Xu Beihong, a master of traditional Chinese painting, has reached the pinnacle of art attainments. His paintings of horses can be said to be priceless. But when he was young and in the old era, he encountered an arranged marriage. But he couldn't bear it because of his progressiv

Master of Chinese painting Xu Beihong , his attainments in art have reached the pinnacle. The horses he painted can be said to be hard to find. But when he was young and in the old era, he encountered an arranged marriage. But he couldn't bear it because of his progressive thinking. Unexpectedly, all the names he gave his child came true.

Loveless Marriage

Xu Beihong's character is the same as the couplet hanging in his studio, "prejudiced and determined". This kind of character also shaped his attitude towards some issues. For example, your own marriage.

Xu Beihong's thoughts at that time were progressive, and he was naturally firmly opposed to arranged marriages. But in that era, this was often the fate of most people. Xu Beihong was no exception. His father found him a wife who could be said to be a model at the time. In order to refuse the marriage, Xu Beihong ran away from home. But he was eventually caught. Faced with his parents' request, Xu Beihong had no choice but to agree. But he has never been happy with this marriage in his heart.

A year after the two got married, his son was born. But all the unhappiness in his heart was reflected in this child. He named his son Jie Sheng to express that he was born in a calamity. A particularly unpleasant name.

His wife is pathetic. Facing such a husband, I can only lament that she was born at the wrong time. The son is also pitiful. He has not seen his father a few times since he was a child, and he has not felt a trace of father's love. But a turning point came when I was 4 years old. When Xu Beihong went home occasionally, he saw that his son had some talent in painting, which made Xu Beihong pay some attention to the child. Later, it was renamed Jisheng.

But this belated father's love did not last long. Although I have begun to pay more attention to my son and teach him some painting skills, I also plan to take my son with me after I have achieved certain results in my study of traditional Chinese painting. But the son of Jie Sheng, just like his name, suffered a great calamity in his life. When he was seven years old, he contracted smallpox.

With the medical conditions at that time, it was almost impossible for a child to be cured of such a disease. In the end, my son unfortunately passed away. The wife couldn't bear her son's departure and passed away soon after. In an unfortunate arranged marriage, no one is happy.

At this time, Xu Beihong was not with his seriously ill son. He was in love with Jiang Biwei .

Xu Beihong's free love

When Xu Beihong was studying in Shanghai, he met Jiang Tangzhen . The two also fell in love with each other and established a romantic relationship. Jiang Tangzhen was actually arranged by her family to have an arranged marriage, but she did not accept it and ran away with Xu Beihong. First I went to Japan, and then I studied in France. Although Xu Beihong was already married, he never understood how to be a good husband, how to deal with a love relationship, and he never understood what a husband's responsibility was.

In the early days of their relationship, Xu Beihong and Jiang Tangzhen naturally fell in love with each other and changed Jiang Tangzhen's name to Jiang Biwei. But the love between the two people was eventually defeated by the trivialities of life. Xu Beihong, who was focused on his career, did not pay much attention to Jiang Biwei when he and Jiang Biwei were in France. This naturally made Jiang Biwei unhappy. Xu Beihong couldn't stand Jiang Biwei's love for all kinds of strange clothes in romantic France. In the end, their marriage ended hastily.

Xu Beihong, a master of painting, finally passed away forever at the age of 58. The most pitiful thing is that son's short life. When he was born, he was not loved by his father. When things changed, he had no choice but to be tricked by God and cause him to die young. It can be described as a calamity of life and death.