In 1950, He Long led the Southwest People's Liberation Army to Shifang, Sichuan to quell the rebellion of the "Chinese Kuomintang Anti-Communist National Salvation Army" established by Zhao Hongwenguo. In March of the same year, Zhao Hongwenguo's troops were wiped out one after a

In 1950, He Long led the Southwest People's Liberation Army to Shifang, Sichuan to quell the rebellion of the "Chinese Kuomintang Anti-Communist National Salvation Army" established by Zhao Hongwenguo .

In March of the same year, Zhao Hongwenguo's troops were wiped out one after another, and she herself was trapped in the home of a local farmer.

After the situation was reported to Chairman Mao, the Chairman said to the people around him:

Picture | Zhao Hongwenguo

"This old lady Zhao Hongwenguo is really stubborn and must be shot!"

On July 4, 1950, the People's Liberation Army read out the instructions issued by Chairman Mao :

"Zhao Hongwenguo must be shot immediately, and her family members who have no major faults must be released."

71-year-old Zhao Hongwenguo was shot at the public sentencing meeting in Shifang, Sichuan. The local people called Chairman Gao Ming.

Who is Zhao Hongwenguo, and why did he end up like this even though he is over 70 years old?

1. Actively Promote Anti-Japanese

Zhao Hongwenguo is from Xiuyan County, Liaoning Province. He is illiterate and can only write his own name.

After Japan invaded the Korean Peninsula, it extended its claws to Northeast China.

Zhao Hongwenguo's family's land was not spared, and was all occupied by the Japanese invaders. Not only that, they often robbed homes and homes, making the villagers uneasy. This ignited the flame of revenge against the Japanese invaders.

She mobilized the villagers to organize joint defense, built bunkers, paid for firearms, and sent her eldest son Zhao Tong to the Mudanjiang Police Station to become a police officer.

In 1931, the Japanese invaders no longer concealed their aggression. They led their troops to occupy most of the land in Northeast my country.

Deng Tiemei, chief of the Mudanjiang Police Department, spontaneously established the "Northeast People's Self-Defense Force".

Zhao Hongwenguo led the villagers to provide food, ammunition and other materials for the self-defense army. He and his second son Zhao Zhong, daughter Zhao Liyong and some villagers formed an anti-Japanese guerrilla army, using their family's savings for many years as funding. After the eldest son Zhao Tong returned to his hometown, he was elected as the guerrilla leader by the villagers because he had worked as a policeman.

Soon, they were targeted by the Japanese invaders and had to move to Yu County in the Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei Border Region. Zhao Tong stayed to continue the fight against the Japanese.

After arriving in the relatively stable Yu County, she thought she could live a relatively peaceful life for a few days. Unexpectedly, the flames of the Japanese invasion burned here like wildfire, and she was forced to continue fleeing with her family.

One day, Zhao Hongwenguo held a family meeting and told his husband and children:

"Unless the Japanese invaders are driven out of China, we Chinese, no matter who we are, will never want to live a good life."

The husband and children nodded. agree.

Then she said to her husband:

"Our hometown in the Northeast has been invaded. Now except for you and me, there seems to be nothing left to lose! Our eldest son is fighting to the death with the Japanese in our hometown. I think Organizing people to fight against Japan."

The husband said: "Just you and I are useless! At most, we have to gather the villagers together." "

" That's what I thought!"

So, Zhao Hongwenguo took his family and went from house to house to publicize the bad behavior of the Japanese invaders and the miserable current situation of the people in Northeast China.

Finally, she raised her arms and shouted:

"Down with Japanese imperialism! Give me back the great land of Northeast China!"

The crowd was furious, and they all asked to join Zhao Hongwenguo's team.

One day, Zhao Hongwenguo and several team members were promoting anti-Japanese resistance in a village, and it happened that the Japanese army entered the village for raids. Seeing that she was outnumbered, she could only avoid its sharp edge and hide in the haystacks by the roadside. The Japanese army found her. They were not interested in such an old woman who had difficulty walking, so they left without paying any attention to her.

When the villagers learned about it, they ridiculed her:

"You are just an old woman who boasts about your bullshit. Do you know what war is?"

Picture | Old Woman with Two Guns

Zhao Hongwenguo ignored them and continued his anti-Japanese activities.

In the evening, she led the villagers to run outside the town. There was a glimmer of light next to a small hill, and then three Japanese sentries on horseback ran over.

Without saying a word, she took out two Mauser pistols from under her waist skirt and killed the two sentries in front with three strokes. The third one sped up and ran away when he heard the gunfire. (Because of these iconic double guns, she was later promoted as the " double gun old woman ")

saw her superb marksmanship, and the villagers were so impressed that more than 200 villagers in the town joined her team.

After her eldest son Zhao Tong's guerrillas entered the mountains of Shandong, there was a shortage of weapons and ammunition. In order to raise funds for her son, she took a train to Wuhan.

In Wuhan, she saw that the Kuomintang officials were still living and drinking and ignoring the people's misery. She roared:

"They must know how the frontline soldiers died, and they don't need anyone to tell them again in their ears. But In vast rural areas, there are still many people who don't know these things. Why can these officials lie in luxurious houses and be cared for by servants? Don't they have the heart? "

Because of Zhao Hongwenguo's deeds, he has been criticized by various people. Newspapers rushed to report. After she arrived in Wuhan, she was warmly welcomed by people who were actively fighting the war.

In July 1937, Guo Moruo , who worked in the Political Department of the Military Commission of the Nationalist Government, arranged for her to meet with the Japanese anti-war writer Midorikawa Eiko .

She said to Midorikawa Eiko:

"In the past, I didn't dare to watch my husband kill chickens, but under your aggression, I was tempered into an old woman with two guns, capable of leading troops and fighting... China and Japan are Neighboring countries should live in harmony and should not bully the Chinese.

I hope you go back and tell your officers that bullying people like this is wrong and will be punished by God... My child, you must remember that China has not been invaded for five thousand years. Defeat us because we have strong perseverance.

Although we do not have aircraft or cannons, we have kitchen knives, sickles, and hatchets. Even if we fight until only one person is left, we will never give up driving you from our land. ..."

Midorikawa Eiko praised Zhao Hongwenguo in the article:

"She is an admirable Chinese grandmother. The reason why China has not been defeated by militarism is because there are countless great mothers like her standing behind her, who silently Their children were sent to the battlefield, so China will not be destroyed and Japanese militarism will not succeed!"

On August 17, 1938, " Xinhua Daily " interviewed Zhao Hongwenguo.

She told reporters:

"The scenes I saw in Wuhan in the past two days made me very sad, mentally. Yesterday I met a woman on the ship. She said she wanted to escape to Hunan or Guizhou. I don’t think this person knows that if the country is gone, there is no point in running away? The country will be destroyed, and some people are still thinking about themselves. I hope everyone can get ready and mobilize, and if one more person helps, we will. I can kill one more Japanese.”

In 1939, Tao Xingzhi invited Zhao Hongwenguo to speak out in Sanxia Township, Jialing River, and promote the military recruitment campaign.

html On April 3, Zhao Hongwenguo was eloquent at the welcome meeting to welcome her, recounting her deeds of organizing guerrillas and leading them to carry out anti-Japanese activities. When talking about the issue of conscription, she said:

"I know that every parent does not want their children to go to the battlefield, and they all want to protect their children by their side, but is it useful? It is useless! The Japanese planes and cannons have no eyesight. Yes, many people were trampled to death when they heard the air raid siren. Why can't they go to the front line and fight with the Japanese to have a more meaningful death? "

Picture | Tao Xingzhi

Tao Xingzhi wrote in his "Tao Xingzhi's Diary":

"There are more than 45 million old ladies in China. If everyone has the spirit of Mrs. Zhao, China will not perish!"

2. Join Chiang Kai-shek

Zhao Tong is the pride of Zhao Hongwenguo. He joined the "Northeast People's Self-Defense Force" as early as after the "918" incident broke out. After entering the customs, he joined the Eighth Route Army. On the battlefield, he was indeed brave and accomplished many great achievements.

But Zhao Tong was very arrogant and high-spirited. He always wanted to break away from the control of the Eighth Route Army Central Committee and had an ambiguous relationship with the Kuomintang. The Central Committee gave him work many times, but he did not repent.

Once, Zhao Tong's fifth detachment escaped collectively, and the captain was persuaded to come back. He wanted to go back and chase the team members back, but he was beaten to death by them on the way.

In 1939, Zhao Tong took these dozen people to Chongqing, the then capital of the Kuomintang. The Kuomintang finally found a core figure who was loyal to them, so naturally they wanted to package him in a big way and publish his anti-Japanese deeds behind enemy lines in newspapers and on the radio.

Finally, the topic changed, saying that he was marginalized within the Eighth Route Army and could not fight independently and could not display his talents, so he defected to the Kuomintang...

Chiang Kai-shek was very interested in Zhao Tong and appointed him as the commander-in-chief of the "National Anti-Japanese Army". Equipped with a radio, confidential personnel, and American weapons, he was allowed to return to North China to contain the Eighth Route Army and destroy the Communist Party's base areas behind enemy lines.

After this group of people sneaked back to North China, somewhere north of Shijiazhuang, they met the 120th Division led by He Long returning from Hebei to Shanxi. Zhao Tong relied on the American weapons given to him by Chiang Kai-shek to sneak attack the vanguard of the 120th Division.

Of course He Long would not give him a good harvest. He ordered his troops to fight back and wiped out Zhao Tong and his troops effortlessly.

After the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, in order to cooperate with the civil war, Chiang Kai-shek told Zhao Hongwenguo about the incident and provoked her relationship with the Communist Party. She did fall into Chiang Kai-shek's trap. Chiang Kai-shek struck while the iron was hot and appointed her "Commander of Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei Suppression of Communists." When

came to Shanxi, she continued to use the propaganda offensive she was good at, and used the money given to her by Chiang Kai-shek to recruit a large number of stragglers and old Kuomintang troops who opposed the Communist Party, and wreaked havoc on the new regime established by the Communist Party in the Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei border area.

At this time, the People's Liberation Army was overwhelming and defeated the Kuomintang troops steadily. Chiang Kai-shek's rule collapsed. Naturally, the troops originally attached to him fled east and west, including Zhao Hongwenguo's "communist suppression troops."

The Communist Party sent people to discuss the uprising with her many times, and persuaded her to maintain her heroic image during the Anti-Japanese War and return to the right path.

But she had a stubborn mind and cursed the Communist Party's capitulation officers:

"Stop sowing discord here, the Communist Party's way is clear to us!"

In 1949, she followed the remnants of the 16th Corps of the Kuomintang and fled to Sichuan, hoping to imitate Liu Bei expanded his forces in Bashu to counterattack the Central Plains.

Before Chiang Kai-shek retreated to Taiwan, he sent her a handwriting:

"I wish Mr. Zhao to make new achievements and carry forward the guerrilla spirit."

She proclaimed herself the "Presidential Mansion Remainer" in Chongqing, and later the "anti-communist commander" ".

At that time, the commander of the 16th Corps, Dong Songheng, saw that the situation was not good for him, and said to Zhao Hongguowen:

"Old Zhao, the Communist army has arrived at the city. We have no way out, why not rise up?"

Zhao Hongguowen reprimanded:

"Chairman of the Committee" How could I abandon him as if he were my parents again?"

Dong Songheng had no choice but to lead his troops back to the base Shifang.

After the People's Liberation Army advanced into Sichuan, they sent people to persuade her to surrender. She insisted on going her own way and was willing to fall into the trap of becoming a bandit.

After the Sixteenth Corps was incorporated by the People's Liberation Army, she had no choice but to flee into the mountains and forests.

3. Threats to the New Regime

Picture | Chiang Kai-shek

Chiang Kai-shek, who was defeated in Taiwan, never gave up the idea of ​​"counterattacking the mainland". He uses radio and broadcast "remote control" to direct the activities of secret agents lurking in the mainland.

Zhao Hongwenguo volunteered to become his pawn and distributed "Old Mrs. Zhao's Letter to the Elders and Compatriots of Sichuan" in Sanjiagou, Tiantai Mountain where she hid. The article cursed the principles, policies and main leaders of the Communist Party, and imagined that American allies would help Chiang Kai-shek to launch a counterattack.

On December 27, 1949, Chengdu was peacefully liberated.

More than a month later, a riot broke out in Longtan Temple in Chengdu, and bandits in western Sichuan responded.

Zhao Hongwenguo believed that the time had come. As a high-ranking official personally appointed by Chiang Kai-shek, she arbitrarily appointed officials to the bandits who came to seek refuge. At least 100 people claimed to be "commanders" under Mrs. Zhao.

They were entrenched in the Hongbaichang area of ​​Sanhe Township, Shifang County, and occupied the mountain as king. They attempted to use this area as a base to establish an anti-communist base and incited the Yunxi Uprising Army's 124th Division and 302nd Division to rebel.

In February 1950, Zhao Hongwenguo successfully instigated a rebellion against the 302nd Division of the 16th Corps. He publicly raised the "anti-communist" flag in the Red and White Square and posted anti-communist slogans:

"Welcome Mrs. Zhao, the mother of the guerrillas!", "Welcome the Commander-in-Chief of the Anti-Communist National Salvation Army" Mrs. Zhao!", "Determine to drive the Communist bandits out of Sichuan!"...

Zhao Hongwenguo's "Anti-Communist General Headquarters" is located inside the Qitian Palace in the Red and White Square. The headquarters established an assault corps, consisting of one guard battalion and four brigades. On the day of its establishment, Zhao Hongguo personally appointed the captains of each brigade.

They wreaked havoc in the border area of ​​Shifang County and captured several district offices .

Zhao Hongwenguo's men killed more than 20 farmers' association workers and directed the killing of more than 10 grain collection team members.

She held two guns and walked on the road arrogantly, shouting:

"Folks, get up and defend the fruits of the victory of the Anti-Japanese War. Don't let it be snatched away by the communist bandits. ... Drive away the communist bandits and give us back our democracy. Strengthen our Chinese nation..." After the

302 division was instigated by Zhao Hongwen to rebel, regiment leader Jia Shaoyi and chief of staff Liu Jinsheng forced division commander Zhang Ziwan to go up the mountain to surrender to the bandits at gunpoint. Zhang Ziwan objected and escaped quietly with the guard. The guard was shot and killed by Jia Shaoyi to cover his escape. Zhang Ziwan successfully returned to Shifang County.

The rebels then took more than a dozen military representatives sent by the People's Liberation Army to Sangzaoyuan and shot them collectively. Among them, after military representative Zhang Luping was shot to death by the rebels, his body was dragged to a septic tank and chopped into several pieces with a knife.

Deputy representative Chen Wengao was tied to a stone pillar at the entrance of the ancient temple. They pointed a gun at his head and forced him to surrender. Chen Wengao shouted:

Picture | Chairman Mao

"Long live Chairman Mao! Long live the People's Republic of China! "

The gangster became angry and stabbed his head with a bayonet. He died a heroic death.

Mingmen Guoliang of the Western Sichuan Military Region commanded the three divisions of Mao (County), Wen (Jiang) and Mian (Yang) to jointly suppress the bandits. Zhao Hongwenguo fled to the mountainous area at the junction of Maoxian, Shifang and Pengxian counties to continue causing chaos.

After a clearing operation from January 27 to February 24, Zhao Hongwenguo's headquarters was destroyed, more than 1,000 bandits were killed or injured, and more than 3,000 were captured. Unfortunately, Zhao Hongwenguo took advantage of the chaos and escaped.

Later, the suppression troops learned from the captured bandits that Zhao Hongwenguo had fled to Hongmiaozi.

Zhao Hongwenguo had strong anti-reconnaissance capabilities. He fled into the home of a villager named Yu and lured him with money to provide him with a hiding place. The villager surnamed Yu had no choice but to take her to the ditch of his own water lane.

Except for the rising water, there is basically no water in Shuixiang ditch. Zhao Hongwenguo, who was hiding inside, has not been discovered by the searchers for the time being. But the People's Liberation Army did not give up easily. They believed that Zhao Hongwenguo must not have run far because he was old and had difficulty walking.

Therefore, they blocked all intersections leading to the outside and launched a carpet search. At the same time, they mobilized the masses and actively listened to information from all parties.

html On March 2, He Jianji, company commander of Hongmiao Township, went to Hongbai Temple to record the casualties. He saw a medical box in the house of a villager named Yu, which contained several photos of Zhao Hongwenguo. He immediately became suspicious of the villager. He Jianji Orders were ordered to surround his home and interrogate him.

When the villager surnamed Yu was speaking, he did not dare to look directly at He Jianji and spoke stumblingly:

"It's... I picked it up from... the street."

As soon as he finished speaking, he pushed back the previous words:

"Someone else... threw it here. "Yeah! I don't know..."

He Jianji didn't want to talk nonsense with him, so he asked people to keep an eye on him and led the soldiers to conduct a detailed search. No one was found in the housing area, and finally He Jianji focused on a high-rise building isolated in the courtyard. There is no ladder in the tall building, so it is impossible to go up.

He Jianji asked the soldiers to borrow a long ladder from another house and groped along the roofs of nearby villagers to enter. In this dark tall building, they found an old woman in her 70s. She had a white cloth covering her head and was wearing the same clothes as the villagers. She was still covered with a quilt and looked tired. When she saw the soldiers coming up, she remained silent.

He Jianji took out the photos for comparison and confirmed that she was the gangster Zhao Hongwenguo.

He asked:

"You are Zhao Hongwenguo, right?"

Picture | Zhao Hongwenguo

Zhao Hongwenguo was speechless and could only admit it.

She knew that He Jianji once belonged to the 16th Corps of the Kuomintang, but she still wanted to make a last-ditch struggle:

"Sir, since we were once in the same camp, just let me go! I will tell you all the treasures I have hidden in my pocket!"

He Jianji He said righteously:

"Don't try to bribe me with money, there is no way!"

Zhao Hongwenguo saw that he would not accept this trick, so he simply gave up:

"I will never go with you unless you shoot me now. , take my body to claim credit."

He Jianji had no choice but to put down his previous attitude:

"Okay, I'll help you leave here secretly." After that, he asked Zhao Hongwenguo to put on plain clothes and pretend to take her away.

They took her away from the Red and White Temple that night to the Mianzhu County People's Government, and then turned her to the Corps headquarters.

A few days later, the Corps sent her to Chengdu in a dozen trucks to be placed under house arrest.

After Zhao Hongwenguo was captured, the Communist Party still tried to influence her.

The chief personally ordered:

"First, we must ensure her normal life and give her as preferential treatment as possible; Second, we must send someone to monitor her 24 hours a day to prevent her from committing suicide; Third, we must do ideological work for her and persuade her son She and the gangsters gave up resistance and surrendered immediately. "

She was placed in a courtyard surrounded by walls. Except for the soldiers guarding the door, she could walk back and forth in all the rooms in the courtyard.

In order to take care of her emotions, the army selected several strong-minded and well-spoken female comrades to live with her, taking turns to do ideological work for her and take care of her daily life.

At first, she didn't say a word, and the rice served to her didn't move at all. Gradually, she will take the initiative to ask for food when she is hungry. The comrades responsible for taking care of her basically responded to her requests and let the kitchen cook whatever she wanted.

He also brought her newspapers and Chairman Mao's quotations, but she put them aside and said:

"Don't even think about using such books to corrupt my mind. You are daydreaming!" Work and explain the principles and policies of the Communist Party to her:

"The People's Liberation Army is the people's political power. Chiang Kai-shek has blinded your mind and tried to make you his martyr. There is no need for you to collude with him and ask your sons to surrender to the people's political power." ! This will keep them safe. You don't want them to be shot by the People's Liberation Army!"

Zhao Hongwenguo said: "I want to see Commander He Long. "

"What conditions do you have to agree to?"

"First, give each of my troops on the mountain a pair of shoes; second, give my troops a territory; third, let me go back and manage them."

Comrade Han Caiyun said:

"First, third We can still consider the second one. Don’t even think about the third one. I’ll give you three days to write to the bandits on the mountain asking them to surrender.”

Zhao Hongwenguo was stubborn and didn’t write a word after three days.

html On March 29, the People's Liberation Army captured her son Zhao Lianzhong alive, and all her men were wiped out.

During the court trial, she said that if she could get out, she would open a clothing processing factory and ask the Communist Party to be a political commissar. While awaiting sentencing in prison, he also tried to curry favor with the guarding soldiers by "promoting his official position."

She did not want to be shot, but the local people were so excited that they wrote to Chairman Mao, petitioning for her to be shot, especially the people whose relatives she had brutally killed.

Picture | Chairman Mao

After receiving the petition, Chairman Mao personally ordered:

"Zhao Hongwenguo must be shot immediately, but her family members must be treated kindly, and all her family members who have no major faults must be released."

html July 4 , Zhao Hongguowen was taken to Shifang County Public Sentencing Assembly for execution at the age of 71.

Picture | Zhao Hongwenguo was taken to the execution ground

The local people cheered and shouted:

"Chairman Mao is brilliant!"

Facts have proved that if you are on the opposite side of the people, no matter how much you have contributed before, if you still persist in your stubbornness, you will eventually be judged by the people. .

According to statistics, during her rebellion, she killed more than 300 people from the People's Liberation Army, government workers and people who were unwilling to join her, burned more than 200 houses, and robbed countless people of food.