Shang Zhi and Wang Yongxiao were killed in the battle by the "punitive team". Zhao Shangzhi endured the severe pain of gunshot wounds and shot Liu Deshan, saying that Liu died due to hand-to-hand fighting during the "punitive".

Because Zhao Shangzhi and Wang Yongxiao were said to have been killed by the "punitive team" in the battle, for this reason, the Puppet Heli County Guard and the Xingshan Police Station won the highest award of the Puppet Manchukuo Police. The commander of the Japanese Kwantung Army and The Puppet Manchukuo Public Security Department gave each a bonus of 10,000 yuan.

htmlAt 3 pm on February 14, the enemy used horse sledges to transport Zhao Shangzhi’s body from the Wutong River Gold Mine Puppet Police Station to Jushuiqiao (today’s Shangzhi Village), and then transported it by car from Jushuiqiao to the Puppet Xing County. Mountain Police Department.

The enemy took Zhao Shangzhi's body out of the car. Dongcheng Masao untied his belt and conducted a full body search. What he saw was his body that was so thin that only bones were left, with his two eyes open. Then a photo studio on the street took photos of the body.

At the beginning, the enemy was quite confused about whether the deceased was Zhao Shangzhi. It turned out that Takeo Anazawa, who led the expedition, always liked to take advantage of small things. In addition, Japan was in trouble at the time, and the supply of military supplies was already very difficult. He saw that the Japanese military uniforms worn by Zhao Shangzhi were in tatters, but the cowhide boots on his feet were. It was very good, so he took it off and took it for himself.

The gendarmerie found it difficult to understand when they saw the corpse being transported without shoes. "If General Zhao had fought with Sheriff Anazawa who went to 'conquer', could he not wear shoes?"

The military police thought that Takeo Anazawa's story was not realistic enough and thought that he picked up the body from the mountain in order to claim credit. Please tell me it's Zhao Shangzhi.

Later, Takeo Anazawa admitted that he had asked him to take off the boots Zhao Shangzhi was wearing and took them out. Only then did the military police clear up their doubts.

In order to further confirm whether the body was really Zhao Shangzhi, pseudo-Sanjiang Provincial Police Department affairs officer Shinohara Katsuki and pseudo-Heli County Police Section Police Masaru Heiki found the Anti-League traitor and former Anti-League traitor who knew Zhao Shangzhi. Li Huatang, commander of the Ninth Army, identified the body of Zhao Shangzhi.

Li Huatang saw Zhao Shangzhi's body and said, "That's right." He shouted, "Commander! What happened to you?" and shed a few tears.

Li Huatang pointed out that there was a scar under Zhao Shangzhi's left eye, which proved that it was indeed Zhao Shangzhi. The dozen or so Japanese present immediately cheered.

That night, officials from the Puppet Jiang Provincial Police Department, the Puppet Heli County Police Department, the Puppet Xingshan Police Station and the "Punitive Team" personnel held a "celebration banquet"

On February 15, the Puppet Xingshan Police Station sent special agents Director Dong Chengzhengxiong transported the frozen body of Zhao Shangzhi by car from Xingshan to Jiamusi Pseudo-Sanjiang Provincial Police Department via Heli.

In Jiamusi, the ferocious and cruel pseudo-Sanjiang Provincial Police Chief Tanaka Shigeci ordered the guards of the Security Division to saw off Zhao Shangzhi's head and throw his body into an ice cave in the Songhua River, causing his head to be dismembered.

html On February 25, the Sanjiang Provincial Police Department ordered Dongcheng Masao, the special agent director of the Xingshan Police Station, to fly Zhao Shangzhi's body in a wooden box to Changchun.

At the airport, Zhao Shangzhi's body was transported by car to the puppet Ministry of Public Security by the Japanese and puppet officials who came to greet him. The puppet Minister of Public Security Yu Zhishan and some leading figures of the Japanese Kwantung Army came to see Zhao Shangzhi's body. .

After that, a banquet was held as usual to "celebrate" and they cheered enthusiastically for "the victory in suppressing the bandits."

However, the Japanese and puppet authorities had to admit that Zhao Shangzhi "had great power in the Northern Manchuria area. His reputation in history has been remembered by the people in the Northern Manchuria area."

Zhao Shangzhi's sacrifice also aroused the concern of the Japanese and puppet authorities. fear. The Puppet Sanjiang Provincial Police Department issued an order, ordering neighboring counties to strengthen vigilance, especially border counties, to strictly guard the river banks.

The enemy was afraid that the anti-alliance forces would come back to the Wutonghe gold mine, so they immediately closed down the gold factory, demolished the sheds, relocated the equipment, dismissed the workers, and moved the pseudo-police station to Jushuiqiao. Later, it was renamed Wutonghe Village (today's Shangzhi Village) . The original Wutong River gold mine has since been abandoned and disappeared.

When the news of Zhao Shangzhi's sacrifice reached the anti-alliance fighters participating in training in the Soviet Union, people began to not believe that it was true news. Because in the enemy's propaganda, Zhao Shangzhi has been killed many times.

When Jiang Lixin, who accepted Zhao Shangzhi's order to escape from the tiger's mouth, ran to the Soviet Union and told his comrades what happened, people believed that Zhao Shangzhi had indeed passed away.

Some of his comrades who had been with him were speechless and some were in tears. They recalled the past, expressed admiration for his heroic deeds, and expressed deep sympathy for his misfortune.

Those Soviet Red Army officers and soldiers who studied and fought with the Anti-Japanese Union generals were also very sad after learning the news of Zhao Shangzhi's death.

They compared Zhao Shangzhi with Xia Boyang (Chapayev 1887-1919), the hero of the Soviet-Russian Civil War, and called Zhao Shangzhi "China's Xia Boyang". This is undoubtedly a high praise and praise for him. Naturally, it is also an honor for the vast number of soldiers of the Northeast Anti-Japanese Allied Forces.

The dialectics of history is ruthless. No matter how crazy the invaders are, they can never save themselves from defeat and destruction.

In the year when Zhao Shangzhi died, that is, starting from the second half of 1942, the situation of the world anti-fascist war took a turn for the better, and Japan began to decline in the Pacific War.

Three years after Zhao Shangzhi's death, in August 1945, the Soviet Union declared war on Japan. The Soviet army sent troops to the Northeast. The Northeast Anti-Japanese Allied Forces trained in the Soviet Union cooperated with it and launched a final fierce offensive against the Japanese Kwantung Army, ultimately defeating the Japanese invasion. who overthrew the puppet Manchukuo.

People who were unwilling to endure the oppression of the Japanese invaders and did not want to be slaves finally won freedom and light after fourteen years of long and hard struggle for the survival of the nation and the integrity of the country since September 18, 1931.

Northeast China was restored, and the great rivers and mountains returned to the embrace of the motherland. The ideal that Zhao Shangzhi fought for with his life has been realized.

With the victory of the Anti-Japanese War and the collapse of the puppet Manchukuo, those heinous Japanese invaders were put on the trial stand of history.

At that time, the puppet Hingshan Police Station Chief Tiani Jiuichijiro and the Secret Service Director Masao Tojo, who directly planned the murder of Zhao Shangzhi, were both arrested by the Soviet army as war criminals against China.

After July 1950, they were imprisoned in Fushun War Criminals Management Center. On April 7, 1954, Masao Tojo underwent a fundamental change in his thinking under the inspiration of the Chinese government's policy of education, reform, and leniency for war criminals.

He first explained how he participated in the murder of Zhao Shangzhi, admitted his guilt, and at the same time exposed the crimes of Tianjing Jiujiro.

Two years later, Tianjing Jiujiro also submitted the "Confession for the Murder of General Zhao Shangzhi" on June 23, 1956, confessing the entire process of the murder of Zhao Shangzhi and admitting the crimes he had committed against the Chinese people.

Tianjing Jiujiro said in the "Confession": "The murder of General Zhao Shangzhi and Wang Yongxiao was directly planned by me. I ordered Dongcheng to seduce Liu Deshan and Zhang Chunyu (press, Zhang Xiwei) with money and use them as a strategist. He was manipulated by the police and committed this crime. As the person who formulated this conspiracy, I am guilty of murder and bear the responsibility for this incident."

Li Shusen, the director of the Wutonghe Puppet Police Station who participated in the "crusade" to capture Zhao Shangzhi, was sentenced to death by the Luobei County People's Court after liberation.

What needs to be mentioned here is that Masao Toucheng, the special agent director of the Puppet Xingshan Police Station who participated in planning the murder of Zhao Shangzhi and personally sent his body to Changchun, died in August 1956 after deep reflection at the Fushun War Criminals Management Office. He was released and returned to China in May.

Masao Tojo

He was lenient towards the Chinese government and released war criminals. Deeply grateful. However, this person who recognized his crime and transformed himself into a person who was friendly to the Chinese people was regarded by the right-wing forces as a "red element" who was brainwashed in China after returning to China. He could not find a formal job for a long time. . He worked as a rural laborer, a janitor, and a porter in a fruit factory.

Despite this, Masao Tojo resolutely served as a member of the editorial board of the "China Returners Liaison Association". He often wrote articles using his personal experience to explain the crimes committed by the war of aggression against the Chinese people, talked about his ideological transformation process at the Fushun War Criminals Management Center, actively participated in anti-war, maintained peace, and advocated Sino-Japanese friendly activities.

He felt deeply guilty for his participation in the murder of General Zhao Shangzhi. Whenever he mentioned this matter, he felt that he had served militarism at that time and was really sorry for the Chinese people.

He once said in the article "I participated in the murder of General Zhao Shangzhi": "My participation in the murder of General Zhao was not only committed against the general, but also against the 30 million Chinese people in the three eastern provinces at that time. My crimes made them immersed in great sorrow and anger because they lost the leader of the anti-Japanese struggle. Because of my crimes, the victory of the Northeast People's Anti-Japanese Movement and the National Independence and Liberation Movement was greatly delayed. , the more I feel that the crime I committed is unforgivable.”
