For example, this family photo is displayed in the Peasant Movement Memorial Hall in Weinan City, Shaanxi Province. Although it is slightly yellowed, the characters in the photo are clearly visible: everyone in the photo is not smiling at all and looks worried. It was heavy, espe

For some time, there has been a trend of posting old photos on the Internet. Netizens have posted photos of their parents when they were young on social platforms. These photos are amazing and tender, and they record the past in the form of freeze-frame pictures. of good times.

But the stories behind some photos are not only heartwarming, but also a bit heavy. For example, this family photo is displayed in the Peasant Movement Memorial Hall in Weinan City, Shaanxi Province. Although it is slightly yellowed, the people in the photo are clearly visible:

Everyone in the photo is not smiling at all. It looks like He was very preoccupied, especially the man sitting on the chair, who looked weak and weak, with his eyes not opened. The wife behind him was holding the child in her arms, leaning slightly towards her husband, and her whole body seemed to be straining. So why is this photo displayed here? What's the story behind it?

It turns out that the male protagonist in the photo is named Wen Jihou. When this photo was taken, he was no longer alive, so he was in such a strange state. He was born in the late Qing Dynasty. He was a young master from a wealthy family. He lived a comfortable life and received a good education since childhood. This was undoubtedly a lucky thing in the troubled times at that time. It was especially lucky that he met An outstanding gentleman - Shi Bizhi.

He is not only knowledgeable and upright, but more importantly, he has a patriotic enthusiasm and is one of the first aspiring young people to join the Communist Party. Under Shi Bizhi's enlightenment, Wen Jihou not only studied hard and read all kinds of books, but also the red seeds took root in his young heart.

Later, he left his hometown to study and joined the Communist Party during this period. In 1926, 23-year-old Wen Jihou accepted the organization's appointment and returned to his hometown to infiltrate the peasant masses and carry out revolutionary propaganda. In order to conceal his identity, he decided to become the principal of Willow Creek Elementary School where he once attended.

He couldn't wait to return home, wanting to have a chat with his old principal Shi Bizhi and discuss matters related to revolutionary activities. However, he did not expect that what greeted him was the cold corpse of Mr. Shi Bizhi.

It turns out that there was a local warlord named Liu Zhenhua, who was a famous bully. He was ruthless, oppressed the people, ran rampant, and committed all kinds of evil. All local farmers lived in fear under his tyrannical power. Shi BiZhi was deeply disgusted by what he had done, took the lead in resisting his oppression, and reported his evil deeds to his superiors.

Liu Zhenhua carried out an almost crazy retaliation against Shi Bizhi. He not only tortured him to the point of becoming inhuman, but also threw his body on the street, in order to scare the monkeys and tell the people the consequences of going against him. Although the local people sympathized with Shi Bizhi's experience, no one dared to collect Mr. Shi's body because they were afraid of the bully.

With great grief and indignation, Wen Jihou collected Mr. Shi's body and buried it. At Mr. Shi's funeral, he gave revolutionary propaganda to the people in a passionate and passionate manner, letting them know that only when we poor people unite and resist oppression can we live a good life.

Under his organization, the Peasants' Association was established, the peasant movement exploded with great power, corrupt officials were punished, the peasant movement ushered in victory after victory, and the poor people saw the hope of life.

With the unprecedented development of the peasant movement, the local landlords and gentry had already regarded Wen Jihou as a thorn in their flesh. In addition, this was a period when the contradiction between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party was intensifying, so the gentry reported Wen Jihou to the Kuomintang. Once when he was organizing a meeting for the people, he was arrested by the Kuomintang who suddenly broke in.

In order to obtain revolutionary information, the Kuomintang subjected him to harsh criminal laws, but despite the torture, Wen Jihou did not reveal a word. Seeing that he was of no use, the Kuomintang decided to execute him.

In 1927, Wen Jihou died heroically at the age of 25. Before his death, he was still raising his arms and shouting to speak out for the revolution. Relatives and friends took the risk to send his body back home. When his wife Cao Wen saw her husband's body, she almost fainted. The two have always had a good relationship as husband and wife. Although Cao Wen knew that what her husband was doing was dangerous, she always supported her silently and took care of the housework so that her husband would have no worries. However, she never expected that her husband would really say goodbye forever.

Under the comfort of her family, Ms. Cao Wen reluctantly cheered up. Because their child was still in infancy, she did not want her child to not know what his father looked like when he grew up, so she asked relatives and friends to take a family photo for them. The husband wiped off the blood, put on his clothes, helped him sit down, and supported the husband with his body. The photographer pressed the shutter, and the moment was frozen forever.

This story and this photo still make people feel extremely moved today. It is precisely because of countless such martyrs that our great motherland can stand tall in the east of the world. Their stories are worth remembering forever. I believe they will see Nowadays, people will be happy to see that they are living and working in peace and contentment.