As we all know, the Dazexiang Uprising, also known as the "Chen Sheng and Wuguang Uprising", was part of the peasant war in the late Qin Dynasty. This uprising dealt a heavy blow to the Qin Dynasty and marked the beginning of the peasant uprising in the late Qin Dynasty. It was t

1. Killing officers in desperation, Chen Sheng and Wu Guangfa mutiny

As we all know, Dazexiang Uprising, also known as "Chen Sheng and Wu Guang Uprising", was part of the peasant war in the late Qin Dynasty. This uprising dealt a heavy blow to the Qin Dynasty and marked the beginning of the peasant uprising in the late Qin Dynasty. It was the first large-scale civilian uprising in Chinese history. In the autumn of the first year of Qin II, the Qin court recruited poor people from Luzuo to garrison Yuyang. More than 900 garrison soldiers, including Chen Sheng and Wu Guang, were conscripted to Yuyang to garrison the border. On the way, they were blocked by heavy rain in Daze Township, Qi County and could not reach their destination as scheduled. In desperation, Chen Sheng and Wu Guang led the garrison soldiers to kill the officers escorting the garrison soldiers and launched a mutiny.

2. Build the Great Wall to develop the south and build the luxurious Epang Palace

The rebel army elected Chen Sheng as general and Wu Guang as captain . He conquered Daze Township and Qixian County, and established the Zhang Chu regime in Chen County, and various places responded one after another. The Dazexiang Uprising failed because of Chen Sheng's pride after gaining power and because Qin general chapter Han led the Qin army to suppress it. I think that in order to resist the Xiongnu , Qin Shihuang sent people to build the Great Wall , sent 300,000 troops, and recruited hundreds of thousands of civilians; in order to develop the south, he mobilized 300,000 soldiers and civilians. He also used 700,000 prisoners to build a huge and luxurious Afang Palace. The government forced the people to rebel, which was the main reason for the uprising.

3. All the tomb builders were buried alive and no one was allowed to come out

When the Second Emperor ascended the throne, hundreds of thousands of prisoners and civilian husbands were recruited from all over the country to build the tomb of Qin Shihuang on a large scale. The tomb was opened very large and deep, and a large amount of copper was melted and poured into it to cast the foundation, on which the stone chamber, tomb passage and tomb were built. The Second Emperor also asked craftsmen to dig the tomb into the shape of rivers, lakes and seas, and filled it with mercury. Then Qin Shihuang was buried there. After the burial, in order to prevent someone from robbing the tomb in the future, they also asked the craftsmen to install killing equipment in the tomb. In the end, they cruelly buried all the craftsmen who made the tomb in the tomb passage and did not let anyone come out. I think, II More cruel than Qin Shihuang.

4. At that time, the people were not human beings, and they were just young men who narrowly escaped death.

The big tomb was not completed, so the second generation and Zhao Gao continued to build the Epang Palace. At that time, the population of China was only 20 million. The total number of people who were drafted successively to build the Great Wall, guard Lingnan, build Epang Palace, build big tombs and other labors was almost 2 to 3 million, not counting young children and women. . An unknown amount of manpower and financial resources were spent, forcing the people to complain. In 209 BC, the local official of Yangcheng sent two officers and 900 civilians to Yuyang for defense. The officer selected two tall and capable men from this group of strong men to serve as village chiefs and asked them to manage the other people. I think that at that time, ordinary people were not regarded as human beings. Everyone knew that as long as they were strong men, they would escape death.

5. If we become rich in the future, let us never forget each other.

One of these two people is called Chen Sheng, who is from Yangcheng, with the courtesy name She, and is a long-term laborer; the other is named Wu Guang, who is from Yangxia and is a poor farmer. When Chen Sheng was young, he was hired to plow fields with others. Once when he stopped plowing and walked to the field ridge to rest, he felt annoyed for a long time. Chen Sheng said: "If anyone becomes rich in the future, everyone should not forget it." His fellow employees who were employed with him smiled and replied: "You were hired to plow the fields, how can you be rich?" Chen Sheng sighed. He said: "Alas! How can small birds such as swallows and sparrows understand the lofty aspirations of geese and swans!"

6. Divination says that everything can come true, just to deceive others.

In July, it happened to rain heavily and the roads were blocked. They It is estimated that the deadline set by Yuyang has been reached. After the prescribed time limit, everyone should be beheaded according to the law. Chen Sheng and Wu Guang discussed it and pretended to be the princes of Fusu and Xiang Yan, and issued a call for uprising to the people of the world. I think that he went to divine fortune and misfortune. The fortune tellers knew their intentions and said that you can succeed in everything and make achievements, just to deceive others. Chen Sheng and Wu Guang were very happy, so they wrote the three words " Chen Sheng Wang " on a piece of white silk with cinnabar, and stuffed it into the belly of the fish caught by others with a net.

7. Whip Wu Guang and pull out his sword. Wu Guang seizes the sword and kills the county captain.

The garrison bought fish and cooked it. When he found the silk book in the fish belly, he naturally felt very strange about this. Chen Sheng secretly sent Wu Guang to light a bonfire at night, imitating the voice of a fox and shouting: "Great Chu is rising, King Chen Sheng." The garrison soldiers talked a lot the next morning, and they all pointed and looked at Chen Sheng. I think Wu Guang has always cared about others, and many people were willing to serve him during the garrison, which was the key to the uprising. The county lieutenant escorting the team was drunk. Wu Guang threatened to run away many times, which provoked the county lieutenant to insult him in public and angered everyone. The county lieutenant whipped Wu Guang and drew his sword. Wu Guang grabbed the sword and killed the county lieutenant. Chen Sheng worked together to kill two county captains.

8. First attack Daze Township, replenish troops and expand the team

Then he summoned his subordinates to call for an uprising, and all the subordinates agreed unanimously. So they staged an uprising in the name of Prince Fusu and Chu general Xiang Yan to comply with the people's wishes. Everyone showed their right arm as a sign and was known as Da Chu. They also built a high platform to take the oath and used the general's head as a sacrifice. Chen Sheng appointed himself as general and Wu Guang as captain. I think they were caught off guard and attacked Daze Township first, and then attacked Qixian County after it was captured. After Qixian was captured, he sent Fuliren Ge Ying to lead troops to capture the area east of Qixian. They attacked Qi, Feng, Kuzhe and Qiao in succession and conquered them all. As they marched, they continued to replenish their troops and expand their ranks.

9. It is unwise to be king in a hurry. It is unwise to rush for quick success.

When they arrived in Chen County, they already had six to seven hundred military chariots, more than a thousand cavalry, and tens of thousands of infantry. When Chen County was attacked, the county guards and magistrates there happened to be absent. Only the county magistrate who stayed behind led the troops and fought with the rebels under the city gate. As a result, the county magistrate was defeated and died, so the rebel army entered the city and occupied Chen County. I think it was not a wise move for Chen Sheng to summon the three elders in charge of education and local heroes to hold a meeting and hurriedly proclaim himself king. It was a bit eager for quick success. Chen She established himself as king, and his country name was Zhang Chu.

10. Arrest and sentence officials, and kill them in response to Chen She

At this time, people in various counties and counties who could not stand the tyranny of the officials of the Qin Dynasty arrested and convicted their officials and killed them in response to Chen She. So Wu Guang was appointed as the acting king and led the generals to attack Xingyang westward. He ordered the people of Chen County, Wu Chen, Zhang Er, and Chen Yu, to capture the original jurisdiction of Zhao State, and ordered the Ruyin people, Deng Zong, to capture Jiujiang County. I think that the thousands of people in Chu region gathered together to revolt, too many to count. This is the key. Less than three months after the uprising, people in Zhao, Qi, Yan, Wei and other places proclaimed themselves kings under the banner of restoring the Six Kingdoms. If the uprising has clear goals and works together, it is impossible to fail.

11. Wu Guang was killed by his subordinates, and Chen Sheng was killed by Zhuang Jia.

Chen Sheng sent an insurgent army led by Zhou Wen to attack westward. They soon invaded Guanzhong and approached Xianyang , the capital of the Qin Dynasty. The second emperor of Qin Dynasty was panic-stricken and quickly sent General Zhang Han to free the prisoners and slaves who were doing hard labor in Lishan Mountain, organize an army, and fight back against the rebels. The original nobles of the six countries each occupied their own territory, and no one went to support the rebels. Zhou Wen's rebel army fought alone and finally failed. I think that Wu Guang was killed by his subordinates in Xingyang, and in the sixth month after the uprising, Chen Sheng was designed and killed by his coachman Zhuang Jia on the way to escape. This is an inevitable result. In the end, Zhuang Jia took Chen Sheng's head to ask for credit from the Qin army, which was very sad.

12. Rest and recuperation in the early Han Dynasty, affected by the peasant uprising

I believe that the Dazexiang Uprising was the first large-scale peasant uprising in Chinese history. Where there is oppression, there is resistance.The revolutionary pioneering spirit of Chen Sheng and Wu Guang inspired millions of working people to rise up against the brutal rule. Chen Sheng and Wu Guang's uprising fundamentally shook the rule of the Qin Dynasty and created favorable conditions for the subsequent Xiang Yu and Liu Bang to destroy Qin. It occupied an important position in the history of Chinese peasant wars and was also an excellent education for subsequent feudal rulers. , the recuperation policy and enlightened rule of the early Han Dynasty were largely influenced by the peasant uprising.

13. They dared to rebel against the Qin Dynasty when they had 900 troops.

The Dazexiang Uprising was the first peasant uprising in Chinese history. Under the leadership of Chen Sheng and Wu Guang, based on 900 garrison soldiers, they launched a rebellion against the Qin Dynasty. of peasant uprising. So who is Chen Sheng and Wu Guang? Why did they dare to rebel against the Qin Dynasty with only 900 troops? According to Chen Sheng and Wu Guang, it was because heavy rain cut off the road and they could not reach the destination as scheduled. In order to avoid being punished, That's why he rebelled. So what kind of punishment does the law of the Qin Dynasty stipulate for delaying arrival at the border guarding area? It is recorded in the unearthed sleeping land tiger Qin bamboo slips : "If you delay for three to five days, you will only be reprimanded; if you delay for seven to ten days, you will only be fined one Shield; There will be no penalty for delay due to weather reasons. ”

14. The said delay will be heavily punished, which is obviously unfounded.

It can be seen that Chen Sheng and Wu Guang’s statement that the delay will be severely punished is obviously unfounded. So for what purpose did Chen Sheng and Wu Guang launch the Dazexiang Uprising? What are their true identities? We analyze the real reasons for the Dazexiang Uprising and restore the situation at that time. I think that the identity of Chen Sheng and Wu Guang is unclear. As the two leaders, Chen Sheng and Wu Guang went to Yuyang to guard the border with 900 civilians. On the way, it rained heavily and rocks rolled down, blocking the only passable road. Seeing that Chen Sheng and Wu Guang were about to postpone, they excused themselves by saying that if they postponed, they would be beheaded, and prepared to lead the garrison back.

15. God warned King Chen Sheng, and the people believed it.

In order to find a suitable reason, Chen Sheng and Wu Guang had people write the words "King Chen Sheng" on white silk and put it in the belly of the fish. Then they found some familiar villagers and asked them to pretend to buy fish and cook it for them to eat. Sure enough, the white silk was discovered by the people, who thought it was a warning from God. I think that Chen Sheng and Wu Guang were using an excuse to delay their arrival at the border guarding area, and would also be killed by the Qin Dynasty. God had given a warning that Chen Sheng should be the king. The common people are uneducated and believe it to be true. Chen Sheng and Wu Guang killed the officers and soldiers who were unwilling to revolt, and led 900 people to start the journey against the violent Qin.

16. The village chief is equivalent to the township chief, similar to Liu Bang's pavilion chief.

Chen Sheng and Wu Guang were the village chiefs. They were also people with official positions at the time, not ordinary people. The official system of the Qin Dynasty was different. It can be roughly understood that the position of the village chief is equivalent to the modern township chief position, and is similar to Liu Bang's pavilion chief's powers. According to the records in "Historical Records": "Chen Sheng and Wu Guang both served as village chiefs. "Chen Sheng and Wu Guang both hold this position and are also people with a certain social status. I think there is a reason why Wu Guang and others raised Chen Sheng's identity. Chen Sheng was from Yangcheng, in the territory of Chen State in the Spring and Autumn Period. The king of Chen State was surnamed Chen. Chen Sheng was most likely a descendant of the king of Chen State. Wu Guang and others therefore wrote the words "King Chen Sheng" on the white silk, also out of consideration for Chen Sheng's identity.

17. To express that it is just to raise an army and to attract more people to participate in the uprising.

I think that the slogan of the uprising is questionable. In the peasant uprisings in the past dynasties, a slogan was always used to express that it was just to raise the army and to attract more people to participate. Rebel Army. When Chen Sheng and Wu Guang revolted, their slogan was: "I sincerely claim to be my masters Fusu and Xiang Yan because of our deceit, and I will sing for the world. Many people should respond." It is easy to understand the resistance to the violent Qin rule. The purpose is to win over the people of Chu and let them join the fight against the Qin Dynasty. As a famous general of Chu, Xiang Yan has great appeal to the people of Chu.

18. The uprising was not forced, Chen Sheng and Wu Guang were prepared.

In the uprising slogan, it was mentioned that Fusu was not normal. Fusu was the eldest son of Qin Shihuang and would definitely not resist the Qin Dynasty. Why did Chen Sheng and Wu Guang use the banner of Fusu? I think Chen Sheng and Wu Guang knew that there were constant internal disputes in the Qin State, and they wanted to gain support from some people within the Qin State, so they used the banner of Fusu. Chen Sheng and Wu Guang were so ambitious that they used the banner of Fusu to resist the Qin Dynasty. If Chen Sheng and Wu Guang were simple village commanders, they would not have such a strategy, and they would not be able to find out the inside information of the Qin State. There must be someone behind it. The Dazexiang uprising was not forced, but initiated by Chen Sheng and Wu Guang.

19. Prince Fusu hanged himself, Chen Sheng and Wu Guang are unknown.

Who is the person behind Chen Sheng and Wu Guang? During the uprising of Chen Sheng and Wu Guang in 209 BC, the two men took up the banner of Xiang Yan and Fusu. There is a problem with the line. In 210 BC, the first emperor of Qin died of illness while on his eastern tour. The great eunuch Zhao Gao beguiled Prime Minister Li Si, tampered with the imperial edict, and established Qin II Hu Hai on the throne. After Hu Hai ascended the throne, Zhao Gao sent someone to falsely pass on the imperial edict and ordered Fusu to commit suicide. In the same year, Prince Fusu hanged himself while supervising the construction of the Great Wall in the north. All this happened in secret. It can be said to be a national secret. Only Zhao Gao, Li Si and Hu Hai knew the inside story. It was kept secret and it was impossible for Chen Sheng and Wu Guang to know.

20. Hu Hai revealed that it was impossible. Zhao Gao II was the pioneer

Just one year later, the news of Fusu's suicide was still a state secret. Why did Chen Sheng and Wu Guang, two low-level officials of the Qin Dynasty, know about it? And they even made a fuss about Fusu's suicide. A banner for revenge. Someone within the Qin Dynasty must have supported the Dazexiang uprising, which explains why Chen Sheng and Wu Guang dared to raise troops with only 900 troops around them. Only three people knew the inside story. Who supported Chen Sheng and Wu Guang? I think that as the emperor of the empire, Hu Hai was naturally unwilling to make his scandal known to the world. As the vanguard of framing Fusu, Zhao Gao personally participated in the murder of the young master Fusu. He was psychologically unwilling to expose his own scandal.

21. Li Si’s son Li You was acquainted with Chen Sheng and others

I think the answer is imminent. Prime Minister Li Si, who was coerced into participating in the forgery of the edict, was most likely the supporter behind Chen Sheng and Wu Guang. When the Chen Sheng and Wu Guang uprising was in full swing, Zhao Gao sent an investigation report to Hu Hai.. It mentioned: "Li You, the eldest son of the Prime Minister, was the guard of Sanchuan, and the Chu bandits Chen Sheng and others were all sons of the Prime Minister Bianxian County. Therefore, the Chu bandits passed through Sanchuan, but the city guard refused to attack." Zhao Gao mentioned in the memorial that the Prime Minister Li Si's son Li You met Chen Sheng and others.

22. Power is overwhelming, and Li Si has no say.

I think some people say that this is a fabricated charge made by Zhao Gao to frame Li Si, but judging from various circumstances, this is very likely to be true. It was Prime Minister Li Si who impulsively agreed to work with Zhao Gao to help Hu Hai ascend the throne. But after Hu Hai ascended the throne, he did evil things and killed more than a dozen of his brothers and sisters. He was simply worse than a beast. Li Si woke up with a start. He thought that he had made a big mistake and he had to correct it. At this time, Zhao Gao regarded a deer as a horse and had all the power in the government. Li Si had no say and could only solve the problem from the outside.

23. Raising the banner of Fusu and learning that Fusu has been killed

I think that in the face of Zhao Gao pressing harder and harder, he wants to murder himself. Li Si most likely contacted Chen Sheng and others through his son Li You, asking them to wait for an opportunity to launch an uprising and relieve themselves from the predicament they were in. Chen Sheng and Wu Guang, because of Li You's favor, were willing to work for him and agreed to Li You's request. This also explains the reason why Chen Sheng and Wu Guang launched the Dazexiang uprising even though they knew that they were not guilty due to the weather delay and only had 900 civilians around them.Chen Sheng and Wu Guang also learned about Fusu's murder from Li Si.

24. The uprising army started a prairie fire, and Li Si and his son were cut in half.

Qin II and Hu Hai implemented tyranny, and the world suffered for a long time. trend. It is a pity that Li Si will never see the tragic ending of Hu Hai and Zhao Gao again. One year after the Daze Township Uprising, Li Si and his son were cut in half in Xianyang because of Zhao Gao's frame-up, and the three clans were wiped out. I think there are still many doubts about the Dazexiang Uprising, but its historical contribution cannot be denied. This uprising was the first peasant uprising in Chinese history and dealt a heavy blow to the brutal rule of the Qin Dynasty.

25. The people are like water kings and boats. Water can carry and overturn boats.

To sum up, no matter what the reasons were, Chen Sheng and Wu Guang set a precedent by launching the peasant uprising. I believe that any feudal ruler should treat his own people well, otherwise the people can launch an uprising and overthrow the rule of the feudal emperor. Since the Dazexiang Uprising, the feudal monarchs have reached a consensus that the people are water and the monarch is the boat. Water can carry the boat or capsize it.